Pulled out my Skitarii for the first time last night, and had a lot of fun with them.
2 x Sagitarius demi-centuries with rapiers and Ordinati Minorus (Laser Blaster)
2 x Praetorians with Ordinati transports
2 x Crusader Robots
2 x Collossus Robots
Skitarius demi-century with secutors, gun servitors and chimedons
Skitarius demi-century with Magos
BIEL TAN (From memory)
Dire Avengers in Vampire
Shining Spears via warp gate
Falcons with two fire prisms
Night Spinners
Guardians with wraithguard

I set my Praetorians on the right flank, colossus robot also on the right. The skitarii with Magos were defending the blitz, while the Sagitarii were set up to advance towards the other two objectives on my side. Chimedons in the centre.

Eldar had guardians and rangers on their right, night spinners in the centre, everything else on the left.

I charged forward some collossu robots, then some praetorians, which the eldar proceeded to dismantle.

I didn't feel rushing forward like that was necessarily smart, but I also felt his tricksy, speedy shooty force would take me apart on the advance anyway if I was more cautious.
Crusader robots were the next into the meatgrinder.

With some of the Eldar forces actually moving into the open, I advanced more colossus robots, as well as a sagitarri formation. Unfortunately, the revenant holofields made a mockery of Mechanicus targeting systems.

Shining spears spring from the portal and assault my crusaders. My robots punch well above their point cost in melee. While the supporting fire from the falcons is enough to eliminate them, they destroy most of the spears, and break them.

The Vampire and Dire Avengers were wasted in a fairly pointless assault to drive a single crusader robot of an objective. The robots were broken, on dire avenger killed. Then, my other sagitarius formation moved up and the minorus took out the Vampire (thus why the vampire is not visible in this pic).

In a fit of madness, I continued the meatgrinder strategy, and to end the turn my secutors marched across the table and deployed.