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Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts

 Post subject: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:48 am 
Brood Brother
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Another opportunity to play a game came along quite as a surprise. Unfortunately the army group Armageddon is experiencing some recruitment difficulties, namely I’m bored out of my mind with painting these chaps:

File comment: DRM Industrial infantry
Bored.JPG [ 1.28 MiB | Viewed 12413 times ]

So I would need to do a sidetreck again, and I decided to post ut under a separate topic rather than to use the winter war thread. I’ve been wanting to give the knights a chance to redeem themselves after their misfortunes against the Eldar. So this is a perfect opportunity. I’ve ordered som reinforcements in the shape of a Errant Houshold, but the minis have not arrived yet – so the army will be almost identical to the one that faced Eldar, less the Warlord and Adeptus Mechanicus.

KNIGHTS 3050 points

Paladin Houshold X 2
Crusader Detachment
Catellan Detachment

Mechanised Company
Basislisk Battery

File comment: Barons retinue
Barons retinue.JPG
Barons retinue.JPG [ 1.44 MiB | Viewed 12413 times ]

They will be facing my Khorne army. Still in a state of WIP but with a lot of new arrivals I want to put to the test.

KHORNE 3090 Points

Angron Primarch of the World Eaters
Beastmen Warband

World Eaters:
Chaos Terminators
Land Raiders

Lord of Battles (+ Deatstorm and Doomburner)
Chaos Dreadnoughts

Chaos Army.JPG
Chaos Army.JPG [ 1.42 MiB | Viewed 12413 times ]

I love Khorne Juggers in 28mm scale, but do not really fancy the epic scale ones. So I've been looking of a substitute and ended with these guys:

File comment: Edenite Walkers, bought, delivered and speed painted within a week :)
Juggers.JPG [ 620.11 KiB | Viewed 12413 times ]

And finally - Some Edenite tanks as Predator Proxies, Cybershadow Cyborg as Chaos Terminator, Cybershadows warcrabs in the back playing the role of Defilers and Lord Angron flexing his stuff :)

Chaos Armour.JPG
Chaos Armour.JPG [ 439.97 KiB | Viewed 12413 times ]

More to follow!

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:20 pm 
Brood Brother
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This will be cool! :)



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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:51 pm 
Brood Brother
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Yeah, let's hope it is as fun to read as it was to play :)

It took 3 rolls of the dice to decide who would choose table edge… It was, in hindsight, a sign of what was to come…In the end the Knights got to choose table edge, and they chose wisely!

Dice.JPG [ 1.37 MiB | Viewed 12379 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:09 pm 
Brood Brother
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The knights positioned the supporting infantry in the ruins on their right flank adding a supporting unit of Paladins and finally placing the Castellans on the far right. The Basilisks, Crusaders and a second detachment of Paladins made up the left flank. The Baron and the remaining Paladins were lodged in the middle.

Having the Castellans and Crusaders at either end of the battle line gives the possibility of hitting the enemy in quakecannon-crossfire across the entire board, thus forcing the Khornites to be careful when placing and moving their greater deamons.

The plan was to take up defensive positions on the right, capture at least two of the objectives in the center, and secure the hills on the left. Hitting the deamons with long range firepower and bleeding them dry of reward cards ASAP...

Table12.JPG [ 680.09 KiB | Viewed 12370 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:39 pm 
Brood Brother
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Angron silouette.JPG
Angron silouette.JPG [ 252.03 KiB | Viewed 12362 times ]

Angron placed himself on the left flank with most of his followers. His World Eaters preparing to spearhead the assault, while beastmen, Juggers and cultist form the second wave of attack. The Lord of Battle moving up the center, with the woods giving some cover on its left side and a good field of fire to its right. The last detachment of World eaters, the terminators and Defilers are to attack the 3 objectives in the center. Predators and Dreadnoughts forming a small right flank.

The idea was to use the Chaos Marines to gain a “bridgehead” in the ruins, while moving up the beastmen and cultist in the cover of the woods and then in turn 2 or 3 - overwhelm the Knights in the ruins and capture all objectives at that end of the table. In the center, the plan was to challenge the VP in the middle of the board, then capture the one on the far right with some armor. Ideally one should use some Khorne engines for this task, but today predators will have to do.

Khorne BL.JPG
Khorne BL.JPG [ 1.21 MiB | Viewed 12362 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:27 pm 
Brood Brother
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Knights won initative.
Anticipating that the World Eaters would come knocking they chose not to attack to deeply onto the board rather waiting out the marines, and then counterattacking with a detachment of knights gaining the benefit of their lance attack. They tried the same ploy in the middle of the board, but were outmaneuvered by the more numerous Khorne units.

T1L.JPG [ 1.26 MiB | Viewed 12356 times ]

T1CR.JPG [ 1.2 MiB | Viewed 12356 times ]

End of movement

The Basilisk opened up fire on the Lord of Battles (LoB), not even scratching it’s armour. The Baron followed suit, but with much greater success - forcing the LoB to draw on the powers of Chaos for the first time of the game.

The Knights put some hurt into the World Eaters in the ruins and the Crusaders hit the LoB 6 times with a combination of Quake and Lascannon fire forcing Chaos to discard reward cards at an alarming rate. Angered, Khorne blessed his chosen and guided the fire of the predators on the Chaos right so that they felled 2 of the pesky Crusaders, watching gleefully as the last Crusader turned and ran from the field of blood.

End of turn 1
Knights 15
Chaos 20

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:50 pm 
Brood Brother
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The Knights won initaive again.


The Baron gave the command, and all along the line his brethren geared into action charging down the Khornites

Angron roared at the onrushing knights, they did not stop - Juggers scrambling to come to their masters aid, they could only watch as the knight discharged their lances at the Lord of the World Eaters. Drawing on the last of the power of Khorne, Angron was able to remain on the field, and strike back felling his assailants. But as they fell, the devious plan of the Knights dawned on lord Angron as he became aware that the Castellans had moved forward. But it was too late! In a hail of fire Angron was sent back into the warp. His cultists throwing away their weapons and running away, while the Beastmen continued on.

1.JPG [ 1.01 MiB | Viewed 12345 times ]

2.JPG [ 258.38 KiB | Viewed 12345 times ]

Meanwhile, in the ruined town his disciples were having trouble of their own, as the tech guard infantry were putting them under fire. Trying to capture the second objective, the Chaos Marines was hit with a deadly volley of fire, then to add insult to injury they lost the following close combat….

The LoB fired all it’s weapons, killing a single Chimedon. Which was an astounding success compared with the first turn, when it managed to hurt nothing.

However, in the center and on the right Chaos were able to throw back the knights killing enough knights to break both housholds.

So interestingly enough at the end of the turn the score were:

Knights: 32
Khorne: 42

Khorne Victory…
Ok, another technical victory. The Knights have died. However, the Mech Infantry are almost unscratched and have good defensive positions. NEVER EVER underestimate the power of an entrenched IG grunt (AS Chaos soon would find out), especially one that is backed by a detachment of Castellans and a Basilisk Battery.

So since both armies were above 3000 points, technically the game should run to 45 points so another turn was played. Knights winning initiative yet again!

The Beastmen tried at what the World Eatershad failed to press the Thech Guard infantry of the Objective in the ruins, but fared the same fate as their marine allies.

So one - 6 man strong IG grunt detachment and the Company Commander supported by 4 Chimedons, killed 5 marines and 8 beastmen stands, while losing 2 grunt stands and one Chimedon…Yeah, and one of the Chimedons forced a reward Card of the LoB too… So how’s that for a “man_of_the_match” unit? Gotta love them Grunts!

In the center the two remaining Paladins charged and killed the LoB turning the game around. Unluckily the Baron did not live to celebrate his victory as he was killed by the last shot of the game. A killing blow from a lone surviving Defiler.

3.JPG [ 272.37 KiB | Viewed 12345 times ]

File comment: Chaos casualities turn 3
4.JPG [ 928.96 KiB | Viewed 12345 times ]

File comment: TG casualities turn 3
5.JPG [ 1000.15 KiB | Viewed 12345 times ]

End of Turn 3

Knights: 50
Khorne: 39

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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:02 pm 
Brood Brother
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It's so painful to be short one or two VP's for victory and then lose in the next turn.

There will be a lot of executions amongst the Khorne survivors. ;)



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 Post subject: Re: Knights vs Khorne 3000 pts
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:21 pm 
Brood Brother
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Could have called it quits after two turns, but the game did not seem finished.
It was quite like the Necron vs SM game in the winter war tread, where another turn would have ended in a totally diffrent result. So Im glad the last turn was played.

The casualities on the Khorne side in that turn were formidable!

The Kights/TG seems like a really well balanced list. They have strenghts and weaknesses, are formiddable if played right, can be slaughtered if played wrong.

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