With the last post seemingly dead, and the no way to access the 40k Talons of the Emperor rules from said post, I would like to suggest starting a new thread here.
For reference - I ported most of the units directly from the EpicAU Custodes rules - which seem to fit really well with the EpicEA rules as well. To make it more modern - I also added some of the major units that either EpicAU was missing from Heresy, or just things that did not exist in 30k but exist in 40k (e.g. Allarus Terminators).
If you could all please playtest this list to hell and back and leave appropriate feedback on this post. I will
consistently make updates because my end goal is to make this an almost official part of EpicEA much like the newer Necrons and Tau are becoming. I don't mind putting in the work to make this a modern EpicEA army guys - so please help out
Thank you so much, and Glory to the Emperor. Army Rules and Reference sheets can be found below.
As a side note, if someone wants to ping a Mod on this forum to maybe make this thread the sticky instead of the other which somewhat went defunct.