Tactical Command

2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals
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Author:  mordoten [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

What? We need to playtest to NOT get them in??!! Does that mean that if there are no playtests done they will be considered goid changes and get implemented?

If so, that seems kinda backward...

Author:  Tiny-Tim [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

I would like people to focus on the items for testing. I see them as minor changes and can be easily implemented, following tests with EUK games. I would like to see if anyone encounters an issue with them, which is why I am calling for the back to front testing.

Author:  mordoten [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

The fighta bommer restriction is not very small at all IMO. But you're the AC so go for it if you think it's the warranted and that the majority of Ork players agree with you.

Looking at the disscussion in this thread it seems like more people are against the new restriction than for it. It also seems that more players are for giving the Orkosaurus walker than against. In both cases you are going to go against this.

Author:  GlynG [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

It seems a fine approach to me for Tim to make them as discretionary changes unless problems are shown.

They're minor changes that have generally already been tested in the Epic-UK lists.

mordoten wrote:
more players are for giving the Orkosaurus walker than against. In both cases you are going to go against this.

Giving walker to the Orkeosaurus would be a huge change to the list, it'd need to go up in cost and would need significant testing. I can see some people want it, but it's simplest and best not to mess with it.

Not everything that has legs and walks deserves to get the walker special rule - it's an ungainly behemoth carrying a vast structure on top, while being cattle prodded (or however) by the orks to get it to go in particular directions. I could easily see it hurting itself while crashing into trees and through ruined walls at high speed. Something small like a dreadnought could fit through gaps in a way such a big living creature couldn't.

Author:  Tiny-Tim [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

A change from 1/3 to 1/4 in the SF or 250pts less of potential aircraft in 3k army is a step down, but not a major change.

Orkeosaurus with Walker has not been proposed as part of these changes - might come another day, as people are asking for it, but this will need testing as the unit will need a price increase to compensate. Same with Squigoths.

Author:  Markconz [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

GlynG wrote:
I lost a game against Feral Orks today - I faced 5 Orkeosaurus and attacked them quite a bit, but only killed one, with no damage to any of the others.

Well you did actually damage two others (2 points on one, 1 on another). But you didn't do much damage to them or the Steam Gargants. No Macro or Titan Killer Weapons except close combat made it tough :)

Author:  Tiny-Tim [ Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

Well I lost 6 Orkeosaurus over the course of three games last Saturday. Definitely got tearful when Stompy was chopped down. Stinky just left a bad taste in the mouth and Rex's loss just added the icing on top.

Author:  berzerkmonkey [ Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2015 - Ork Playtest Proposals

uberChris wrote:
Being able to shoot in a 360 degree arc has come in very handy in my games but, I agree with Dave. The crudely designed and constructed Steam Gargants should have fire arcs just like the vast majority of other WEs.

Counterpoint: The Steam Gargant is on tracks and is much easier to rotate in place than a standard Gargant or Titan.

I welcome the change for Kommandos - it's about time they got added to the list in a worthwhile capacity. The only problem I see with that addition is the lack of transport options for them. Other than garrisoning or specifically buying a landa for them, they're going to be footslogging across the board, and that is never good for Orks.

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