took the new list out for a spin against Steve54 and his Ulthwe last night
I took
Tacticals - supreme commander, hunter, vindicator - 500
Death Company - Jump Packs, 2x Death Company Dreads - 475
Storm Ravens - 300
Scouts - 150
Scouts - 150
Devastators - 250
Strike Cruiser - 200
Storm Talons - 200
Thunderhawk - 200
Thunderhawk - 200
Steve took the following:
Guardians - 3 wraithguard
Mounted Guardians - Seer Council
Mounted Guardians
Fire Prisms
Night Spinners
Aspects (FD Exarch, FD, 4x DA)
(I think that list may have too many support formations per core)
Steve won the spaceship rolloff and picked turn 1, I chose turn 2, his barrage killed a stormraven and a tactical marine, he then advanced after I marshalled and overwatched, my storm talons went on CAP and Steve moved his fire prisms up to cover the widest area, when he landed his vampire aspects on my scouts, the fire prisms shot down both storm talons as they tried to intercept
the scouts managed to take down two stands of dire avengers but were wiped out in turn, the aspects then advanced on my tacticals. Turn two, Steve's BTS engaged my tacticals and wiped them out with help from the aspects, the death company then returned the favour and mulched Steve's BTS and killed all but a single FD from his aspect formation. My spaceship killed two guardians and my devs podded in and broke the night spinners, my second thunderhawk flew on and plinked things. Third turn, Steve won the strategy roll and wiped out my devs, the thunderhawk with assault marines failed to activate and steve claimed a 3-1 win with blitz, T&H and BTS
List feels perfectly competetive without being super swingy, storm ravens are pretty good, I should have played better and had a backup plan when I didnt get to alpha strike with the strike cruiser and devs