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Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion

 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:49 pm 
Brood Brother
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I like them, but I am not a big fan of lack of premeasuring, but that's just my opinion.
Regarding multiple targets, I think the best solution is to make a special rule Multiple Targets allowing unit to shoot at number of different targets.
Imo the Stress Tokens are a bit too similar to Blast Markers, I don't mean that's bad but that might be too similar to Epic.

"There ain't no thing as enuff dakka! Enuff's more than you got, an' less than too much, an' there's no such thing as too much dakka!"

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:10 am 
Brood Brother
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Proposed Simplification of Orders

I'm thinking that orders can be simplified - especially if the action/reaction system is integrated as follows:

Turns & Activations -
Each game turn is divided into alternating activations between the players, followed by an End Phase once every unit in play has activated, after which a new turn begins.

When it is your turn to activate a unit, choose one of your units that has not been activated this turn and carry out two "actions" as described below. Once finished, place an "Activated" token next to the unit to signify that the unit has been activated this turn.

Each time a unit carries out an action - enemy units may "react" to the activated unit as noted below each action. Reactions also cause enemy units to receive an "Activated" token once the reaction is resolved.

Some units will have special actions that they can execute as noted in their rules.

Basic Actions - Activated units may execute two actions. One carried out after the other. Each action may only be selected once per Activation.

Action - Move:
Move the unit up to it's movement stat in cm. Units with melee weapons can "Assault" enemy units by moving into base-to-base contact with them.
Enemy Reaction - Intercept:
Enemy units which can draw line of sight to the "lead" model as the unit moves can fire on it. Resolve all enemy fire after the move is complete. If the lead model is "obscured" at any time during its move, apply the shooting penalty to every model in the Intercepting unit when resolving their attack.

Action - Charge:
*May only be chosen if the first action was "Move". Move the unit again, up to it's movement stat in cm. Units with melee weapons can "Assault" enemy units by moving into base-to-base contact with them.
Enemy Reaction - Intercept:
See Above

Action - Fire:
The unit may fire it's weapons at enemy units.
Enemy Reaction - Return Fire:
Enemy units which are fired upon may fire back at the firing unit if they have not been activated yet this turn. All shooting is resolved simultaneously.

Action - Rally:
The unit rolls to remove stress tokens. Roll a dice for each token - it is removed on a result of 4+. Some unit traits like "Brave X" and "Cowardly X" modify these rolls. Rolls of "1" always fail to remove stress regardless of modifiers.
Enemy Reaction - None

Action - Focus:
Place a "Focus" token on the unit. The Focus token will stay with the unit until another action or reaction is performed - after which, it is removed. If this action or reaction involves rolling dice, the unit receives a +1 modifier to all dice rolls for the remainder of said action. Focus tokens grant no bonus to actions that do not require dice rolls.
Enemy Reaction - None

Stress and Retreating -

When a unit has more stress than remaining unit strength, the unit is considered to be "Broken". A number of ill effects are applied to Broken units as follows:

1. Cannot React: The unit is too shaken to respond to the horrors happening around them - the unit cannot react to enemy actions.

2. Reluctant to Fight: If the unit is armed with melee weapons, they roll a d3 when resolving assaults instead of a d6. If they have no melee weapons, they automatically roll a "1" when resolving assaults.

3. Must Retreat: When executing actions during an activation, broken units must "Retreat" as described below. Unlike basic actions, a unit can execute a retreat action twice during it's activation if required to do so.

Action - Retreat:
The unit must move its movement value in cm directly towards the closest friendly table edge. If this move takes the unit off the table, or into contact with an enemy unit, it is destroyed.
After this move, roll to remove stress tokens. Broken units remove stress tokens on a roll of 5+. Some unit traits like "Brave X" and "Cowardly X" modify these rolls. Rolls of "1" always fail to remove stress regardless of modifiers.
If, after this roll, the unit still has more stress tokens than remaining unit strength, it "Disbands" - remove the unit from the table and consider it destroyed.
If the unit removes enough stress tokens, (equal to or under current unit strength) it is no longer considered "Broken" and can execute actions normally.
Enemy Reaction - Intercept
As above. Note - any intercept shooting rolls are resolved before rolling to remove stress.

Note: Its entirely possible for a unit to break in the middle of their activation due to enemy reactions, or to start their activation broken and recover after their first retreat action...

That's all for now - I think this will address a number of issues and just seems to "feel" better to me. Thoughts?

ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES onslaughtmini.com

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:27 am 
Brood Brother
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Assaults -
When a unit comes into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit, or it begins an action with at least one of it's models in close combat - an Assault is resolved. Assaults are terrifying and desperate affairs, where firearms are used at point blank range and savage close combat is fought using deadly melee weapons.

Only units armed with a melee weapon can voluntarily enter close combat with an enemy unit. To determine if a model has a melee weapon, check in the weapon trait portion of their profile. If any of their weapons has the trait of "Melee" - the unit is considered to be armed with a melee weapon. Otherwise, the unit has no melee weapons, and cannot move within 5cm of any enemy model during their move.

Assaults are resolved as follows:

1. Resolve all Reactions:
Resolve all Reactions normally, based on the units final position - even if the target model/s are in close combat. It is assumed the Assaulting target models were gunned down as they charged into the Assault. This can result in the Assaulting unit breaking from stress just like any other action - in which they fight with a penalty as described above.

If, after any reactions are resolved, there are no models in close combat, the Assault has failed - the action is over. If the unit has an action remaining - it can execute another as normal. Otherwise, the units activation ends.

If at least one model remains in base-to-base contact with an enemy model - continue on to step 2.

2. Assign a stress token to the target unit:
Being charged by blood thirsty enemy soldiers is terrifying - the target unit receives a stress token before any dice are rolled.

3. Resolve Melee Combat:
You may resolve each close-combat in any order you wish, and one at a time, following the following procedure for every model in base-to-base contact with an enemy model.

a. Each player rolls dice for the models fighting. The number of dice rolled is equal to the model’s melee weapon “A” stat. If a model has no melee weapons, it rolls a single d3. The highest dice rolled counts as each model’s score.

b. If an enemy model has already fought off one or more of your models, add a bonus dice for each of your models defeated by the enemy model so far during this assault.


c. Add any bonuses or penalties to the roll. (For example, some traits allow you to add 1 or more to your roll).

d. Calculate who won the combat:

    - If the final scores are tied: Both models take a single hit. The Strength of the hit equals the melee weapon’s “S” stat being used by each model.

    - If one model scores higher: It wins the combat, and the loser takes a hit. The Strength of the hit equals the melee weapon’s “S” stat being used by the winner, with a +1 bonus.

    - If one model scores double or more than the other: A critical hit is scored against the loser. Critical hits get a +2 Strength bonus, and a +1 Damage bonus.

e. Make armor saving throws and apply damage just like Ballistic attacks.

f. When a model is damaged in close-combat, its unit earns a stress token.

4. End of the Assault:
If the Assaulting unit has any actions left, it may carry out it's last action as normal. Otherwise, it's activation ends.

Assault Lock -
Sometimes models will survive a failed close combat roll, and the models will remain in base-to-base combat. If these models are of the same class, they are "Locked" together, and cannot move away. If forced to - like when a unit breaks and retreats, it is destroyed automatically. Locked models cannot fire ballistic weapons.

If one unit is of a larger class - it is not considered to be locked, and can move away freely, or fire its ballistic weapons normally. Ballistic weapons cannot target enemy models in base-to-base contact unless it has the "Point Defense" trait.

Models are never considered locked with models that do not have melee weapons regardless of class.

Units can carry out actions normally if one or more of it's models are locked in close combat - but unit formation must always be maintained. At the end of any action, close combat is resolved for any models locked in close combat as described above.

For example - let's say a unit of tanks begins its activation with one of it's models engaged in close combat with enemy infantry. The Tanks are not locked - as one unit is of a larger class. The tank unit can choose to carry out a fire action, and fire at a different unit entirely. After shooting is resolved however, melee combat is resolved for the tank engaged with the enemy infantry.

ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES onslaughtmini.com

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:38 am 
Brood Brother
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The End Phase -
After every unit has been assigned an "Activated" token, the current turn ends. Before continuing into the next turn, carry out the following steps, which make up the “End Phase” between each turn.

Check Victory Conditions:
After each turn, check the scenario’s victory conditions and determine if either player has won the battle. Calculate any victory points, record current scores, and if the game continues – move on to the next step.

Gain Strategic Resources:
After calculating victory points, check the scenario to see how many Strategic resources each player gains. Strategic resources are gained in a number of ways depending on the scenario being played, and what role you have been assigned. Calculate the total amount of SRs for each player, and give each the appropriate amount of SR tokens.

Spend Strategic Resources:
Once each player has been assigned their Strategic Resources for the turn, players may spend them to purchase new units, activate special abilities, or Trigger scenario specific events.

The player with the most SRs must make their purchase first, if they wish to. After each purchase, the player with the most remaining SRs again makes their next purchase – this means that a single player can be required to make multiple purchases before the other player gets a chance to. Instead of making a purchase, players can choose to “pass”. If they do so, they may not make additional SR purchases this end phase – the opposing player can then continue to make purchases until they are finished. Unspent SRs are retained from one turn to the next.

As mentioned before – SRs can be spent in a number of ways:

    1. Purchase Additional Units: SRs can be spent to purchase new units just like during the pre-game setup. These new units are placed off to the side of the table – and must be brought into play during the next turn. Units may only be purchased with SRs if the associated models are available.

    2. Activate Special Abilities: SRs can also be spent on boosting the abilities of units already in play. These Abilities are noted in the unit’s compendium entry (and optional expansion unit cards). Some abilities offer temporary boosts, while others are permanent buffs or bonuses to the unit. Place a marker next to any unit activating a special ability with a lasting ability to remember that it’s in effect.

    3. Trigger Scenario Events: Lastly, SRs may be spent to Trigger scenario specific events which include everything from orbital bombardments to environmental hazards and native alien assaults. These events are noted in the scenario rules being played, along with the SR cost to trigger them.

Once both players have spent all of the SRs they wish to spend, remove all "Activated" tokens from all units in play, and a new turn can begin. This process continues until one player achieves victory!

Deploying Units in Reserve -
After a player purchases a new unit with their SRs, the accompanying models are placed next to the table in plain sight of both players. These models are considered to be “In Reserve”.

Just like at the beginning of the game, units can start play embarked on any available transport that is also in reserve.

Units that are in reserve are activated just like any other unit in play – though their first action must be spent to move onto the table. Once issued an order, the unit may enter play from any friendly table edge – just place the “lead” model touching the chosen edge, and move it as normal, placing the remaining unit members in formation at the end of its move.

ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES onslaughtmini.com

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:53 am 
Brood Brother
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McJakub wrote:
I like them, but I am not a big fan of lack of premeasuring, but that's just my opinion.
Regarding multiple targets, I think the best solution is to make a special rule Multiple Targets allowing unit to shoot at number of different targets.
Imo the Stress Tokens are a bit too similar to Blast Markers, I don't mean that's bad but that might be too similar to Epic.

What does everyone else think about premeasuring? I've always been against it personally, but what does the community think?

Interesting idea on multiple targets - my main issue is lets say theres a squad of 3 tanks. 2 can draw line of sight to a desirable target - the other cannot, but can see a different one. Should the last tank not be able to fire? Interesting question...

They are somewhat similar to blast markers, but they do not restrict the actions of the unit that has them. They will however, force units to retreat and regroup when the stress of battle becomes too much for them to handle. And unlike Space Marine, units can break and regroup multiple times in a game as the unit shrinks in overall size due to casualties. Also - unit bravery is checked while the battle is raging - and players can actively use actions to rally their units to counteract the effects of battlefield stress.

What do you all think? The next sections will cover Flyers, Drop Units, and Hover units...

ONSLAUGHT MINIATURES onslaughtmini.com

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 6:43 pm 
Brood Brother
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Regarding the firing example, I think we have two choices: allow all tanks to fire, you just measure closest taregt to closest tank and if it is in range whole platoon can fire at, it provided it has clear line of sight, or we forbid the single tank to fire. I wouldn't personally allow the 3rd tank to fire at different target, I just feel like it shouldn't be a thing if they don't have the special rule.

I am still not sure how assaults work. Could you explain it a bit more in depth, perhabs with an example?

So far I am really liking the rules, I like the actions and reactions very much, especially the focus action. The fact that you can also rally and fight back is very interesting and I like it as well. The whole thing where you can mix all the available actions and just go with crazy strategies I am really into that.

Buying units during the game seems interesting as well, I would like to see how it would feel like during the game.

Once you are done with basic rules I would try to test them a bit.

"There ain't no thing as enuff dakka! Enuff's more than you got, an' less than too much, an' there's no such thing as too much dakka!"

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 9:51 pm 
Brood Brother
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Hi, I’m the author of Vanguards 3mm rules, I’ve just seen this thread today (late to the party) and looking over what you’ve got it’s pretty good start.

On activation bags (before we dropped it). I found a max amount of consecutive activations helped a lot. We had 2 max consecutive activations and then the next player would automatically have the next activation.

We tried at the beginning with an end of turn mechanic which could end the turn early but that was not well received.

Check out Sharp Practice they have a good token/card activation mechanic.

Anyway good luck with this, watching with interest.

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 Post subject: Re: Onslaught 6mm Combat - Rules Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:52 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thanks for the input!

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