I've occasionally wondered what the future might hold for the 40k setting as things go over into the 42nd millennium, with so many dire threats coming. GW writers have created so much events happening just before the turn of the millennium it's got a bit improbable, but the policy for their games has been not to move the timelines past a certain point.
This has changed for Warhammer though, as there's a new supplement coming out for Warhammer called 'The End Times' that advances the timeline there some way, with the continuing final chaos invasion and the return of the big bad Nagash (who created the undead and vampires) with huge destruction all across the world - demons slaughtering through familiar locations in the world, multiple named characters with models killed off (e.g. Bretonian King Louen Leoncouer) and the entire country of Kislev (which had a model range couple of editions ago) apparently completely wiped out. It is probably an attempt to boost fading interest in Warhammer and I'm curious to know more as an old fan of the setting.
It got me thinking: I wonder if they might do something like this for 40k at some point? Bring back the Emperor and Primarchs, ect. Previously I'd have said no, but with this happening in Warhammer maybe they will.
Incidentally this is the Nagash model, a big improvement on the
comical old one. I'm no fan of GW the company but they do design some excellent models sometimes.