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Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle

 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:37 pm 
Brood Brother
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I have only painted my Fire Dragons, Striking Scorpions, Wave Serpents, and a couple of Firestorms since I started playing the game properly when the old Renegades supplement came out, so don't worry about unpainted figures, as you're doing much better than I am on that front.

I think that Eldar always have a difficult time against Imperial Guard, because they really struggle in a war of attrition, but at least you weren't facing the artillery company, which is my nemesis from the Space Marine era.

A few observations regarding the battle:

1. I feel that the Jetbikes ended up being too fragmented. I've had better results with them over the years attacking en masse on one flank, and holding one or two squads back to defend valuable skimmers from assault troops.

The Tempests, in particular, were worth protecting, and a ring of Jetbikes or Vypers around them could have held off those assault troops.

2. The Exarchs were a bit exposed on their own. I love this formation, but it gives away crucial victory points if broken, so needs to work with Aspects when going forward, or hold back, and provide fire support, before moving in later.

Thanks for the detailed report. I really enjoyed being taken back to some of my favourite memories of this game.

Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:54 pm 
Brood Brother
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Hey Irisado,

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment upon my battle report - I'm really delighted that it brought back some happy memories of Epic for you!

I was the evil IG player, it was my friend who was in charge of the Eldar so I take no responsibility for the tactics on display for our space elven friends (though I'm hardly one to talk, I subsequently suffered four straight defeats in a row after this particular battle).

I agree about your idea of concentrating the bikes one down one flank. I have to say there is little I fear more when playing against the Eldar than seeing the entire Wind Rider Host deploying as one group. You know turn one is going to be painful...

I must admit that I don't usually bother protecting the Tempests for two reasons; they have a few extra weapons which help pick off enemies if they get too close and - more importantly - it is rare to be attacked by a unit who also happens to be a skimmer. When I see troops charging towards me, I usually just throw down an advance counter. Because ground-based units can't pin the skimmer, I remove my Tempests from the melee and reposition them to unleash their firepower on the offending units in the advance phase!

Since this report was written I've pretty much painted all of my Imperial Guard... Next up Orks then Chaos!

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on my battle!

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:35 pm 
Brood Brother
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I got my perspectives muddled as to who was playing on which side, my apologies.

As far at the Tempests are concerned, my experiences are coloured from all the times that they were trashed in my early playing days of second edition when they got pounced on by Assault Marines delivered by Thunderhawk Gunship. The pinning rule you mention does make a bit of a difference though, but Tempests didn't benefit from that in the original second edition rules as far as I recall, so that's my excuse :D.

Your Imperial Guard took advantage of the fragmented Eldar force very well. Rough Riders are very dangerous, and your opponent deployed across too much of the table in my opinion, which cost him dearly.

Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:17 pm 
Brood Brother
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I always let my (jet)bikes attack on one flank
they are really a pain for your opponent.

We played that pinning rule quite differen since starting the game(due to translating problems in earlier days) ;D
now I switched to the Neepic pinning rules
and they give the game a different(better) tuch.

@Bissler you can get problems when your enemy has more activations left
if you give advance to Tempest tanks
if got attacked in CC they loose thier snapfire abillity

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:00 am 
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@Irisado: Please don't apologise for not knowing which side I was fighting for! I think I definitely created the impression that I was fighting for the Eldar as I referred to the childish shouts that the IG player (me) was making! In any event, I am pretty much always vague about which side I was playing as I dislike writing battle reports in the first person and want to be impartial.
I was very fortunate not to have the Thunderhawk Gunship problem as I've never had the miniatures... until a week ago! From now on I'll be sure to do as you say and leave a unit of bikes to smoke those assault mofos like it ain't no thang!

@Ulrich: You're absolutely right about the activations problem, but one of the new NetEpic Gold rules is that if you win initiative you can withold movement for one unit until the opponent has moved all of their units.
You are right that they would lose their snap fire ability if on advance but that shouldn't be an issue; so long as you can move your Tempests last, you just let the enemy unit engage you, move a few centimetres away and then unleash hell upon them in the advance phase!
The only situations where you could really get caught with your pants down is if you ran out of units to activate (as you pointed out) or if you were attacked in close combat by another skimmer...

@Irisado: I thought you may be interested to know that snap fire is one of the NE Gold rules I don't use but only because I keep forgetting it is there! The only one which I refuse to adopt is the one about pop up attacks, namely that now the unit popping up descends immediately behind cover after they have fired their weapons. I've always worked on the assumption that all firing is pretty much happening simultaneously so I always liked the rule that popped up units lingered in the air until the end of first fire (meaning other units on ff can target them until ff has been resolved). My real problem with the new rule though is that this tweak makes the Eldar tanks too powerful (I think they were powerful enough as it was). Under the rule change, the mainstay of Marine vehicles - Land Raiders - would have to snap fire a tank popping up. Instead of it being the usual 5+ to hit, a roll of 6 is now needed to hit. I've talked about this with my opponents and we all agree this doesn't seem fair on the non-Eldar player so we chose not to employ it.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:47 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thanks for the explanation.

Only being able to snap fire at Eldar skimmers making pop up attacks does sound rather harsh. I'll have to investigate this further, and play test it, before forming a final assessment though, as there were bound to be reasons for the change.

Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:37 am 
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Sadly my very close friend friend James, the Eldar player in this report, recently passed away. I'd like to pay tribute to James and share a little about our friendship as a large chunk of it involved around Epic.

I met James when I changed secondary schools in January 1987, when I had just turned 12. He was tasked with showing me, the new boy, around the school and helping me settle in. I still vividly remember our being introduced to each other. I can't say that for too many people in my life. Anyway, he excelled at the task he was set, and not only did he make me feel at ease, but we swiftly forged what was to become a lifelong friendship.

We were both huge Star Wars fans as children and we at the time we became friends both got interested in comics, specifically 2000AD. So, when I spotted GW's Judge Dredd roleplaying game in the Argyle Street Virgin Megastore, I had to have it. The two of us along with a few other friends became hooked on playing that game for a period of four years or so. It was always fun and I have great memories of those times, most of which involved a lot of us laughing so hard that it ended up hurting.

As a sidenote, one of the games I wrote and GM'd was called R&R which essentially involved the Judges being given some time off to go home to their city block to rest. Of course, there's no fun in a game where the characters spend their time sleeping, so in a blatant rip off of Die Hard the block was taken over by (teenage logic alert) hundreds of terrorists who put the block into lockdown. That one was a real hoot, and I remember James' dismay as his character stepped into an anti-grav chute which had been switched off! One lucky roll and two broken arms later he did survive! It made me smile last year when I went to see Dredd in the cinema and essentially watched the same story (writer Andrew Garland admitted the film owed a lot to Die Hard as well)!

Anyway, I digress. It was because of our love of the JD RPG that I started buying White Dwarf, mostly because they would print scenarios/campaigns for the system. And it was White Dwarf that introduced us to 40K 1st edition! We played a bit of 40K but it never really took off for us, RPGing was a much more enjoyable experience, mostly because of the social aspect and because we thought it was more fun.

However, when I bought Adeptus Titanicus in a GW January sale for £10 (probably in 1989) the two of us started to get hooked. AT was an enjoyable game but it was those pictures on the box that really captured our imagination. You could see the tiny 6mm Space Marines and the art on the front of the box had us both asking "what if?", and "wouldn't that be great?"

Along came Space Marine (1st edition) and the "what if's" became reality. We had a lot of fun playing 1st edition Epic, but games were frustratingly long, often taking an entire Saturday (11am until 9pm if I remember rightly), and occassionally even longer!

It was when the 2nd edition came along that our love of all things Epic was firmly cemented. But I can remember the shock then of just how easily things could be destroyed, particularly infantry which largely died without any save at all - madness we thought! But then we realised that the relative ease of slaughter and the VP system shortened games to an (almost) managable time period and we really became addicted!

I was very lazy at painting miniatures and was only interested in fighting the battles. It was James who was the only one that had patience enough to paint up some of the forces. Those familiar with my battle reports may be interested to know that my pre-heresy Dark Angels and a good chunk of my Eldar forces were painted by James during his teenage years. They've seen a lot of action since and have survived the ravages of time well!

I have no idea how many Epic battles we fought but it was easily over 100, and probably closer to 200 or possibly even 300. And while we certainly had a number of discussions about rules, I don't ever recall us having an argument during any of those games. Sure, we'd sometimes finish with one of us feeling a little bruised after the encounter bemoaning shitty dice rules, but like the roleplaying we had a lot of fun and laughs. The main thing was to enjoy the game and we definitely did that.

The scale of the battles was absolutely something that we loved about Epic and there was never any other wargame for us after that point. And it stuck with us as we continued battling against one another throughout our 20's and 30's. In fact, it was James who found NetEpic rules online (3rd or four edition as I recall) which we both thought were a great improvement on 2nd edition Space Marine. We must have ended up playing those rules for something between 10 - 15 years (I'm getting old so my memory is a bit suspect here).

James was one of those people who was an incredibly kind and caring friend. To give one of numerous examples; I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease a couple of years ago and after a spell in hospital James took myself and my wife and another friend to Ayr for a day at the beach. He could have just come down to see me for a chat but wanted to do something to brighten up my day. He did exactly that by driving us there on what was, for Scotland, an unusually hot and sunny day. The whole day lifted my spirits during what had been a particularly stressful and difficult time in my life. Tragically, James would later also suffer from health problems that cruelly claimed him at far too young an age.

Returning to Epic, our most frequent battles were Marine v Eldar, and James had a particular penchant for those pesky Space Elves. So it seems fitting that in this report, our final battle together, he played the force he most loved.

I may have won that battle, but I'm devastated to have lost a such a wonderful friend.

In loving memory of James Hollywood 1974 - 2013

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:42 pm 
Brood Brother
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I'm struggling to find the right words to type in response to this, as everything that comes to mind seems woefully inadequate.

I'll just say that you've written a touching, and very well worded tribute to your friend, and I'm so sorry that he's no longer around. I wish you all the best at what is, undoubtedly, going to be a difficult time.

Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:18 am 
Brood Brother
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A good eulogy for a good friend. I think he was as fortunate to have you as you were to have him (and it sounds like you were very fortunate).

Like Irisado, I wish you the best in this difficult time.

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 Post subject: Re: Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Eldar 4K battle
PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:19 pm 
Brood Brother
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Condolences to you and his family

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