Tactical Command

Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors
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Author:  Consul Avenging Angel [ Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I have been asked this question too many times was would like a poll on the subject of whether Battle Sister should be armed with heavyflamers.

Author:  Scutarii [ Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Honestly? Their guns are basically never fired. They spend more time getting into engagements than they do shorting off some short ranged AP.

I voted to give retributors heavy Flamers because when I last played 40k my retributors had 4 heavy flamers, a twin heavy flamer immolator and the sister superior had a hand flamer. Because 7 flame templates from one unit was cool.

Mechanically having a gun matters for blast marker prep purposes, because the retributors are more likely to be the ones in the support fire role leaving them with the 15cm gun works fine.

Author:  khr [ Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

As I mentionedin the other thread, I prefer to give the flamer to the battle sisters. Main reason is for the character / fluff reason, but for me it also has worked reasonable well tactically, with one mission getting close and shooting flamers and a second one (or Seraphim) going for the engagement, with the first one able to give massive engagement support.

Karl Heinz

Author:  Kapitan Montag [ Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I voted for retributors to have heavy bolters. Mainly because that what's my 40k retributors have (do people still play that? ;) ) also the previous ministorum list.

I haven't play tested sisters at all, so I hope to be convinced either way.

I'm really glad you're doing a poll on this, as I have been putting off gluing my epic sisters until there is some closure on the subject. (I might even weapon swap my 40k sisters)

Author:  Scutarii [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I just paint mine a different colour. Purple is missions, red is retributors, White is dominions and gold for celestians. It's more obvious when playing and use of white edging retains some common theme to tie everyone together.

Author:  Justiniel [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I haven't voted yet. Trying to get my head around the different options, I would have thought that Sisters was the SM equivalent and the Retributors like the Devs (very roughly), is this correct? if this is so then giving retributors HeavyBolters make more sense and the flamers to the Sisters. Essentially what purpose is imagined for each unit?

Author:  Consul Avenging Angel [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I haven't voted yet. Trying to get my head around the different options, I would have thought that Sisters was the SM equivalent and the Retributors like the Devs (very roughly), is this correct? if this is so then giving retributors HeavyBolters make more sense and the flamers to the Sisters. Essentially what purpose is imagined for each unit?

They have a similarity to space marine units however their roles on the battle field is more fixed, orientated towards aggressive advance.

Author:  Justiniel [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Thanks. That's what I thought, shorter ranges. With that in mind the sisters flamers sounds like the more flavoursome and practical.

Author:  khr [ Wed May 11, 2016 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Now that the poll ist closed, what do we conclude ?

14 votes is not a large number, but seems to me reasonable for a forum poll of this kind.

Both options are popular.
The decision ( 6 to 8 ) is quite close. If just one of the "Heavy Bolter" votes had gone for "Heavy Flamer" it would have been evenly split.

My conclusion:
We should look for a solution that allows both weapon options.

for example:
- allow a player to choose either armament for Sisters and Retributors (but then Sisters and Rets they would be effectively identical) OR
- give Sister plain bolters only, Retributors options for both heavy weapon, with a generous allowance to upgrade Sisters in a Mission to Retributors.

Karl Heinz

Author:  Kapitan Montag [ Wed May 11, 2016 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

I second Karl heinz's ideas...certainly worth looking at options to let people have the variety.
How would it affect balance... I don't know
consul avenging angel what do you reckon? Could you put up some options for people to try?

Author:  pati [ Wed May 11, 2016 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Clearly flamers for sistas, HB for the supporting retributors. For gaming reasons, since fluff is an ever changing thing fir GW.. And both are fluffy.

6 units are few to go ahead, but 8 engage heavy unit is a waste of ranged weapons.. Keep the supporting formation supportive!

Actually i can't vote, butcount me in +1 for the flamer+sista version.

Author:  pati [ Wed May 11, 2016 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Clearly flamers for sistas, HB for the supporting retributors. For gaming reasons, since fluff is an ever changing thing fir GW.. And both are fluffy.

6 units are few to go ahead, but 8 engage heavy unit is a waste of ranged weapons.. Keep the supporting formation supportive!

Actually i can't vote, butcount me in +1 for the flamer+sista version.

Author:  pati [ Wed May 11, 2016 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

14+1 vote is fine for a not mainstream list i think..

Author:  Consul Avenging Angel [ Wed May 11, 2016 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll on armament for Battle Sisters and Retributors

Yeah it's fairly close on this one (including pati's vote), I like the being able to choose the weapons idea. So I reckon try three things, with the addition that the formation must have the same weapon (except last option ofcourse).
First allow choice of weapons for sister's and retributor's
Second fix sister's weapons hbolters with more favourable retributor upgrade and allow choice for retributor's
Third fix weapons for both with half hbolters and half hflamers per formation

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