I talked with kyussinchains about taking over his
House Devine Slaanesh Knight Household army list after running it at our past local tournament. He's cool with me taking it on so here's a bit of an update.
In terms of changes:
- SR has been dropped from 3 to 2
- the Knight formation is now three for 250 (to match the old pack numbers)
- the extra Knight went down from +75 to +65
- Cultists price now matches LatD/StD and they have a few more upgrades
- Noise Marines got a few more upgrades
- the Debaser got its AA re-stated (there was much lamenting over its Disrupt AA)
- Knights got their weapon arcs back (I assume this was a typo)
I also added the bigger titans (Painlord and Ravisher) and a close combat knight (Hell-Slicer). I'm looking forward to converting those.