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Night Lords v0.3

 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:50 pm 
Brood Brother
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nice models! Some of the Galactic Crusader remixes?

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:19 pm 
Brood Brother
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Cheers Jimmy. Got the models through a friend who knew someone producing 30k era Epic stuff. I was later told these models were no longer available, thankfully I had enough already to put an army together. I really liked the Raptor/Assualt Marine models and thought they would be a perfect fit for a Night Lords army.

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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 1:45 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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Hi All

I have had 2 games fairly recently with the Night Lords. The first game was against an Iron Warriors army. The IW pushed heavily down the center of the battlefield, running over the few NL formations in their way. The IW Battleship dropped a Chosen formation close to the Blitz which they succeeded in taking, pin-point attacks reduced the NL Warhound Titan to 1 damage point, then it was finished off by IW tanks.

The Night Lords force for the most part advanced down the flanks to attack the the IW Blitz which was guarded by an IW Company and a Basilisk battery. The NL Terminator’s and Warp Talons teleported nearby to assault the IW Company but they botched this when the Terminators failed to activate leaving the Warp Talons to be wiped out by the IW Company. This assault was such as fail that the NL had to use their Thundhawk assault as well on this objective, in the end the IW Company was forced to retreat and the Basilisks were destroyed. The NL company that air assaulted was broken but the NL Terminators were able to take the Blitz.

The Terror Claws appeared to take an objective and become a thorn in the side of the other IW Company trading ranged fire with them. The game ended with both sides claiming 2 objectives (Blitz and Take and Hold), although the IW were well ahead on points 2055 to 657.5.

The second game I had was against an Emperors Children force. Most of the conflict was in the urban area in the Emperor’s Children quarter of the table, with the Night Lords winning initiative in most of the turns. This allowed the NL to continually threaten objectives and units in the opposition table side, this meant the EC were often forced into reaction moves, expending their Thunderhawk assault and Terminators in countering the NL moves.

The Reaver Titan did fairly well to dominate its part of the battlefield, taking an objective, hitting the EC tank formation and confined the Questor Titan to stay behind buildings in the urban area.

Both Raptor packs went into the urban area, one unit hunted down the remanant of EC tank formation and the other landed on the blitz to threaten an end of the end in turn 3 that drew out the EC Thunderhawk borne Noise Marines which with some daemon support wiped out both units in successive turns. The Noise Marines also wiped out the NL Armoured Company which had just broken the Questor Titan.

Terror troops also surfaced in the urban area catching one EC formation in a crossfire and held their position well, been the only NL formation left inside the urban area at the end of the battle.

Both sides had taken a mauling without a single objective achieved. On points the NL were slightly ahead 1695 to 1580.

I have also painted up some Warhound Titans as per one of the images.

P1330427 (2).JPG
P1330427 (2).JPG [ 1.24 MiB | Viewed 20646 times ]
P1330412 - Copy.jpg
P1330412 - Copy.jpg [ 1.12 MiB | Viewed 20646 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:26 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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how you feeling about this list?

He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!

-Penal Legion-Fan list
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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:08 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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I am reasonably happy with where the Night Lords army list is going. I am pleased that I haven’t needed to overuse special rules to do this. The Night Lords are pretty mobile and hard to pin down and are best taking the enemy piece by piece. They come off second best in a head on clash with most opposition.

I like how the “we have come for you” rule plays. It can make all the difference in engagements where you have a blast marker advantage. Also introduces a risk v reward dynamic of staying close to broken enemy formations that will need a 5+ or 6+ to successfully rally. This can really keep broken formations out of the game and is especially effective in a final turn.

The Terror Claws work well in the army. They can always be in a position to threaten objectives or formations in the opposition rear areas. They can also if well placed setup crossfire opportunities. Bringing a blast marker with them allows the option of an effective assault right from their appearance.

I am little unsure if the Warp Talons are under/overpowered. Every game I have used them have seen them wiped out soon after teleporting, used mainly to add some extra punch to Terminators teleporting nearby. Not sure if they would be regulars in my army.

Four Elite choices gives players something to think about as most forces will only be able to fit in 3 of these units. For me that would be the Terminators, Terror Claws and Scouts.

This list could probably could do with some other people playing a few games with them. I aim to have an updated list posted up in the coming months with the addition of the Warp Talons as the major change to the existing list.

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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:57 pm 
Brood Brother
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I have had one battle recently against an Adeptus Mechanicus List. I played a very cautious first turn where I was able to probe down both flanks in order to stay clear of the two Ordinatus Minorus missile batteries. The early stages of the game saw the AM army split into two parts, three formations stayed back to protect the Blitz and the Ordinatus’. The main part of the Mechanicum army led by a Mechanised Skitarii company advanced up the center of the battlefield to head towards their two take and hold objectives.

In turn two both Night Lords Armoured Companies attacked the Mechanised Skitarii, causing enough damage to break them. Mechanicus tanks returned fire but only destroyed one NL tank, then the Ordinatus Missiles rained down destroying two tanks from the other NL armoured formation effectively suppressing them almost to break point.

Turn three saw the fighting in the center of the battlefield escalate with the Terminators and Warp Talons teleporting into the fray and the NL Thunderhawk screaming in the unload the Night Lords Company onto a Mechanicus tank formation which broke under the attack. The Terminators and Warp Talons attacked a Praetorian Maniple which was backed up by a nearby Colossus Maniple. The was no shifting the Praetorians as they passed every armour save, not a single one was brought down. The Terminators and Warp Talons were badly mauled and broke. A Raptor pack that also attacked in this area was wiped out.

In the final turn the two Mechanicus Automata formations were reinforced by a skitarii infantry company that had started the battle defending the blitz. This ended any hope of the Night Lords dislodging the AM from their objectives in the center, but the Night Lords were able to contest them. The Terror claws surfaced to secure one of the take and hold objectives and the second Raptor pack took the other take and hold objective unopposed. The Night Lords finished 1-0 on objectives but the game ended in a draw. Victory points slightly favoured the Mechanicus force 590 to 538.

I have still been painting of late and have completed an Armoured Company and a Dreadnought as per the images. I decided not to go for lightning on my tanks as giving away your position is probably not the best idea in armoured warfare. I still intend on updating the Night Lords list as per my previous post which I hope happens late April or May.

armoured.PNG [ 1.55 MiB | Viewed 20136 times ]
tact1b.PNG [ 1.36 MiB | Viewed 20136 times ]
tact1.PNG [ 927.71 KiB | Viewed 20136 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:28 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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I have finally put together the next version of the Night Lords Army List. The main change is that the Warp Talons have been added in as an Elite formation choice. The other notable change is I have specified the Thuderhawk Gunship as initiative 1+ which was my intention, but this wasn’t clearly stated in the previous version.

I have also painted up my Thunderhawk and I have attached a picture of it below.

I have only had one recent game against a force of Raptors. This was an interesting battle to play as so many formations on both sides started off the table. This state of affairs didn’t last long as the majority of these units were thrown into the fight on the first turn. The main flash point was the woods just inside Raptors territory where the Night Lords attacked a Raptor’s Scout ambush that had been setup there, this escalated dramatically as each side kept retaliating until most of the formations on the battlefield were fighting over this area.

Air power also added to the mayhem as both sides committed their Thunderhawk assaults. The Raptor’s Terminators landed to destroy the main NL Tank Formation (and BTS). The Night Lords Company Thunderhawk assault went after these Terminators and wiped them out. I don’t think I have ever seen such losses to both sides on turn one. Fighting on turn 2 was still sustained but less ferocious than turn 1, the most notable casualty in this turn was the NL Commander.

NL Terminators and Terror Claws appeared in Turn 3 close together in an urban area near the woods everyone had been fighting over and supported each other well to destroy both Imperial Guard units in the town. Both Raptors Tactical formations had by this point been crippled as well mainly from NL airpower. The Raptors Commander pulled back but was again attacked by NL Hell Talons in final turn which destroyed a rhino but couldn’t kill the commander which would have given me the BTS. Raptors Assault Marines went for the Blitz but were shadowed by the Warp Talons who were not going to allow this and contested the objective.

The game ended with the Raptors 1-0 on objectives, but the game ended in a draw. Night Lords were ahead victory points 1938 to 1053.

Capture Gunship.PNG
Capture Gunship.PNG [ 1.58 MiB | Viewed 19330 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Night Lords v0.3
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:43 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Lightning bolts on 6mm? Fantastic!

Ben Sibbald

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