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The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 6000 p

 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:58 am 
Brood Brother
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The vypers glide to the fore and using the humans own ranging finding equipment unleash their shuriken cannons on the leman russ formations. The cursed human tanks armor is strong and the attack is rebuffed....


Imperial Army Strong!

The Russ cohort as held the line! With furious counter fire they unleash upon the eldar vypers on the hill inflicting more casualties as their resolve waivers....

Counter fire!

Vyper explodes...

Game Narration

Eldar: Those damn leman russ tanks don't quit! They decimate my jet bike company. But the tempest hold the objective...

IG: The die is cast. The leman russ did the impossible and held the line. Now the gorgon assault core needs to do theirs.



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:02 am 
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They cursed guard heavy support still dominates Omega Sector and all the approaches. The Weavers of Doom fire its spidery tendrils into their midst, but fate spares the foes once more....


Once more the dice don't help...

With command going dark the chaos is palpable. The hydra battery is the only unit left besides the titan in Sigma Sector. With no orders, the platoon leader orders they fire on the only target they have left. The eldar phantom titan!


All guns to the foe!

The guardsmen strain to get a fire solution. The refractive shields in the phantom make aiming a guessing game. In unison they fire a lethal barrage at it. The phantom bobs and weaves as if in a dance, but so intense is the flak storm that the guardsmen can see flashes of hits, but what can the flak shells do?

Withering fire, 4 shots get through!!

Perhaps the Emperor favored the battery with his gaze? Who knows... But one shot deviates from the wing target into the Phantoms head. Through the magnoculars the platoon leader sees a sizable hole in the head armor of the phantom. Suddenly the refraction stops. The target is immobile quiet....

The Emperor's own luck. No deviations. Both saves fail! holofield out, but the head shot! OH MY! Engine KILL!!! :)

VonStrauss demands the moderati inform him of what just happened. “No power registered from enemy engine”. “Analysis reveals flak shot has penetrated its head armor, we speculate the crew was killed”.
“Engine Kill?” asks VonStrauss in bewilderment and slightly annoyed. “Yes sir, the guardsmen have saved us”. Vonstrauss smiles and opens the magnavox speakers in the titan, “guardsmen of flak battery Primus, Engine Kill! Tempestus Mortis salutes you!”. The titans arm gears groan as they are raised weapons crossed in symbol of martial salute. The guards cheer with wild abandon.

Thanks to them Tempestus is the only remaining active Titan on the battlefield.....

Game Narration

Eldar: I can scarcely believe it! Only a handful of hits get through the holofield. They target the wing and one scatters to the hit. Easy enough, until a ONE is rolled on the die. The damage roll is a 10 on 2d6. Crew killed titan knocked out. I cannot BELEIVE THIS!

IG: Woohoo! Glory to the Emperor. A flak battery obtains an engine kill! Who would have thought?!



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:04 am 
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The end is near. The loss of both Phantoms is catastrophic. Their like shall not be seen again. But the battle still rages as his mind open to the Empyrean and the runes on his cloak flare in anger once more. The remaining super tank experiences massive failure of its systems as the warlock focuses his will to take it out of the battle....



Commissar-Colonel Abrimov enraged by the death of Colonel Ivor orders devastating fire to the nearby buildings housing the accursed hawks, too no avail.....


Stand tough!

Eerily silent.

Game Narration

Eldar: All that could be done is done. Only the carnage of melee awaits and thus the outcome of the battle.

IG: Time to see if my well planned assaults pay off. Its close, very close.



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:09 am 
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As the dread female warriors close to engage the strange helmets begin to emit a piercing shriek. The accompanying Commissar begins to chant the emperor's prayer. Maybe it helped. Maybe it was luck. But not one guardsmen fell to the siren song. But their blades? That's another story. They crashed into us like s spear through a piece of paper. Guardsmen wailed and died in their dozens. But the the weigh of numbers came to bear and slowly but surely they began to fall. But at what price? Captain Sergei hoped the cohesion of his force held against such carnage...


For every banshee squad that falls several guardsmen squads fall....

However the IG retain numerical superiority.

The dead

Captain Pietr roars as his lance pierces the breastplate of one of the multicolored winged aliens. The din of battle was everywhere. He could spy that second platoon had routed the jet-bikes and the hawks were all but gone. The scorpions however fought with such ferocity the pile of bodies and dead horses almost hid them from view. But the Imperials had the edge in numbers as the riders explosive lancers discharged on the dies of the wave serpents destroying them. All that was left was the small cadre of scorpion warriors surrounded in a see of horsemen. It was obvious there would be no prisoners.....

The devastating finale

Damn scorpions brought down the rough riders...

The dead.

The eldar are vastly outnumbered...

With more than enough reinforcements to finish the job...



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:12 am 
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Turn two end phase.

The lone shadowsword can take no more...

All rough riders due to the inspiring presence of their commissar hold!

The jet bike host has had enough....



All three formations of jet bikes fail morale!

Once more the commissars keep order and the guardmen hold!!

Only the dead need be counted...




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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:20 am 
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Victory Point


secured 4 objectives (2aa, 2 dish) total 20vp

broke tactical company total 6
broke gorgon assault company total 6
broke rough rider company total 6
broke marauders total 4
broke shadowsword company total 7
broke heavy platoon total 2
broken chimerax platoon total 3

Overall Total 57 VP (additional 3 from thunderbolts in first turn)


secured 3 objectives (2 hq, 1 dish) total 15

destroyed two titans 13 total
broke defender host 10 total
broke nightwings 3 total
broke jetbike company 6 total
broke 2 wave serpent detachments 4 total
broke swooping hawks 2 total
broke howling banshees 2 total
broke vampyre 1 total

Overall VP 58 (including two from the first hawk formation broken)




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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:20 am 
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Zyr felt the emotions wash over him. The battle was over. The farseer was right. There would be no victory for the eldar. However he had navigated the strands of fate to obtain the most optimal outcome for the battle... a stalemate. For you see the visions of the Farseer had shown only crushing defeat for the Eldar. Only one very narrow path could be tread to fight the Imperials to a standstill. The Farseer had warned the price would be high but it must be paid to give them the hope to prevail later.

Zyr had done his duty. The Imperials were ground to a halt. By the time they could reconstitute themselves, the Eldar will have sent enough forces through the web-way to secure this world.

The Children of Asuryan have returned for good.....

Thus end the tale of the battle.



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:30 am 
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Post game analysis.

1. Combined activations. Thius has worked better than i could have hoped. In fact it solves several issues with units under the standard rules. The game is quicker, more lethal and is engaging having both sides alternate and try to outwit each other. Very few tweaks remain to be done.

2. Scream's Alternate flier rules. The worked awesome. I love the way close combat works rolls 1d6 per point of CAF. Rolling sizes. Very lethal, very fun. Perhaps some things to tweak but overall very solid. It seems to work very well with combined activations.

3. Flanking rules. Looking forward to use these more. Its a lot of fun to keep units in reserve and spring them at the right moment. I can only imagine how devastating a "rear attack" deployment would be. Hard to pull off, but big payoff. No more "safe" zones with these rules in place.

4. Plasma generation. Worked flawlessly. I used the 2d3 method. this gives a stable, but perhaps too predictable spread. O got 7 then 8 in each turn respectively. Enough, but not a lot. using a d6 would make the spread more swingy and perhaps more exciting.

5. damage tables. Solid. Makes titans TOUGH! The titan versus titan mini-game looks a lot like original AT. You can no longer reliably go for a one shot knock out. What order you fire and what you go after matters.

You may notice from the story I went fro the holofields first, then legs to cripple, then for the kill. If you cripple the legs and are fast enough (like the eldar) you can flank the slower titan and go for the rear reactor. Extremely viable tactic now.

In case of the eldar, notice how I went for the carapace and shutdown the reactor. While luck had the hydras take out the last phantom, I would not give a lot of chances for the shield-less warlord as the phantom flanks and shoots the reactor!

This also makes close combat armed titans not only viable, but perhaps the only sure fire way for wucik engine kills.

So much like old AT..... :)

Well that all for now, Hope you enjoyed it. :)



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:46 am 
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It's awesome to see you pull a select set of the Primarch-Load from the vault and get a game going. I love the immersive storytelling (commentary???) as well. It really takes me back to the heyday of 2nd edition batreps in WD. While, as Bissler can attest to, I've long long ago sold my soul to EA, this is great.

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:38 am 
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jimmyzimms wrote:

It's awesome to see you pull a select set of the Primarch-Load from the vault and get a game going. I love the immersive storytelling (commentary???) as well. It really takes me back to the heyday of 2nd edition batreps in WD. While, as Bissler can attest to, I've long long ago sold my soul to EA, this is great.


Thanks Jimmy!

I tend to view games as a story anyway, so as I played I would formulate the story as the events unfolded. Some of the extremes of luck were quite surprising and hilarious!

It was nice to roll some dice and blow up stuff. ;D



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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:36 am 
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Yeah, Jimmy is right, this is an excellent report with a lot of great pics and a storyline to match! At last I can see a benefit to knowing a bit about the fluff! Best of all, the clashing egos of commanders gave me a good laugh! Thanks for taking so much time to post such an involved and exciting story, great battle report!

What was also very gratifying was to see all of the rules we've been working on for the past couple of months being put into action and working incredibly well. I'm personally delighted that Net Epic Evolution (TM) seems to be working a treat and that you don't feel it requires much more tweaking. This means that I can get on with finalising the rules which is good. I'll be sure to try out DS' damage tables next game! Apologies to Scream, I do want to try out those flier rules but since I don't have any, it's not likely to happen any time soon.

I had the same thoughts about my 2D3+3 system for plasma generation Primarch, it does seem to consistently churn out the same results of 6-8, meaning there is little excitement in the rolls for plasma. I'm thinking Riquende's method of 1D6+3 but two dice are rolled and the highest is used probably will be the way to go. The security of that 2nd dice roll should elminate my biggest fear, that being that you could have a poor roll several turns in a row and only generate a meagre 4-5 plasma counters for successive turns. That would be a bit of a disaster and the Titans wouldn't really be worth the points. The rolling of 2 dice means this is still a possibility but it's unlikely and the increased risk in variation would probably increase the excitement of plasma rolls each turn.

jimmyzimms wrote:
It's awesome to see you pull a select set of the Primarch-Load from the vault and get a game going. I love the immersive storytelling (commentary???) as well. It really takes me back to the heyday of 2nd edition batreps in WD. While, as Bissler can attest to, I've long long ago sold my soul to EA, this is great.

Search your feelings Jimmy, you can't do this. I feel the conflict in you. Let go of your E:A.

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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:38 pm 
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It's too powerful. If you only understood the power of the EA...

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:05 pm 
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Only read a few posts, but the following bits in the first section got me thinking.

primarch wrote:
In addition I like to add effects to the objectives. They were as follows:

1. Bunker objectives give +1 CAF to all models in building
2. Auspex station. Increase 25cm range to units within 15cm
3. Missile battery. Give AA cover when controlled. Use hydra battery stats.

Now this sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe something that can be expanded in the upcoming optional rules book. Rather than just having generic objectives, after each is placed on the battlefield, you roll on a table to see what the objective is. Would actually give people something to fight over and give some identity to the objectives. Will ponder this and maybe throw something up in the rules section.

primarch wrote:
Off table deployment was used for the first turn. No units on table at games start.

This is another thing I have been pondering and started making notes about.
Rather than straight up deployment zones, much like what is done in 40k and WFB these days, I have been thinking about random deployment zone games (lengthwise, cross wise, corners, at angles, off table, vanguard, reserves, etc). Again, will ponder this and throw something up in the rules section.


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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:38 am 
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Awesome report Primarch! The battle reminds me a little of White Dwarf issue 157 (I think?) Imperial vs Eldar. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I'm also enjoying watching in the wings the new rules set developing and the conversation around it. Thanks for all your hard work guys and know that there's little old me sitting at the bottom of the world in New Zealand appreciating all this!
Keep it up and long live Epic!!! ;D

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 Post subject: Re: The Return of the Children of Asuryan:Eldar versus IG 60
PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:24 pm 
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RoriusMaximus wrote:
Awesome report Primarch! The battle reminds me a little of White Dwarf issue 157 (I think?) Imperial vs Eldar. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I'm also enjoying watching in the wings the new rules set developing and the conversation around it. Thanks for all your hard work guys and know that there's little old me sitting at the bottom of the world in New Zealand appreciating all this!
Keep it up and long live Epic!!! ;D


I am glad you enjoyed it! :)



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