Hi there,
I just backed the KS and had some questions I was hoping to get answered.
First, does the game have any sort of basing requirements/recommendations, especially for infantry stands. I know a lot of 6mm games basically say "whatever looks right", but I wanted to make sure before I started basing up a bunch of Deacon's OTC.
One of the things that attracted me to the game is that the combat mechanic is basically an evolution of the one in Iron Crown's old Silent Death starfighter game, which I have always loved. I assume that was deliberate. I was wondering if the unit creation rules in Polyversal are likewise inspired from that source. Specifically, I am wondering if a unit's defense stat is purchased directly, or if it is calculated based on other factors (unit size, speed, stealth special rules, etc...)
Does the unit construction system have rules to cover transforming mecha that can operate in multiple modes during the course of a battle? I have all these 6mm Robotech figures from their KS and it is unlikely that game is ever going to take off. I wouldn't think too much would be needed. I was figuring design each mode individually, introduce an order they can be given to transform, and charge points equal to the highest value mode. I was just wondering if that was something you had already covered, or if I had actually thought of something new.
Finally, not so much a question as some feedback. While the system itself looks pretty solid, I really hate the icons you are using for the basic stats of the unit. How does the cell phone reception bars suggest the units defense? Why not just use a bullet (or laser) and a fist icons for ranged and assault values. At least the movement stat has arrows involved, though arrows going in multiple directions makes one think of routing troops and morale more than standard movement. Stat cards should be very intuitive, someone who doesn't know the game at all but who is reasonably intelligent and familiar with hobby games should be able to look at a stat card like this and figure out what most of the stats are for, even if they don't know exactly how to use them yet. thought it would be a good idea to mention that before the KS is over.
_________________ Thanks, Troy
Once Upon a Midnight Dreary....