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Points Formula Rules

 Post subject: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:04 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 6:50 pm
Posts: 1543
Adjusted Unit costs system [Base system by Primarch, tweaked by Magnus.] V0.43

The total cost of a model is made up from several factors, each based on a basic stat of the model. These stats are:

A: Model Type (the Pinning Class of the model)
B: Movement (how fast the model can move modified by how it interacts with terrain)
C: Armor Save (how resistant the unit is to taking damage)
D: Close Assault Factor: CAF (how good the unit is in Close Combat)
E: Ranged Weapons (shooting foes)
F: Special Abilities (any other Special Ability not already taken into account above)
G: Morale and Command radius / Orders restrictions (see second post)
H: Break Point (see second post)

Calculated costs for each of these stats are added together to determine the final cost of the unit. No rounding of values takes place until the final value for the Formation is determined and then only to the nearest whole number.

A: Model Type

The basic cost of a model is determined by it's type. This is the same thing as it's Pinning Class for NetEpic Gold, and these categories are:

1. Infantry & Light Artillery
2. Cavalry & Walkers
3. Vehicle & Heavy Artillery (includes most Flyers, except any that specify otherwise)
4. Super Heavy & Knights
5. Praetorians & Titans

The cost for each level is that level's number. Thus Model Type costs are:

Infantry & Light Artillery: 1
Cavalry & Walkers: 2
Vehicle & Heavy Artillery: 3
Super Heavy & Knight: 4
Praetorian & Titan: 5

B: Movement

Movement cost consists of three factors. Terrain Access, Movement rate, and Move type. Once the values for each of these is determined, they are multiplied together.

_ Terrain Access

Terrain Access rates how well that model interacts with the terrain on the battlefield, based on the Movement Restrictions chart on page 30 of the Core Rules. In that chart, each green box is valued as +0.5, each yellow as +0.25, and each red box as 0. One "imaginary box" is added to each Model Type to simulate "normal" terrain and this is considered green for all types.

Infantry & Light Artillery: 2.75 (4 Green, 3 Yellow, 1 Red)
Cavalry, Walker, & Knight: 2 (2 Green, 4 Yellow, 2 Red)
Vehicle & SH, Heavy Artillery: 1.75 (2 Green, 3 Yellow, 3 Red)
Titans & Praetorians: 3 (6 Green, 0 Yellow, 2 Red)

Barricade, Trench, & Minefield are counted as one box. Same with Light & Standard Building and Fortification.

_ Movement rate.

Take the Move of the unit in cm and divide by 5. To put that another way, this value is 1 point per 5cm of Move.

_ Movement Type

The manner in which the unit interacts with the terrain it travels over is important. Most units use wheels, tracks, legs, or some combination thereof. All units have a base Move Type value of 1. The value is then multiplied by any modifiers.

_ Modifiers:
.Jump: 1.25
.Skimmer (no pop-up): 1.25
.Skimmer: 1.5
.Support Craft: 1.75
.Flyer: 2
.Floater: 2
.Agile: 2
.Tunneler: 1.5
.Command: 2
.if winning, 3x Move: 2 (Khorne Berserkers)
.always on Charge Orders: 1.5 (Khorne Berserkers)
.does not double Move on Charge: 0.5 (Obliterators, many Super Heavy)

C: Armor Save

The Armor Save value is represented by the number of higher on 1d6 that the Unit needs to roll in order to not take damage from a successful attack on it. The value of this factor is the number of points of such Save multiplied by 3 for a normal Save or by 6 for a Fixed Save. If the unit has both a normal and a Fixed save, add the values together. As examples, a Save listed as "6+" would have a value of 3; a Save listed as "4+" would be 9; a Save listed as "4+/Fixed 6+" would be 15 (9 for the normal, and 6 for the Fixed). The value is then multiplied by any modifiers. If a model with no Save has Wounds, then the value for this factor is half the number of Wounds multiplied by 3.

_ Modifiers:
.All-Around Armor: 2
.Heavy Side armor: 1.5
.Super Heavy: 1.5
.Imperial Knight Shield: 1.25
.Wounds: 1 per Wound (IE 2 Wounds is *2, 4 Wounds is *4, etc)
.gains additional Save at save rating from one side: +0.5 (*1.5) if Front, +0.25 (*1.25) for Rear or Side, +1 (*2) if all sides

.modified Titan Head: -3 (subtract 3 from the total as the Head's Armor value is reduced by 1. This is not a multiplier)


The CAF is added to the unit's roll in Close Combat. As the CAF value is more useful for a model that is faster, more maneuverable, or of a higher Pinning class, the base value is dependent on these values. Specifically, add together the value for Model Type, Terrain Access, Move Rate, and Move Type, then subtract five. [We subtract five to keep this value from being ridiculously large and 5.75 is the lowest likely total value of these four entries.] Once this value is determined multiply by the CAF value, then multiply by all of the following modifiers that the model may have.

_ CAF modifiers:
.Elite: 1.5
.Fear: 1.5
.Terror: 2
.Gains +1d6 vs Infantry, Cavalry, & non-robotic Light Artillery that do not have a Fixed armor save AND loses 1d6 vs all others: 1.1 (Striking Scorpion)
.Auto kill (on 5+) any charged Infantry, Cavalry, & non-robotic Light Artillery that does not have a Fixed armor save: 1.2 (Howling Banshee)
.Auto kill (on 5+) any charged model that does not have an armor save: 1.5 (Kroot Headhunter)
.single use Terror in 10cm radius: 2 (Calidus Assassin)
.foe Morale: Fall Back if fail, CAF-1 if succeed: 2 (Beast of Nurgle, Plaguebearer)
.foe Morale: fail=Entranced: rolls no dice in CC; Inorganic immune: 2 (Daemonette)
.foe Morale: fail=destroyed regardless of CC result, Inorganic immune: 2.5 (Fiend)
.reroll once per encounter: 2 (Harlequin)
.Imperial Shock Lance: 1.75
.never outnumbered: 2 (Plaguebearer, Nurgle Daemon Engine)
.always completes Charge and CC: 1.5 (Juggernaut)
.Psychic, Ethereal: 2
Penetrating: +.2 per point, thus:
Penetrating 1: 1.2
Penetrating 2: 1.4

.Titan Weapon that adds X to CAF: +X*(Unit type+Move Rate+Move Type-1) unless adds +1d6 then +3.5*(UT+MR+MT-1) (not multiplier)

E: Ranged Attacks

The value for Ranged attacks has six factors per weapon system. Each Weapon System (one line in the stat block) has it's own value calculated independently from the other weapon(s). The factors are: Base; Number of Attacks; Range; To Hit number; TSM; other modifiers. Once these factors are known they are then multiplied together to find the final value for that weapon system.

__ Base value

The base value for direct-fire weapons is 2 points. Weapons that use a Template replace that with the value shown below. The Template value replaces Range and/or Attacks values if those entries say "Template" or a number of BP rather than having a normal entry.

_ Standard Template values:
6cm Barrage: 3.6
12cm Barrage: 14.4
Small Teardrop: 5
Large Teardrop: 15

For templates not found on the list above, multiply the length in cm by the width in cm and divide by 10.

__ Number of Attacks

The value for this is the value shown in the "Attacks" entry in the model's weapon stat line. If this entry says "Template" or a number followed by BP, then ignore this factor as it is included in the Template value. The exception to that is a model with the Weapon Special Ability of RoF (Rate-of-Fire). A weapon with that ability uses that as it's number of attacks in addition to using it's Template/BP value.

__ Range

The distance that a weapon system can hit targets within is very important. The default Range is considered to be 50cm, thus the Range (in cm) is divided by 50 to find the value for this factor. Standard Ranges and their values are:

15cm: 0.3
25cm: 0.5
35cm: 0.7
50cm: 1
75cm: 1.5
100cm: 2
150cm: 3
200cm: 4
LOS: 6

While these cover all existing, known units to date, there is nothing stopping players creating units with other Range values. Just divide your chosen Range by 50 to find its value. Minimum Range value is 0.1. Models that drop Barrages under them as they Fly overhead have a Range value of 1. Weapons that say "Template" ignore this factor as it is included in the Template value.

To find the range value of a weapon with a minimum range, subtract half of the minimum from the maximum and use the value for that range instead. For example, a Siege Mortar has a minimum range of 50cm and a max of 150cm. From 150 subtract half of 50 (IE, 25) to get an effective range of 125cm. The value for a range of 125 would be 2.5.

__ To Hit Number

This is shown as the lowest number that the attacker needs to roll on 1d6 in order to hit the target, ignoring situational modifiers. This value is also a multiplier. For this purpose, a 5+ is considered baseline, thus values are:

6+ _ 0.5
5+ _ 1
4+ _ 1.5
3+ _ 2
2+ _ 3
Auto: 4

If a weapon has a number of BP instead of a normal entry, use the value that corresponds to the To Hit value for that BP. Those are:
_ BP _ To Hit
_ 1-2 _ 6+
_ 3-4 _ 5+
_ 5-6 _ 4+
_ 7-8 _ 3+
_ 9+ __ 2+

If a weapon has a BP number in the Attacks area and combines fire, but has a normal entry in the To Hit area, then ignore the entry in the To Hit area as the combining BP will override that value (it is the only reason to have combining BP after all). If a weapon has a BP number in the Attacks area and does not combine fire, but has a normal entry in the To Hit area, then use the value for the listed To Hit regardless of what the BP rating would give.

_ TSM (Total Save Modifier)

This shows how powerful the attack is, adjusting the target's roll to Save by the amount listed. The weakest attack worth representing at this scale has a 0 TSM, and this is considered the baseline. Thus values are:

+1: 0.5
0: 1
-1: 2
-2: 3
-3: 4
-4: 5
-5: 6
No save allowed: 8
No TSM, but targets with no save get one at 6+: 0.75

_ Other weapon modifiers (all are multipliers unless division symbol "/" used)

Arc of fire 360: 1.5
Arc of fire 270: 1.25
Arc of fire 180: 1
Arc of fire 135: 0.75
Arc of fire 90: 0.5
Arc of fire 45: 0.25
Arc of fire 30: 0.1666
AA: 2
adds 1d6 more Barrages: 4.5
always FF/Command: 1.5
Barrage that affects targets just partly covered (normal is half or more): 1.5
Barrage that always scatters even when fired directly: 0.5 (in addition to the Indirect modifier)
Barrage that can be combined with other like units in the same detachment: 1.5
Barrage that may be fired Indirect, and does not scatter: 1.5 (in addition to the Indirect modifier above)
Battlesuit: (2/3x) 1.5 Includes Quickdraw and "May fire at Stealth models more than 25cm away if on FF", also includes Fire on the Fly IF the model has the Jump ability.
Can be fired either Direct or Indirect: 1.5 (mostly these are Barrage weapons, but a few others as well)
Continues so long as targets keep dying: 2
Damages Buildings: 1.5
Depends on another effect happening to fire: 0.5
Destroys Buildings: 2
Doubles TSM vs Buildings: 1.5
Effect happens during the End Phase: 0.5
Fire on the Fly: 1.5
Fires at the beginning of Advance: 0.75
Gauss: 1.5
Grab: 1.5
Guided: 1.5 unless Submunition then no modifier
Ignores Cover: 1.5
Ignores Shields: 1.5
Improved Grab: 2 (Tyranid Ripper Tentacles)
Knockdown: 1.5
Linked: required to fire at same target as another Weapon System (affects both Systems): 0.5
May fire at Stealth models that are more than 25cm away if on First Fire: 1.5
May not fire other weapons: 0.5
May not fire other weapons or move: 0.25
May only be fired if on FF orders: 0.5
Mole Mortar Special: 1.1
Move or shoot: 0.5
Negates after-death effects (Regeneration, Living Metal, etc): 1.5
Ordo-Malleus Special: 2
Penetrating: +.5 per point, thus:
Penetrating 1: 1.5
Penetrating 2: 2
Penetrating 3: 2.5
Penetrating 4: 3
Penetrating 5: 3.5
Psychic, Ethereal: 2
Psychic, Physical: 1.5
Quickdraw: 1.5
Recharge Attacks based on Orders: 0.5
Reduces Cover modifier by 1 point, but not below -1: 1.25
Reduces move by half: 0.5 (also reduces the value of the Titan's Movement value: if a Warlord: Subtract 4.5 from final weapon value. The -4.5 is NOT a multiplier.)
Required to shoot at nearest model, even if an ally: 0.5
RoF n: n (if RoF is 2, then mod is 2, if 4 then 4, etc)
Single-shot weapon: 0.2 per shot (for example, the six missiles on the AMO Golgotha are *0.2*6)
Smart: 2 may be fired at any model within range so long as one model from this army can see the target (allies do not count). This is similar to Indirect fire, except there is no scatter and the spotting model may still fire it's own weapons.
Target only dies on 4+: 0.5
Template or effects remains in play: 2
Turret: 1.5
Unable to use First Fire orders: 0.5
Vortex: 4

Point Defense (PDx): These are an additional Weapon System. The cost is 0.675 (2 x0.3 (range) x0.5 (hit on 6+) x1.5 (always FF) x1.5 (360 arc) ).

F: Special Abilities

The values for the following abilities are not multipliers.

Artificial Intelligence - 2 and see Morale
C'tan - 5 (Psychic Vulnerability -10; Regenerate CC hits 15)
Chapter Master Special - 15
Change Orders - 15 (Colonel, Major)
Chaos Reward card - 10 per card, add to Formation cost after number of models is determined, but before any other Formation modifier is applied.
Combat Leader - 10 (allies in 10cm gain CAF+1)
Combat Engineer - 10
Confessor Special - 50
Daemon Engine:
_ Khorne - 25 (If winning: Armor Saves & to-hit +1, +1d6 CAF)
_ Slaanesh - 30 (Hard to Hit and Psychic Save of 4+)
_ Tzeentch - 0 (see 'Chaos Reward card' above)
Daemon Hunter - 10
Daemon Prince - see below
Deathrolla - 10
Deflector Shield - 12.5 per Shield
Disrupt Psychic - 15
Duplication (on death becomes one or more other models) - cost of the model(s)
Eldar Knight Psychic Lance: 10
Forward Observer Special - 10
Greater Daemon - see below
Hard to Hit - 15
Hit & Run - 10
Headquarters (HQ) - 10
Holo Field, non-Titan: 20
Holo Field, Titan: 25
Holy Rage - 10
Ignore Stealth if on First Fire - 10
Immune Ethereal Psychic - 15
Immune to Morale checks to 25cm (allies of same faction only: IE Imperial, Tyranid, etc) - 50 (Inquisitor, Hive Queen)
Inorganic - 5
Inspirational - 10
Inspirational 25cm - 25
Leading Presence - 40
Markerlights for Infantry/Walker - 10
Markerlights for other - 15
Medic - 15
Mechanic - 15
No coherency - 10
Orb of Resurrection - 10
Power Shield - 5 per Shield
Prevents Greater Daemons from using Chaos Cards to negate damage within 25cm - 25
Produce Fear in radius 1 per turn: (Angron, Hive Queen)
- base cost is equal to radius
- default use is during Combat Phase, +10 to base if usable at any time
- multiply base by 1.5 if Ethereal Psychic ability
Psychic Save 6+ - 5
Psychic Save 5+ - 10
Psychic Save 4+ - 15
Psyker - 20
Rerolls "1" in Close Combat, rerolls "1 or 2" against specific foe - 10
Robotic - see morale
Static Artillery - see morale
Titan Weapon Hardpoint (Praetorian or Titan only) - 15 per
Tow - 2
Transport - see below
Void Shield - 10 per shield

The values for the following are multipliers. Determine value of all factors up to this point (Movement, Save, CAF, Weapon(s), and non-multiplier SA; not Morale or Command/Orders) before applying these.

Deep Strike: 1.2
Infiltrate: 1.2
Living Metal: 1.15
Regeneration: 1.2
Repair, automated: 1.15 (Imperial Titans)
Repair, manual: 1.05 (Ork Gargants)
Sniper: 1.2
Stealth: 1.2
Stealth, Improved: 1.3 (does not require being in cover)
Teleport: 1.2

Net Epic Coordinator

Last edited by MagnusIlluminus on Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:53 am, edited 15 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:05 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 6:50 pm
Posts: 1543
The Greater Daemon ability is too complicated to give a fixed value to. Apply as follows:
_ 1. Command: apply the modifiers for Command to Move (*2) and all Weapons (*1.5) as normal.
_ 2. Pinning: Instead of the normal Movement value for a Knight (9), we combine the pinning value for Knights (10) with the terrain value for Infantry (2), for a Movement value of 12.
_ 3. Fearless: applies the normal modifier (*1.4) to the Formation cost.
_ 4. "That didn't hurt": While it's an automatic success to rescue the model from a failed save, it is limited by the number of Chaos Cards the player has. Thus I'm giving it a value of 20. EXCEPTION: Greater Daemon Engines do not benefit from this ability. However, the cost of this feature is still applied to them. Why? Because Chaos.
_ 5. Terror: applies the modifier to CAF for Terror (*2)
_ 6. Inspire Minions: better than Inspirational, but has a major downside. Value 15.
_ 7. Psychic Vulnerability: Value -10.
_ 8. Required Support: Value -30.
Thus while the fixed cost value is -5, the other features will increase the cost of the model.

The Daemon Prince ability is similarly complicated, but not quite as bad.
_ 1. Command: apply the modifiers for Command to Move and all Weapons. Also has the HQ ability.
_ 2. Pinning: these count as Walker for all purposes, so no change.
_ 3. Fearless: applies the normal modifier (*1.4) to the Formation cost.
_ 4. "That didn't hurt": While it's an automatic success to rescue the model from a failed save, it is limited by the number of Chaos Cards the player has. Thus I'm giving it a value of 20. EXCEPTION: Daemon Prince Daemon Engines do not benefit from this feature. However, the cost of this feature is still applied to them. Why? Because Chaos.
_ 5. Psychic Vulnerability: Value -10.
Their fixed cost is thus 10, with variable costs from the other features.

Adding the Transport ability to a model means that it is able to carry other models about the battlefield in relative safety. Generally this is given to models that move faster than the carried stands/models do, but this is not required. The Transport ability requires that the model with Transport be Vehicle class or higher. Exceptions will be noted.

To determine the cost of Transport, you must know a few things.
1. What do you want this model to carry?
2. How much does it carry?
3. What is the Move of the model?

The initial cost of Transport is one (1) point.

1. This model carries:
Cost _ Stand or Model type to be Transported (Select up to one option from each category)
A. Infantry
A1 _ Non Bulky only
_0.5 __ may carry one stand per slot
_0.75 _ may carry three stands per two slots
_ 1 ___ may carry two stands per slot
_ 1 ___ may carry one stand per slot, including Greater Daemon
A2 _ Bulky when also carries Non-Bulky (requires any Non-Bulky capacity)
_0.5 __ may carry one stand per two slots
_0.75 _ may carry three stands per four slots
_ 1 ___ may carry one stand per slot
A3 _ Bulky only (does not carry Non-Bulky Infantry)
_0.75 _ may carry one stand per two slots
_ 1 ___ may carry three stands per four slots
_ 1.5 _ may carry one stand per slot
B. Support Weapon / Light Artillery
_0.25 _ may carry/tow one stand without using any slots (if this is the only type carried, must purchase 1 slot of capacity)
_0.5 __ may carry/tow one stand per two slots
_0.75 _ may carry/tow one stand per slot
C. Walker
_0.5 __ may carry one stand per two slots
_0.75 _ may carry two stands per three slots
_ 1 ___ may carry one stand per slot
D. Cavalry
_0.5 __ may carry one stand per two slots
_ 1 ___ may carry one stand per slot
E. Vehicle, including Heavy Artillery (requires Super Heavy)
_ 1 ___ may carry one model per four slots
_ 2 ___ may carry one model per three slots
_ 4 ___ may carry one model per two slots
F. Flyer or Floater, but not Super Heavy (requires Super Heavy type and Vehicle carried)
_ 1 ___ may carry one model per four slots
_ 2 ___ may carry one model per three slots
_ 4 ___ may carry one model per two slots
G. Knight (requires Praetorian type)
_ 2 ___ may carry one model per six slots or three per detachment
H. Super Heavy (requires Praetorian type)
_ 2 ___ may carry one model per Detachment
I. Titan (requires Praetorian type)
_ 2 ___ Scout (Warhound, Revenant, Mekboy, etc) may carry one model per Detachment
_ 3 ___ Battle (Reaver, Warlord, Phantom, Slasha, etc) may carry one model per Company
_ 4 ___ Mega (Imperator, Mega-Gargant) may carry one model per Company

2. This model's capacity is: (Select one of the following)
_ Cost _ Capacity (type required if higher than Vehicle)
_ 0.25 _ one slot
_ 0.5 __ two slots
_ 0.75 _ three slots
_ 1 ____ four slots
_ 1.25 _ five slots (Super Heavy)
_ 1.5 __ five slots
_ 1.5 __ six slots (Super Heavy)
_ 1.75 _ six slots
_ 3 ____ one Detachment (Super Heavy)
_ 4 ____ one Detachment
_ 6 ____ one Company (Praetorian) add Cost again for each additional Company
_ 9 ____ one Company (Super Heavy) add Cost again for each additional Company

3. Movement rate.
The modifier for Move is equal to the Move of the model with Transport divided by ten. If the model has a Move of *, then the base Move value is 5.
Add the following to the Move value before multiplying:
Skimmer, no pop-up: 1.25
Skimmer: 1.5
Support Craft: 1.75
Flyer, straight line only: 1.5 (Ork Landa)
Flyer: 2
Floater: 2
Agile: 2
Tunneler: 1.5
Command or always on Charge: 2
does not double Move on Charge: -0.5
Assault Ramp: 2
Open Top Vehicle: 0

Once all modifiers are known / selected, add together the base of one point and all values from 1 and 2 above, then multiply that sum by the value from 3.

A NEG Rhino can carry:
Infantry @ 1 per slot: 0.5 (as the Bulky ability does not exist in Gold, it ignores those)
Light Artillery @ 1 per 2 slots: 0.5
Walker @ 1 per 2 slots: 0.5
It has 2 slots: 0.5
Thus it's base cost (before Move adjustment) is 3 (1 + 0.5+ 0.5+ 0.5+ 0.5).
It's Move is 25cm. Dividing Move by 10 equals 2.5.
Final cost of Transport is 7.5 (3 * 2.5).

A NetEpic Platinum Rhino can carry:
Non-Bulky Infantry @ 1 per slot: 0.5
It has 2 slots: 0.5
Base cost is 2 (1 + 0.5 + 0.5).
Move is 25cm, so 2.5 is the Move modifier.
Final cost (of Transport) is 5 (2 * 2.5).

A NetEpic Gold Thunderhawk can carry:
Infantry @ 1 per slot: 0.5
Light Artillery @ 1 per two slots: 0.5
Walker @ two per three slots: 0.75
It has six slots and is a Vehicle: 1.75
Base cost is 4.5 (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.75 + 1.75).
Move is 100cm, so 10 for base to which we add +3 for Flyer for a value of 13.
Final Transport cost is 58.5 (4.5 * 13).

A NetEpic Platinum Thunderhawk (Assault Gunship) can carry:
Non-Bulky Infantry @ 1 per slot: 0.5
Bulky Infantry @ 1 per 2 slots: 0.5
Cavalry @ 1 stand per slot: 1
Walker @ 1 stand per slot: 1
Support Weapon @ 1 per slot: 0.75
It has six slots and is a Vehicle: 1.75
Base cost is 6.5 (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0.75 + 1.75).
Move is 100cm, so 10 to which we add +3 for Flyer & +2 for Assault Ramp for a value of 15.
Final Transport cost is 97.5 (6.5 * 15).
Mattman's example Thunderhawk at the top of page five of the "NEP Space Marine Formations and Stats" thread does not specify which sub-type of Thunderhawk it applies to, thus the above may be slightly wrong.

G: Morale & Command / Orders

These two modifiers are included with the model cost now to make certain things easier in the future. Both of these modifiers are multipliers. For each of these, add up all relevant numbers, then multiply by the current total model cost. For example, if you were building a model that has a value of 200 so far that has Morale 2, Independent, and Better ND Instinctive Behaviour, you would add the modifier for Morale 2 (+20%) to Independent (-10%) to get +10%, and 200 +10% (IE, 200 *1.1) = 220. Then the modifier for Command/Orders is applied, so 220 +10% (IE, 220 *1.1) = 242. The example model would now have a value of 242.

_ Morale:
The default Morale value is 4 (Guardsman / Ork) so that the few formations with values of 5 would get a 10% discount, whereas those with better values would cost more in increments of 10%. Thus:
Morale 5: -10%
Morale 4: no change
Morale 3: +10%
Morale 2: +20%
Morale 1: +30%
Fearless, AI or Morale "--": +40%
Immune to all Morale checks except for Break Point: +30% (Tyranid)
Hive Mind values are as per Morale values above, but at -5%
Independent -10%
Static Artillery -10%
Fearless vs one Faction (usually Chaos): +20% (Harlequin)

_ Command / Orders:
Models with Robotic or Independent ignore any proximity discount.
May only be given orders if within 25cm of Command unit: -10% (Guard)
May only be given orders if within 15cm of Command unit: -15% (Tyranid)
May only be given orders if within 10cm of Command unit: -20% (Ork, Tz Automation)
Chaos Android Special: -10%
Non-default Instinctive behavior, worse: -10% (Chaos Troll)
Non-default Instinctive behavior, better: +10% (Automation, Blood Slaughterer; Ork, Tyranid, Waystone Spirit)
Duplicates orders of ally within 10cm: -10% (Waystone Spirit)
- Ally must be living: -5% (Waystone Spirit)
- May be given orders if within 10cm of Command unit: +5% (Waystone Spirit)
- Ally may be within LOS rather than 10cm: +5% (Chaos Gretchin)

H: Break Point
_ The value of the formation is determined by its Break Point. The Break Point of a formation is usually half of the total number of models in the formation, rounded up to a whole number. Common Break Points:
_ Models _ BP
___ 1 _____ 1
___ 2 _____ 1
___ 3 _____ 2
___ 4 _____ 2
___ 5 _____ 3
___ 7 _____ 4
__ 11 _____ 6
__ 15 _____ 8
__ 19 ____ 10
____ etc

Do not feel like you are limited to these Common Break Point values. You may choose any whole number value for the formation's Break Point, up to the number of models in the formation. Having a higher Break Point value will make the formation more expensive and lowering it will bring the cost down. Note that AI, Inorganic, and/or Robotic models usually have a Break Point equal to the number of models in the formation.

_ Split the models in the formation into two sub-groups. The first sub-group (tentatively called "Ablation") consists of a number of models equal to the Break Point value and the second group (tentatively called "Broken") is the remaining models. For example, if the BP is 2/3 then the first group is 2 models and the second group is 1 model. If the BP is 15/29, then the first group is 15 models and the second group is 14 models. Command models & their transports (if any) are placed according to cost and type, generally going into the first group. If the formation consists of more than one type of model (for example, Infantry stands and transport Vehicles) then split them in the same ratio they are found in the formation, with more expensive models being placed in the first group before less expensive ones. If there are odd model slots left over for the first sub-group, fill them with a model of the most expensive model type. For example, a Space Marine Tactical Company has 1 Marine HQ stand, 1 Command Rhino, 18 Tactical stands, and 9 Rhino with a BP of 15/29. As the Tactical stands are in a 2 to 1 ratio with the Rhino, the first group would consist of 9 Tactical stands, 4 Rhino, the Marine HQ stand, and the Command Rhino (15 models), while the second group would be 9 Tactical stands & 5 Rhino (14 models).

_ Ablation sub-group. For the value of this group, add the full point costs of all models.

_ Broken sub-group. The value of this group is determined by the ratio of the models in this group compared to the total number of models in the formation. As examples, a formation with a BP of 1/2 would use half of the value of the model in the Broken group. The Space Marine Tactical Company mentioned above would add together the values of the models (9 Tactical stands and 5 Rhino) and multiply that total by 14/29.

Add together the values for the two groups to find the final Formation cost.

Net Epic Coordinator

Last edited by MagnusIlluminus on Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:52 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:07 pm 
Brood Brother
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As the other thread was getting rather long and involved I thought a new one was in order. With this thread, I will update the above posts as needed with any changes, thus the formula will remain easily found.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:34 pm 
Brood Brother
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Good stuff. The other topic was becoming a bit large.


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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:19 pm 
Brood Brother
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Mattman wrote:
Good stuff. The other topic was becoming a bit large.



This is exactly what was needed!

I was getting tired of looking through that long post, now its all nice and summarized.

Shall I pin this thread?



The Primarchload
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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:29 pm 
Brood Brother
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Definitely pin it.
We will need to make changes as we work through the additions we add in Platinum.

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:37 pm 
Brood Brother
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I "think" I have done it. Having not done it before, since there are no tags, I'm not sure it will really "stick". We'll see in a few days I guess.



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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:02 pm 
Brood Brother
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What do you mean by "there are no tags"? Is there something I can do to the first post to help with that?

Also, I just noticed that I left off Praetorian from the listing of types that can be carried. I just fixed that.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:52 pm 
Brood Brother
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MagnusIlluminus wrote:
What do you mean by "there are no tags"? Is there something I can do to the first post to help with that?

Also, I just noticed that I left off Praetorian from the listing of types that can be carried. I just fixed that.


Unlike other forums when you pin something it says "pinned" somewhere. It doesn't seem to do that on these forums, although I can see on the moderator end that it is indeed pinned. The thread does not say so at a casual glance so it seems.



The Primarchload
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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:28 pm 
Brood Brother
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Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I've noticed that too. It's just the way it works then.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:02 am 
Brood Brother
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Made a small, but important, update to the Break Point section of the Formation Building rules.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:53 pm 
Brood Brother
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MagnusIlluminus wrote:
Made a small, but important, update to the Break Point section of the Formation Building rules.


Magnus, since I have the time now, should I make the document for use in Gold that covers cost of units based on your formula, or wait until more tweaking is done?



The Primarchload
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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:13 pm 
Brood Brother
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Good question. I keep meaning to finish revising the rest of the values for the factions as a result of the recent changes, but keep putting it off. I'll have to get to that. Feel free to begin putting together such a document, but don't finalize it until all of the values have been gone through, otherwise you'd just have to keep revising your document over and over.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:16 pm 
Brood Brother
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MagnusIlluminus wrote:
Good question. I keep meaning to finish revising the rest of the values for the factions as a result of the recent changes, but keep putting it off. I'll have to get to that. Feel free to begin putting together such a document, but don't finalize it until all of the values have been gone through, otherwise you'd just have to keep revising your document over and over.


That's a good idea. I can start it and then update as necessary and upload at a later date.




The Primarchload
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 Post subject: Re: Points Formula Rules
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:36 am 
Brood Brother
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Minor edit to one modifier to Move value for Transport rules to make it negative to reduce the cost of Transport.

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