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Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves

 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:45 am 
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"Mayday, mayday this is Thunderhawk sigma carrying a special dispatch under orders of Inquisitor Adolphus. We are under attack... Krshhhhh ...we have been attacked by Eldar fighters and can not make it back to base. I have sent our approximate location via data encrypt... Krrshhhh ...will attempt to land... The Emperor Protects!.."

A solitary figure follows the thick tendrils of smoke from the crashed Thunderhawk up to the deep blue sky. Her musings are abruptly diverted by the three Nightwings that make a pass low overhead scattering the line of smoke into Chaotic Swirls and patterns. Turning from the sight she focuses her mind and concentrates on the task at hand. Her focus carries her thoughts through the astral plane and connects with another...

"...We are discovered... The Munn-Kei will come with great fury... we have no choice in this. The silent one will be here soon and we must be here to meet him... Awaken the Host and bring them to this place. Tell them they march to war..."

Meanwhile, an armoured task force of Space Wolves is hastily assembled and dispatched to the last co-ordinates of the downed Thunderhawk with orders to secure the item carried in the Thunderhawks hold at all costs.  

Ok, just a one off game this weekend with me and James. He wanted some practice with the Marines and after considering his temperament I figured the Space Wolves were best suited. Like a fish to water James selected his troops as did I and after setting out the terrain and objectives we were ready.

Space Wolves Armoured Task Force: Huntsman.

Space Wolf Great Company       900
Long Fangs Pack                250
Long Fangs Pack                250
Dreadnoughts                   100
Thunderhawk                     50
Rune Priest                    100

Space Wolf Land Raider Company 600
Predator Pack                  175
Vindicator Pack                150
Whirlwind Battery              150
Warhound Scout Titan Pack      500

Space Wolf Scout Company**     450
Blood Claw Pack                150
Blood Claw Bike Pack           150
Wolf Priest                    100

4075 Points. Close enough.

Saim Hann Eldar Host: Gethedreal

:sigh: Er, I'd rather not talk about my own list as I have totally screwed it up. I was harassed getting James sorted and I mucked up my own and included stuff that shouldn't be there, ever. Too many Special Cards, Aspects that can't be taken (forgot that one for Knight Hosts) and an extra 100 points. I'm gona' be smokin' a turd in purgatory for that one. It's the red hot pokey pokers of perdition for me. I was trying to make alternate lists and decide what to take and messed up... I got confused!  :_(
Let the "hanging the head in shame dance" commence. I hate being rushed. What a shambles.

My head is full of War...


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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:24 pm 
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Both armies arrive at almost exactly the same time. There is a short lull as they size each other up as they each deploy. The Eldar seem content to concentrate in the middle while the Wolves spread out while still having strength enough in the centre.

The Eldar Won initiative...

We would be using the Titan Orders and the SM2 varied objective rules, both later mentioned in NetEpic under the Optional rules. It later became evident that James and I had the Rescue objective, hence the intro story. I've never had that happen before... it proved interesting as neither of us was aware of it initially... in fact James had read the rules wrong and had assumed his Rescue was an Assault so he had set it up in the wrong place. Both groups of Titans were on Engage and Destroy orders... it was a bizarre day. So double VP for killed Titans made by either of these units.

The movement phase sees the Eldar make a swift Advance as they follow their Avatar forwards. On the right flank amidst the woods the Dire Avengers prepare to hold an Objective against the Imperials while a unit of Swooping Hawks and Fire Dragons move up to contest the Wolves own Objective on the Hill. The Centre is dominated by a bell tower from the village church. A pack of Long Fangs deploy into it's sturdy towers as the 1st Pack of the Great Company move into positions to the rear and flank securing their own Objectives with the help of their Terminator Wolf Guard Commanders. The Eldar Knights all advance to better firing positions while the Fire Knights wait with targeting orders for their Firestorm launchers. The Wolves attempt to encircle each flank but both sides are wary of coming into contact...
...that is until a unit of Space Wolf Scouts** advanced into the Wheat Fields and capture the Eldars Rescue Objective. A squad of Wild Riders receive instant orders from their Warlock and they speed into the air to skim over the hill and fields and engage the surprised Scouts.

A squadron of Swooping Hawks on sparkling wings dart from the building they had infiltrated into. They abandon the Objective they had been guarding but it is soon secured by a unit of Warp Spiders. The Hawks reinforce the Wild Riders raiding attack in an attempt to make certain of the Rescue. A Thunderhawk not wishing to face the Dark Reapers, lands next to the field and a pack of Dreadnoughts deploy.

In a similar scenario the Eldar Scouts also manage to capture the Wolves Rescue Objective in the woods on the Left Flank until they too are Charged by a unit of Blood Claw Bikes. They manage to make their morale roll and wait for the coming fight.

The village is too narrow for Titans so the Warhounds both reinforce the Wolves right Flank while one of the Eldar Revenants (I don't have Saim Hann painted so you'll just have to make do) closes down LOS to both Warhounds in an attempt to pick off just one.

The other Revenant on the right flank moves to the same Objective on the Hill contested by the swooping Hawks and Dragons. It stands in the open daring any who can, to fire on it.

**(Yes, Ok, I know Zap. Space Wolves can't have a Scout Company... but I'd made it in the SM2 days when I didn't know any better and they stayed. You shouldn't go on so, you'll do yourself a mischief.  :tongue: )

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:28 pm 
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One of the Long Fangs Rhino's explodes, split in two by a well aimed cast by the Avatar. It deftly catches the Wailing Doom as it speeds back to his hand. There is very little First Fire as most units vied for position and advanced. The Firestorm launchers fail to destroy the Bombard Objective but do manage to take a Land Raider in the blast. The Space Wolves Whirlwind Battery reply by firing on the Warp Spiders in one of the village buildings. It scatters but still clips the building and the whole structure collapses before the Spiders can use their Warp Generators to jump to safety. (Ouch! Talk about bad luck and relying on building saves against a -0TSM Barrage. Be warned it can happen.) The Eldars Capture Objective is left in the ruins for just anyone to pick up next turn. (Double Ouch!)

The Warlock retaliates and with a flick of his hand he summons an Eldritch Storm amidst the Long Fangs in the Bell Tower. Three are caught in the storm and hurled from the building and unable to act for the entire turn. (I love this power, there is little defence. Should units thrown into impassable terrain be destroyed or have to make a save -?TSM)

Most of the firing peters out as only the Wolves Commanders have First Fire orders and all miss. Even the Rune Priests Mind Blast against the Revenennant goes wrong. The Eldar enjoy a little more advantage as the other Warlock (safety net - stand in Warlock, never leave your Craftworld or Exodite Planet of choice without one) on the Right Flank also uses an Eldritch Storm to upset some Grey Hunters from the 2nd Pack of the Great Company. The good thing about these is the templates last until the end turn an block LOS through them. Bonus! Again more Wolves get chucked about and end up dazed and confused for the turn.

The Dark Reapers with no aircraft to blast from the sky set their sights on the Warhound nearest the village. They strip it's shields in moments but the Warhounds armour withstands the shots that do hit. The Wraithlords strike with their Bright Lances but only manage to wound the Titans legs. (rolled a 1 on the leg damage location) However, that gives a +1 to future Penetrate damage rolls.

The First Fire phase ends with the Exarchs picking off a Predator and a Dreadnought while Jain Zah casts the Jainas Mor (The Silent Death... it's a weird three bladed throwing thing... I duno' I don't write this sh*#.) but ends up looking silly as it clunks off the armoured window she forgot to open first. Duh! The other Banshees look very interested in their surroundings with the exception of their Phoenix Lords direction.

My head is full of War...


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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:52 pm 
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The Swooping Hawks descend on the unfortunate Scouts, grenades explode around them with dull krump sound as the Wild Riders take advantage of the distraction. The Scouts put up a fight but can't seem to land many blows on their faster opponents. Before long the Eldar have taken back the rescue Objective leaving only one Scout stand alive.

The rolls are reversed on the other side of the battle as the Scouts are torn apart by the pack of Blood Claws. Their Howls and wild calls echo through the trees as they hunt down every last Scout, without loss...

(It was too late but I had mistakenly included these Scouts who by rights should not have been able to be taken at all since the Special Card slots had already been filled. Ah, well. You can't remember everything.)

The phase ends with both sides having secured there own Rescue Objecties.

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:43 pm 
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The Ghostly figures of the Towering Knights (Stupid GW name) use their Maelstrom Lasers to quickly strip the unwounded Warhound of it's shields but despite their success in denuding it of it's shields the pulses of laser energy fails to strike the Titan. The wounded Warhound fires on the Revenant facing it with a Plasma Blastgun and it's Turbo Laser but despite good rolls the Revenants Holofields defeat the Titans aim.

The Revenant pauses momentarily, focusing it's Pulsars on the wounded and shieldless Warhound. (Just as well as one of the pulsars miss). The stricken Warhound takes three hits and it's armour proves wanting as a shot rips into it's bridge killing the crew. The Titan slowly topples forward and crashes to the ground while flames consume it and smoke billows from the holes in it's rent and smashed head.

There is no photo of this but in the background I'm doing the double VP's dance in an alarming fashion and as a homage to sportsmanship everywhere.

The Wolves Land Raiders attempt to down the Revenant contesting the Objective on the Hill but again the Eldar Holofield protects against any hits that would normally be caused. The Bright Knights commanding the central hill pick off another Land Raider as return fire manages to smash one of their number down. The Revenant sets it's pulsar fire for area effect and sweeps some Grey Hunters and a Rhino from the 2nd pack of the Great Company. it's Scatter Laser adds to the firestorm as it's Missile Launcher try's vainly to destroy the Bombard Objective on the opposite hill. Two Fire Dragons are killed by the return fire of the Grey Hunters before two of their own die in a hail of shuriken from the Dire Avengers in the trees.

A pack of Long Fangs who had taken position in trees on a hill across from the village pore on heavy weapons fire at the Revenant that killed their Warhound. Every shot fails to hit. The Wraith Lords fire on the Land Raiders destroying two but not the one parked on the Space Wolves Objective. A Capture Objective as it turns out later. The Grey Hunters in the Village fail to make any hits while the Wraithguard gun down a Long Fang that had been thrown out of the Bell Tower by the Warlocks Eldritch Storm. The Grey Hunters try to take down the Revenant which has been attracting too much fire for my liking but my luck holds as all the shots fail to land. The Space Wolfs last Warhound fires it's Turbo Laser at the Towering Knights but combined with their heavier armour and Holofields none of the Knights are killed. It is noted that it does not fire the other weapon. Too short a range?.. or Close Combat Weapon?.. (No WYSIWUG here. Yes, logically they would be able to see and recognise a Chain Fist from a Vulcan Mega Bolter or Flamer. I play with wee soldiers... what do you imagine you do? :vD )

Anyway the end phase had arrived. The Fire Dragons stick around having passed their break check and everything else is dead or unbroken. The Warhound replaces both it's shields but unless it plays smarter it's future is a grim one.

Space Wolves: 24VP

Capture +5VP
Rescue  +5VP
T+H x2 +10VP
Fire Dragons +1VP
Eldar Scouts +1VP
Warp Spiders +2VP

Space Wolves Casualties...

Saim Hann Eldar:21VP

Rescue  +5VP
T+H x2 +10VP
Warhound +3VP Engage and Destroy Titan Mission +3VP

Saim Hann Eldar Casualties...

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:17 am 
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I'd hoped for some tales of derring do from the Warp Spiders as I've never had the chance to use them...but instead they are crushed to a man without firing a single filament...sigh.

Space Wolves is a brave choice.  I love their Great Companies, but for mine the penalty they pay for them is too great.  Long Fangs are no sub for Devastators and no Scout Company sucks.  Interesting loophole in the list as written....there's no prohibition from taking a Battle Company or a Land Raider company.  I'd guess the former is an ommission, but useful.  I'd also think giving them a Blood Claw bike company for 550 would be reasonable.  Why the Wolf Scout detachment has 6 when everything else is 5/10 also confuses me  ???  .

Fire bad, tree pretty - Buffy

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:09 am 
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Yeah, the Spiders were a blow. Who could have guessed that a Battery of Whirlwinds could manage that. I'll include the Spiders in the next Eldar report just for you. They are very good in certain circumstance, like heavy terrain environments. Leaping out of cover, firing and jumping back under cover with no LOS. Units able to Snap Fire has to be watched for though... can they be snap fired on. Aren't they like the Warp Palace and just appear, so no actual movement to snap fire at?

I thought the Space Wolves could always take a Land Raider Company, I'm sure I read it in v5's rules. The Blood Claw Bike Company has my vote. You know how I feel about bike companies. 550 points? Is it just bikes or are there Land Speeders like the Ravenwing?

The Scouts need the six stands because of attrition... yeah, attrition that's as good an excuse as any. It's a hard life doing recon in the Space Wolves. I was more confused with the Blood Claws having only five stands and no Rhino's.

I haven't forgotten the rest, I will post as much as I can tonight.

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:32 am 
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Their bike detachment is 175, so x3 with a command bike comes to 560.....small discount for a company and there you go.  I got no current fluff....do the Wolves use Speeders much?  Should they get a Ravenwingesque company?  I'd vote no as much to keep the DAs a bit special, but not wedded either way.

Fire bad, tree pretty - Buffy

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:34 am 
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The Long Fangs are good but not quite as handy at range as the Devastators. They only have four stands compared to the usual six. They were good because they had to be literally wiped out before being broken BP of 6 as per the SM cards and NetEpic v4... but I see this has been lost in v5... an oversight error? Needless to say I kept the old BP.

The Blood Claws always had a support card for the Land Speeders but I agree that the Ravenwing should have it's differences. 175 points... 150 originally. I guess that's another points increase I can ignore.  :vD

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:39 pm 
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Excellent report as always Warhead.

How badly off was the army list? Isn't there, or didn't there used to be, an optional rule for busting the limits- a die roll to keep the extra unit, otherwise you lose it or sth like that? I.e. could wind up with a little over, or a little under if you got too greedy.

Nice use of the blast markers btw. Do they come with the rules for EA on the games workshop web site?



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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:12 pm 
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Those blastmarkers hail from the 3rd Gen Epic40k box.

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:36 pm 
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Not sure about the blast markers. I got them from the old E40K game and have some spare if you like I can send some. PM me.

The points are about the same Eldar 4100 vs. Wolves 4075 points. James had gone over slightly and we added on an extra 100 points... I think I chose Scouts for some reason.

The only way I can figure how I stuffed my list is that I must have been chopping and changing and put two peaces of alternate armies together. The option I wanted was either Saim Hann or Biel Tan. I ended up with Biel Tan really so who knows why I thought I had taken a Saim Han. I meant to swap the Spirit Host to a Biel Tan coloured one and the Knights were a last minuet thing as I was going to take a Falcon Host and some Jetbikes but ditched the idea for the chance to show off. Here is the list. It makes no sense.

Spirit Host..............500
Dire Avenger Squad.......100
Dire Avenger Squad.......100
Fire Dragon Squad........100
Swooping Hawk Squad.......100
Swooping Hawk Squad.......100
Avatar...................... (We play him as a free card with no slot cost)

1400 points +

Eldar Knight Host........900
Prism Cannon..............50
Striking Scorpion........100
Howling Banshee..........150
Warp Spiders.............200
Dark Reapers.............250
Wild Riders?................ (Ah, What the hell? Again we play a free slot)

Jain Zah + Banshee squad 250 (House rules but where does this go?!?)
Revenant Scout Titans....600 (Where are these meant to be attached?!?)
Scouts?..................100 (Argh, What was I thinking?!)

2700 points + 1400 points = 4100 points Total. I'll be sitting in the naughty corner if anyone needs to throw some abuse my way. :sigh:

I'm more annoyed that it ended up a Biel Tan army and I listed it as Saim Hann. I didn't want to take my lovely bikes to be fair to James. Some fairness. Duh!

James, is a good bloke though and didn't mind in the least. A slab of beer stocked up for next game is in order though, to toast his sportsmanship.

Ah well, done and can't be undone. So lets get on with it...

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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:52 pm 
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James' Space Wolves win the Initiative this turn.

The Avatar is the first to move. White fire blasts from within it's throat as it roars in rage. It crashes forward It's glowing molten iron body intensifies from red and black to blazing white and yellow. The Wailing Doom in it's hand drips flame and metal as it is pulled back for a mighty swing aimed at one of the Wolf Guards Land Raiders.

After their successful pass through the Space Wolf Scout Pack the Wild Riders skim over the ripe Wheatfield before, as one they rapidly change direction in a display of precise aerobatic skill that reverses their course. They head straight for the exposed Whirlwinds in an effort to silence them for good... and to avenge their kin.

The Blood Claw Bike Pack race off in an attempt to engage the Wild Riders but it's a panicked decision as the distance proves too great. The Swooping Hawks with the Rescue Objective take flight from the fields. Like nervous birds they flutter and swoop until they land safely on the Eldars Take and Hold Objective behind the central hill.

The Blood Claws use their Jump Packs to good effect and assault the Dire Avenger Squad amongst the trees. Their chilling howls have no effect on the discipline of these Aspect Warriors and they meet the charge head on with shuriken fire. Further back, the Wolf Scout Pack moves into position on top of the hill to mop up any survivors. One of their number stays in cover, to keep the newly passed Rescue Objective safe.

Jain Zah's retinue of Howling Banshee race from the Imperial buildings and charge the Grey Hunters and Long Fangs in an effort to contest one of the Take and Hold Objectives. Jain Zah holds back and takes up a commanding position overlooking the fight. The Grey Hunters Rhino's are ordered to engage the Banshees and try to do just that. (Ah, extra combat dice, yah gotta' love 'em) One of the Long Fangs Rhinos also guns it's engines and tries to run over a Striking Scorpion in an effort to pin it. (A mistake as I thought it should have went after the Capture Objective) The Scorpions scuttle out of their building and charge the Long Fangs in the Bell Tower. One of their number securing the Capture Objective amongst the rubble. Two units of Wolf Guard move up to occupy the building before them in order to gain a better firing position. The Wolf Priest allso moves forward, but only to encourage his men and safeguard their resolve to fight on.

The Towering Knights move forward again but can't target the Warhound past the billowing smoke but they aren't short of other targets either. The Revenant turns and lightly trots up the hill where the Dark Reapers are standing. It too targets the far off Bombard Objective but keeps it's arc of fire facing the enemy within the town and opposite hill.

The Space Wolf Dreadnoughts and Predator Annihilators move forward to cover the Take and Hold hill Objective but are attacked by the Exarchs and a Squad of Swooping Hawks. The Revenant Titan using it's agility and jump jets leaps over the heads of the fighting troops to land gracefully amongst the wheat. It's missile pods prepare to launch on the Bombard Objective before it while the Pulse Lasers swing towards the Land Raiders on the hill Objective.

The Warhound withdraws out of sight behind the column of smoke still emanating from it's pack mate... but it's not hiding, it's hunting. While still keeping a wary eye to it's front incase the other Revenant tries to follow it watches the just landed Revenant in the field and plots a target solution at it's back.

The Howling Banshees in the woods on the right burst through the foliage and assault the Grey Hunters and Scout HQ. With a roar and blast of jet wash the Thunderhawk thrusts into the air and passes over the combatants keeping careful distance from the waiting Reapers. It turns overhead and faces the Dire Avengers protecting the Eldars Take and Hold within the woods. It can also target the Bright Knights with it's Battle Cannon. The Knights however gallop down the hill side, their long four legged construction providing them speed and agility. They turn and face the Space Wolfs protecting the hill Objective while at least one of the Knights was out of sight of the Thunderhawk. The Grey Hunters counter charge the Banshees while the last pack of Wolf Scouts move into position to fire on surviving Eldar. The Great Company Rhino's charge onto the hill objective using their own hulls to protect the Land Raider HQ.

My head is full of War...


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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:32 am 
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Half the pack of Long Fangs overlooking the Wolves Cleanse Objective start firing at the Dark Reapers on the opposite hill. Only one of the Reaper stands fall to their weapons and James' idea of three easy VP is dashed.

The Eldar Warlock in the woods on the right invokes another Eldritch storm right in the midst of the Space Wolves Take and Hold Objective catching two Land Raiders which are pushed aside by the force of the storm. Great mounds of topsoil are pushed before them as the tank tracks gouge great furrows in the earth.

The Ruin Priest summons in the his Space Wolf brothers images of Leman Russ, goading them into extreme acts of valour. This makes Space Wolf units within 25cm (15cm Originally in the rules) to become immune to all morale rolls and to allow them to re-roll their Caf dice once.

The Fire Dragons attempt to destroy the Land Raiders on the hill with their Melta Guns. Unfortunately unsuccessfully.

The Wolf Guard in the village fire for all they are worth. The Land Raider attacked by the Avatar hits it twice. The Avatars vitality and armoured chest shrug off the blows. The Wolf Guard do better destroying three Wraithlords and a Wraithguard.

Spears of flame and smoke blast skyward as the Firestorm Knights launch their missiles. The target is the Bombard Objective and a Land Raider. Both are hit and ripped apart in the hail of plasma tipped explosions. (Yay and double Yay! The Land Raiders just broke and an Objective too.) The Fire Gale escorting the Firestorms picks off a Long Fang and Rhino.

The remaining Land Raider on the hill just bombarded fires while it still can. It's target the Revenant closest to it. A lucky shot by-passes the Titans Holofield and strikes the hip joint assembly (Leg). The damage is minimal but the Titan is crippled and unable to use it's Jump Jets. (2+ damage rolled)

The Dire Avengers on the left fire their Shuriken Catapults in practiced bursts into the Blood Claws. Three Blood Claws are ripped apart before they can complete their charge. The three Dire Avengers fire another salvo at the Scouts and kill two. Again the two successfully hitting Dire Avengers fire another controlled burst of shuriken but this time fail to hit. (I have never had this happen before and these guys don't usually work as well as this. 4+ to hit, 5+ to hit with -1 for cover and then 6+ to hit again with -1 for cover.) The Eldar Left Flank is holding firm.

The Spirit Host Warlock (who I had forgotten in the excitement) eventually remembers to evoke an Eldritch Storm that he uses to expose the two furthest forward Wolf Guard. The Storm ejects them from the building, thankfully to the front where they face a load of Eldar firepower.

The Spirit Host Wraithlords pick off a Wolf Guard Land Raider but nothing else as the Wolf Guard make their saves. The Dark Reapers also try to kill the Wolf Guard but to no avail. The Wolf Priest chooses to change his firing to the Advance Phase as does Jain Zah.

My head is full of War...


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 Post subject: Saim Hann Eldar vs. The Space Wolves
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:59 am 
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The Wolf Scout HQ guns down the Banshee before it can engage and one of the Banshees assaulting the Grey Hunters in the village also gets gunned down before it can reach the enemy. No other Point Defence manages to find a target but a Long Fang in the Bell Tower and a Grey Hunter in the woods have their nervous system fried and are cut down quickly.

The Blood Claw and Dire Avenger struggle on, neither able to best the other.

The Avatar swings the Wailing Doom down through the roof of the Land Raider and internal explosions kill the crew. It rips the blazing blade from the burning wreck and looking directly at the Wolf Guard, punches the arcane blade into the sky while it's fury is given vent through a roar that shakes the buildings.

The Striking Scorpion assaulting a Long Fang in the Bell Tower mortally wounds his opponent only to have them stand back up and carry on fighting. (That's Heal save 1) the Scorpions kin destroy the Long Fangs Rhino with ease. The Howling Banshees in the village contemptuously sidestep or leap over the top of the charging Rhinos and with a flick of their power blades they destroy something vital in each one for no losses. The Grey Hunters kill one of the attacking Banshees while again a sorely wounded Grey Hunter manages to stay in the fight. (That's Heal save 2).

The fight in the wheat field sees the Dreadnoughts wiped out for no loss, even after their re-rolled Caf dice and the Swooping Hawks lose two stands against a Predator Annihilator and the remaining Wolf Scout.

The Wild Riders come in low firing their Shuriken Cannon as they come. Two Whirlwinds blow apart as the mono-edged discs rupture something vital. One of the Wild Riders is hit though and smashes into the ground with a sickening crunch before the last Whirlwind is dispatched.

The fight in the woods again sees the Eldar slaughter their way through three Grey Hunters while they only lose one Banshee. This is despite countless re-rolls and extra dice for outnumbering the Banshees. At the end the Banshees are broken but defiant.

Eldar Close Combat Casualties.

Space Wolf Close Combat Casualties.


My head is full of War...


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