More Epic, BFG + Trading Board
Epic Armageddon - Chaos - Bloodreavers box army (mint): 2 sprues, 2 Landraiders, 3 Predators, 6 Rhinos - 3 new Chaos sprues (unpainted, unassembled) - lots of old skool daemons (Greater & lesser), Titans (circa 1990) and Daemon engines - Bloodthirsters (x3) (1 painted, 1 primed, 1 unpainted ) - Keeper of Secrets - Lord of Change (painted) - Magnus the Red, Primarch of the 1000 Sons (painted) - Khorne Lord of Battles - Firelord (x1) - Doom Wings (x3) - Silver Towers (x2) - Cannons of Khorne (x3) (partially painted) - Doomblasters (x3) (partially painted) - Cauldrons of Blood (x2) - Death Dealers (x3) - OOP Banelord Titan - OOP Warlord Titans (x3) plastic w/ metal Chaos heads, weapons, tails (1 painted, 1 partially painted, 1 primed) - OOP Reaver Titan w/ Chaos titan tail (unpainted) = $250 obo for the lot
Imperial - OOP Imperial Imperator Titan (plastic, unpainted) - old skool plastic Warlord Titans (x4), w/ various metal weapons and heads - OOP Warhound Titans (x2) (paritally painted) - OOP Shadowswords (x3) (unpainted) - OOP Stormswords (x3) (painted)
Orks OOP Ork Mega Gargants (x2) (plastic, unpainted)
Epic Buildings - Epic 2nd Edition, card & plastic roofs - Ogre/GEV resin buildings
Necromunda terrain/buildings - card and plastic multi-level buildings from the original boxed set & the Outlanders expansion
Battlefleet Gothic - Chaos Despoiler Battleship (unassembled) - Chaos Desolator Battleship (unassembled) - x5 painted Cruisers: Acheron Hvy, Devastation, Murder, Carnage, Slaughter - x6 built, unpainted Cruisers: Hades Hvy, Styx Hvy, Devastation, Murder, Carnage, Slaughter - x3 Cruisers still on sprues - Repulsive Grand Cruiser (primed) - x6 Infidel Raider (painted) - x6 Idolator Raiders (3 painted) - x6 Iconoclast Raiders (painted) - fighters, bombers & Dreadclaws = $170 for the lot
Gorka Morka - Muties on mutant mounts (mint)
_________________ Legion 4 "Cry Havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War !" ... "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."