Tactical Command

Daemon World List
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Author:  Steve54 [ Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Daemon World List

Following the post in the CSM list thread novemberrain has volunteered to take on development of this list, thanks+good luck to him :)

Author:  novemberrain [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

EDIT: I will keep this front post updated with the most recent versions of the list.

Hi guys,

As Steve54 has said above I have taken over the development of this list for now and am looking forward to piloting it!

This is my first time developing an epic list, so please be gentle. I will write up my first impressions and broad desires for the list in the next couple of days once Chroma returns from camping, but for now would people interested in the list make themselves known?

Attached is the current version of the list (sliced out of the army compendium)


Ghallamore Incursion 3.1.pdf [713.54 KiB]
Downloaded 917 times

Author:  madd0ct0r [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

hey, I am very, very interested in this list because I was hoping to include it in a supplement.

The only thing I'd planned on adding was a demonic terrain subset. (although a lot of it could do with a bit of an overhaul maybe) I'm looking forward to see where you take this.

Author:  Apocolocyntosis [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

Great to see the list getting some love :)

the … that pdf appears to be 3 massive pictures? 0.o

Anyway, unit stats includes defilers and hellfire cannons, but these are not present in the army list?
Beast of nurgle stats also appear to be missing.

Author:  novemberrain [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

The PDF is the relevant three pages from the 2012 compendium for this list.

Once I hear back from Chroma, I will put together my thoughts on the list and work on getting a corrected pdf version uploaded. It is nice to see that a couple of people are interested in it!

Author:  Dobbsy [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

I have an interest in the list but I'm unlikely to have time or ability to play it :( as all the minis I was hoping to get for it are being held by TRC (who is god knows where atm) and he hasn't contacted anyone about the minis in the pool for well over a year now I think.

Author:  Markconz [ Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

I like the list and played it at a tourni once. Seemed to work ok.
Will be using it again soon probably.

Author:  novemberrain [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

Hi guys,

Thanks for replying to the original post, it is really heart-warming to see interest in the list. Does it mean I get to bug you all for playtesting? :P

On the playtesting note, I am able to commit quite heavily to this - I play about 2 games of epic a week, in a varied group (SM, CSM, 1000Sons, Eldar, Orks), but I only have the oppurtunity to play during university term time when I am teaching.

OK, first thoughts on the list and a sketch of possible development paths.

1) I think the current list lacks focus - it currently includes Daemons, Mutants, Cultists, Daemon Engines and Chaos Space Marines - which detracts from the Daemon side of the list and dilutes the theme. I think cutting back on these areas, especially those already covered by other lists, would be a good first step.

2) In cutting back on the extra parts of the list, this would leave the list with too few formations / units to make a decent list. Given this, I think the incorporation of current Daemon units from 40k is necessary. For example bringing over the new Soul Grinder and Slaaneshi Chariots add units to the list, while also helping to keep it updated re: the current fluff.

3) Also to help strengthen the Daemon theme of the list, and to allow for more formation choices, perhaps splitting out the Lesser Daemons into seperate formations. For example currently players can choose between Plaguebearers and Nurglings as thier Nurgle lesser daemons within the same formation. I would be interested in looking into having Plaguebearers stay as the Nurgle lesser daemon, while having Nurglings as a seperate support formation. I also think bringing over currently existing units like Fiends would be worth investigating.

4) By having these new units and formations, I think we can address some of the deficiencies of the list - AA, Scouts, laying blastmarkers - without breaking the daemon theme.

What do people think?

Author:  LordotMilk [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

novemberrain wrote:
Hi guys,

3) Also to help strengthen the Daemon theme of the list, and to allow for more formation choices, perhaps splitting out the Lesser Daemons into seperate formations. For example currently players can choose between Plaguebearers and Nurglings as thier Nurgle lesser daemons within the same formation. I would be interested in looking into having Plaguebearers stay as the Nurgle lesser daemon, while having Nurglings as a seperate support formation. I also think bringing over currently existing units like Fiends would be worth investigating.

What do people think?

Please be careful on the number of conversions necessary to build a force... 2-3 items at maximum.

Author:  madd0ct0r [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

Some of us like converting - but neccesary =/= possible and there's a good range of demons available in fantasy

Author:  novemberrain [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

LordotMilk wrote:
Please be careful on the number of conversions necessary to build a force... 2-3 items at maximum.

That is something to bear in mind, but there are already either extant models / easily available models for quite alot of the daemon unit types.

Epic has: bloodletters, fleshhounds, Daemonettes, Flamers / horrors, plaguebearers.
Warmaster (10mm but passable) has: DPrinces, Greater Daemons, Bloodletters, Flesh hounds, Daemonettes, Seekers, flamer / horrors, Screamers, spawn, beasts of nurgle, nurglings.

The difficult model types I have proposed are: Soul Grinders, Seeker chariots, Juggernauts, and Fiends. Soul Grinders have partial availability through slight conversion from forumware defilers, Seeker Chariots are more complex but could still be done from Warmaster or OOP Epic seekers, Juggernauts are freely available on ebay, and Fiends are probably the most difficult.

What do you think about the rest of the points?

Author:  Apocolocyntosis [ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List chariots

I agree with your points. Focus a bit more on daemons. Mutants/cultists with daemon engine support already had a list. maybe keep cultists as support formation and make the CSM renegades into CSM possessed if kept.

Would be great to see new units like soulgrinders, plague hulks and those new chariots. Model availability should not be a limit, you can always use the old SM era fiends as fiends, even if the sculpt is fugly.

As with Dobbsy, many of my potential lesser daemons are lost in TRC land :(

Author:  frogbear [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

What I find strange in this list is that it is (unless I am mistaken) a Daemon World list. The inclusion of 'Chaos Army' in the title however may be the hidden clue as to why the list is the way it is.

I would prefer a Daemon World list that did not relegate daemons to 'Support Packs' and opened the list to the chaos that is a daemon force.

I do not picture cultists, mutants or chaos marines so much on a daemon world list, nor do I picture 'enslaved' daemon engines. I guess this is the part of "Chaos Army' that I am misunderstanding.

What I do envision is hordes of Daemons dwarfed by behmoths who stride amongst them towards an enemy to swarm. If machines are involved, Daemons have taken control of them and use them to their advantages (soul grinders) rather than be trapped by them. Yes Daemons can enslave others of their kind, however it (current Daemon engines) I feel should not be the defining aspect of the list.

While they may be able to shoot and provide support, it would be their weakness which both the warp gates, and possible teleports should get past. The AA should be flying daemons much like tyranid flyers attacking AA at the cost of themselves.

Some may relate this back to being just another Nid list in the guise of a Daemon World. Unfortunately there are going to be similarities, however there should be enough fifference with unit types and feel (they way they operate under rules such as Instability) to make the list unique.

If we have to rely on the LatD formations to get the list to work, I think we then fail to produce something unique and wonderful.

Author:  madd0ct0r [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

background wise, most deamon worlds do have a popualtion of mutants and slaves and beastmen.
Still, a demon world scrambling for war...

Go nuts!

Author:  Tiny-Tim [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daemon World List

Well Daemon Worlds can be anything the Chaos Gods want them to be. I would be tempted to make the list world specific and then make a decision as to whether it is inside the Eye of Terror or outside. If outside then there is scope for various engines, but if inside I would be tempted to say no.

I would also watch the Mutant Horde (200pts) and Spawn Pack (four for 100pts) combination as it allows a 19 activation strong army (at 3000pts) which whilst not uber powerful will just swamp the enemy.

Lesser Daemons will also need to be clarified. I can work them out from the stats list but these should be stated and factions confirmed.

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