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Film Discussion

 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:53 pm 
Brood Brother
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The Bissler wrote:
Just back from seeing Gravity in 3D. Jaw-dropping! Go and see it in the cinema, it won't be the same on the telly!

Totally agree. And stay closer to the screen than you normally would to get a "total immersion" effect.

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:14 pm 
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Ginger wrote:
Totally agree. And stay closer to the screen than you normally would to get a "total immersion" effect.

Yeah, and hopefully you won't have an usher take a stroll through the auditorium disrupting your 3D experience! I posted a howler about that on my local cinema's fb as well as the 35 mins of unadulterated crap I had to sit through before the film started. The trailer for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty alone went on for in excess of 5 mins and was a complete snorathon! I dunno what goes through execs heads but that advert had the exact opposite effect to what was intended! And Kevin Bacon will burn in hell for trying to sell me some phone thing I don't even want! >:(

Anyway, getting off-topic, take it from Ginger & me, Gravity is ace, go and see it while you still can! :spin

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:23 am 
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OK. So its time to add my repetitions of what everyone has already mentioned.
    Bladerunner - the blindingly immersive designs and milieu. Plot is as interesting as Dicks, but the visuals and characters is, well...
    Alien - Greasy filthy space truckers. In space no one can hear you vacuum. Oh, and there is apparently some kind of monster there as well?
    Star Wars - The first.
    Escape from New York - So many tough guys and corny one-liners in one movie.
    Madmax - The second. This was before we came to know the religious nutcase that is Gibson.

Come to think of it. The top 5 is not all that hard. What about the 6-10?

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:08 pm 
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Resurrecting this thread and picking up on Nitpick's suggestion:

6. Starship Troopers

7. Total Recall

8. The Empire Strikes Back

9. Robocop

10. The Matrix

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:16 pm 
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In no particular order
-The Thing (Carpenter)
-The Fountain

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:32 pm 
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Ach, JZ beat me to it on The Fountain. Great movie, moved at a stately pace that I liked. Not every movie has to be fueled by caffeine, sugar, adrenaline, and cocaine. On the same note, the remake of Solaris was very, very good. Deeply under-rated. People who wanted action sci fi didn't like it because it was too cerebral, and film snobs didn't like it because they all insisted that the six hour russian version was better. But I loved it. Neither make my top 5, but still very nice. Close Encounters of the Third Kind goes here, too. I put these in the Exploration of the Unknown category, along with the movie that DOES make my top 5: 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Inception is another one of those late-90's (I know it was filmed in the 2000s) movies about cartesian doubt. Right along with the Truman Show, Dark City, and the Matrix. They all have something to recommend them, but Inception appeals to me because I like a good heist movie. Some other cartesian movies include Total Recall, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Momento -- though those are more about questions of identity than reality.

Star Wars took a harsh beating due to the prequels, and I've no doubt it will suffer from the new movies, if for no other reason because Disney is apparently going to invalidate a huge swath of EU canon. But the original movies are still great. I plan on introducing this to my daughter when she's old enough by using Machete Order: Eps 4, 5, 2, 3, 6. Star Trek is OK, Serenity was a fun ride, etc etc etc., but Star Wars is the Holy Trilogy for a reason. While Starship Troopers the book was written as political/social, Veerhoeven's film tried to be a critique of the book but ended up being a fun but mindless adventure story. Weird Science was a fun romp, but I'll mention it mainly because Claudia Christian claims she and Kelly Le Brock hooked up and.... mmmmhhhh....

Tron is one of those movies (and I'm talking about the original here) because it works on so many levels. Filmed in the era of the Apple ][, it actually makes MORE sense in the internet age. The issues of hierarchical vs distributed control it explores are very relevant today. Hell, even more now with the NSA scandals. I categorize it as a "rabbit hole" movie where the character goes to a different universe and has an adventure, which gets juxtaposed with their mundane life in our world, as opposed to the Cartesian Doubt movies, where the question of which reality is really real is primary. Other Political/Social movies include District 9 (though arguably that's transhumanist, it's too thinly veiled social commentary to be really relevant), Equilibrium, Logan's Run, Ghost Busters, War Games, Gattacca, Real Genius, and lots more.

There are lots of good Time Travel movies. Back to the Future gets my vote, though the sequels don't do it any favors. It's just plain a fun adventure. Some honorable mentions: Terminator was great but its EU hurt it and I don't like its fundamentally anti-technology message. Most movies punt on the mutability of history and how to resolve paradoxes. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is unique in being the first time travel movie to be entirely internally consistent and paradox-free. Most authors prefer the Terminator/12 Monkeys/Time Cop approach where the characters travel back in time to change history and end up creating it. I haven't seen Primer, but I've heard a lot about it and want to; however, I think they miss the fact that despite their careful attempt to dodge the problem, they STILL can't avoid paradoxes. I can explain if someone really cares, it deals with some deep social sciences/information theory issues rather than physics.

Then you get the transhumanist movies. None make my top five, though I love the concept. Those are movies that explore the nature of humanity and what is human. You get silly takes on it like Species and Fifth Element (both of which I really hate), plus Howard the Duck and Twins (yes, really, and both of which I actually like quite a lot). Short Circuit is silly, while . Robocop falls into this genre, as does the truly awesome Blade Runner. And horror stories like The Fly.

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:04 pm 
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"...but Star Wars is the Holy Trilogy for a reason..."

I won't argue with a fan of Chasing Amy. ;D

Nice one, loving the machete work sequence and what I assume is a deliberate ignoring of Episode 1, most likely for reasons of a hateful Gungan and annoying brat nature. Mind you, eps 2 and 3 do have "Mannequin Skywalker" plaguing them!

Continuing on the theme of Star Wars, does anyone else love how in Episode 1 "guardian of peace and justice in the galaxy" Jedi Qui Gon Neeson says "I didn't come here to free slaves"?! Say what you like about the Sith but at least they don't pretend to be something they're not.

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:46 am 
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I watched This Is The End tonight. I had seen The World's End in the cinema last year which is of a similar vein. I don't say this often, particularly about comedy, but I have to admit America won that battle! This Is The End was much funnier than TWE which was a big disappointment. As a big Simon Pegg fan, maybe I set my expectations too high. I don't think so though, The World's End was actually a bit tragic which I didn't think sat well with the comedy.

Anyway, watch This Is The End, it's great fun!

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:52 am 
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Dune - and Jodorowski's take would have been interesting, to say the least.

Has anyone ever made a film of Alfred Bester's Tiger,tiger (also reprinted as The stars my destination)?

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:41 pm 
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This is the End - possibly the world's stupidest film, to the point that I was almost ashamed that I found it funny (but I did). Yes miles funnier that The World's End, which as you say was "not very good". I do like Simon Pegg movies, but I think they're a little bit overrated in general. I find the comedy is quite formulaic and it's getting a bit tired these days.

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:14 pm 
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Yes, I should have said that This Is The End is stupid and puerile but I don't care much about that, so long it's funny! While not every joke hits the mark there are a good few absolute belly laughs which I didn't find in The World's End.

For me personally, I do enjoy most Simon Pegg films but it was the whole subplot about addiction that I felt really wasn't appropriate in a comedy and sucked what humour there was out of the piece...

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:43 pm 
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I watched Pacific Rim and absolutely loathed it.

I have to take my hat off to Guillermo Del Toro because there's been too many films I've watched which illicit absolutely no response. Films generally are of a better quality than those of maybe 20 - 30 years ago but there are very few great films either. The result is that there are dozens and dozens of films which I have watched but have no recollection of! I will not forget this turd of a film in a hurry!

Ridiculously overacted (presumably under instructions from the director), with comic relief characters that rival the ghastly Jar Jar Binks and stultifyingly boring "action" scenes, this really offended my cinematic tastes!

GDT is a good director, this is what puzzles me! There are several of his films which I have enjoyed and admired. But I have to say that on this evidence, I was glad that he quit the Hobbit and let Peter Jackson make that one!

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:52 pm 
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Pacific Rim is a bad movie that knows it's bad. I loved it for that. :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 3:05 pm 
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I'm glad you enjoyed it E&C. I really wanted to and had been looking forward to seeing it for a while. The scientist characters in particular drove me insane, reminding me how I felt about the Rob Schneider character Fergie in the Stallone Judge Dredd. Add to that that I could hardly see any of the action because of the dark and the rain and I was left wondering what it was I was supposed to be enjoying. Simply awful.

I've been looking at reviews on the net and am dismayed to see that most decent reviewers seem to rate PR very highly. I just don't get it at all! It just seems to be that they are making excuses because they know GDT is a good director so don't want to put the boot in. Get a grip, say how it is, don't prettify it just because you admire the director! I think Steven Speilberg's films are generally magnificent, but let's face it 1941 was crud!

This review made me laugh as it was pretty much exactly how I felt about Pacific Rim. Warning, loads of spoilers!


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 Post subject: Re: Film Discussion
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:52 pm 
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Oh well, I loved it! ;)



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