Leicester's premier (some might prefer the term 'only') Epic:Armageddon tournament is back for 2019!
Tickets will be £20 including lunch (as with previous years it will most likely be subway platters, if attending please contact me if you require vegetarian options or wish to special order something) payment via paypal to:
sholyoake 'at' gmail 'dot' com
(please submit lists to the same address by 5pm on April 20th)
For anyone who can drag an EpicUK virgin along, I'm offering tickets at £15 for newcomers, there are also multiple fully-painted armies available to loan out if people are interested but without miniatures of their own
The venue remains the same, the home of the Leicester Phat Catz club, the address is:
Ukranian Church,
Livingstone Street,
There is a very cheap car park (less than £2 a day) just down the road as well as limited onstreet parking around the venue itself
If anyone wants to bring some extra terrain along, it's always more than welcome
The event will be the standard 3x3k games using the lists, rules and scoring system found on the EpicUK website (
Schedule for the day:
09:00 - arrival + registration
09:30 - 12:00 - Game 1
12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch
13:00 - 15:30 - Game 2
15:45 - 18:15 - Game 3
18:15 - 18:30 - Results and Prizes (and clearing up)
As usual there will be prizes for 1st-3rd place, Best painted (players and judges) most sporting, and a consolation prize for the player finishing last
Last year we had 18, the year before we had 20, you can help reverse this worrying downward trend in attendance by booking your tickets NOW! places are NOT limited but eventually we're going to run out of scenery....
let's make this the tournament that was so popular it ran out of terrain.... only in a good way!
List of Entrants
1. Kyussinchains -PAID + LIST
2. Matthew Robinson - PAID + LIST
3. Stephanie Burton - PAID + LIST
4. Richard Laking - PAID + LIST
5. Matthew Arnold - PAID + LIST
6. Mike Salwey
7. Steve Gullick - PAID + LIST
8. Dave Thomas - LIST
9. Mike Thomas - PAID + LIST
10. Darren Reeks - PAID + LIST
11. Horatio Coles-Abell - PAID + LIST
12. Duncan Riddell - PAID
13. Apoc - PAID + LIST
14. Steve Cole - PAID + LIST
15. Dan Wilson - PAID + LIST
16. Beza - PAID + LIST
17. Mark Webster - PAID + LIST
18. James H - PAID + LIST
19. Gerry Jamieson - PAID + LIST