I likely won't be down for the next games day, but here's some feedback for you upon a quick readthrough.
The Half BP rule is unnecessary, EA already handles it via the rule on rounding fractions. Squat Mole Mortars used to have 1/2 BP.
Breaking CC and FF up into AP/AT shouldn't cause issues (I wish EA did this from the start). Effectively the opponent will just end up with a pool of AP CC&FF attacks to allocate and another of AT CC&FF hits to allocate in each assault. The presentation though could be better, I'd go with something like this:
Name Type Speed Armour CC FF
US Infantry INF 15cm - AP5+ AP6+/AT6+
It mixes two presentations that players are already familiar with: separate CC and FF columns, and AP/AT values from a weapon's Firepower column. One column for all that information is going to cause confusion.
What's with the "(against infantry)" in the notes for the tanks?
That "No firing penalty for double", make it a special rule like Sniper so it can be put on weapons or units.