Hi All
after a terrible attempt at this back in 2012 that lasted all of 3 months I am going to try and attempt a TOEG Log.
for this first entry I am logging where I have got to with my collection which has become a bit of everything wih most needing the bases finishing off and a few needing some extra units/formations adding to complete.
The original goal was to build a 4k army for each of the races me and friends play in epic scale for Armageddon.
2012 saw a lot of work done getting units painted over a short period before ill health knocked me sideways and it has been a while to recover
the good news is I now have a good excuse in reduced vision to explain the quality of painting you will be seeing
Tau progress june 2014
tau june14.jpg [ 1.77 MiB | Viewed 10384 times ]
necron progress june 2014
necron june 14.jpg [ 1.77 MiB | Viewed 10384 times ]
marines progress june 2014 (will be blood ravens by the end)
marines june14.jpg [ 1.85 MiB | Viewed 10384 times ]
Krieg progress june 2014
krieg june14.jpg [ 1.62 MiB | Viewed 10384 times ]
elder progress june 2014
eldar june14.jpg [ 1.7 MiB | Viewed 10384 times ]
my goals for this TOEG will be
1) to finish off basing the miniatures shown above
2) to add a few bits to a number of the armys to get them to 4000 points
3) the main goal - to paint a 4000 point blood raven army