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Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved

 Post subject: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:58 pm 
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Hi everyone, this is the latest version of the approved imperial fists list

-Removed the bunker option from scout transport to prevent abuse
-changed the overwatch ability to be a fixed 3 units rather than 1 per thousand points
-clarified minefield rules to explicitly state that enemy units may not use walker or cautious move to re-roll the dangerous terrain test
-clarified unit transport options in the quickref to explicitly state which transports can carry which troops
-changed 'transport' fortifications to behave as regular fortifications to prevent abuse


imperial fists v1.4 army list.pdf [199.12 KiB]
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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:28 pm 
Brood Brother
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Sorry for all the questions, but is it correct that the hurricane bolters on the Land Raider Crusafers gives them +2 ea FF?


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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:44 pm 
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Yup, NetEA crusaders have FF5+ so it's not ludicrous

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:53 pm 
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I updated the TP. Let me know if we're good.



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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:28 pm 
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Hello Kyussinchains,

I recently got interested about this list, and while taking a look at it at the TP, i found out one typo, that i have checked that are in this latest version too:

- On the Tarantulas: the FF value for each weapon and the order of each weapon are inverted, meaning that if not looking at the notes, which is quite common, one can think that it is the Twin Laser Cannon the one that has FF5+. This gets harder to notice on the TP as each is in a different line in front of the wrong weapon.

- Seems strange that Heavy Flamers on the Siege Dreadnought give IC on assault but Twin-linked Heavy Flamers on the Assault Centurions give not. Is this a typo too?

Thanks for the work.

EDIT: While looking more throughly i found some more typos in this latest version of the list. They don´t affect the list's understanding so it is not a big problem, hardly even typos:

- There are several weapons whose names are in plural even though they are a single weapon or are 2x, while others identical are correctly in singular: Devastator's Missile Launcher, Terminator's Assault Cannon, Land Raider Crusader's Hurricane Bolter Sponsor, Predator Destructor's Heavy Bolter, Storm Talon Gunship's Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Thunderhawk Saturation Bomber's frontal Twin Heavy Bolter are wrongly in plural.

- In the quick reference sheet the Thunderhawk Saturation Bomber is missing the Saturation part of its name.

- The Power Weapon in the characters and Scout's and Tacticals' Small Arms lack the first letter of each word in CAPS.

- Assault Weapons in characters and in Land Raider Crusader's Frag Launchers lack the CAPS in the first letter of each word and should be in plural, like Small Arms is.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:27 pm 
Brood Brother
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It seems that the TP is not ok. This note isn't similar:
• Imperial Fists INF units within bunkers purchased as part of their force gain a 4+ reinforced armour save, this replaces both their regular save and the 3+ bunker save, and will be lost if the unit is hit by a weapon with the ignore cover special rule.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:26 pm 
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I'm guessing the TP is just using older language. They look equivalent to me though:

All infantry units gain a 4+ cover save when within bunkers purchased as part of the army. They may take this cover save against a macro-weapon hit. In addition, they may re-roll a failed cover save against any non-macro-weapon hit. Weapons with ignore cover negate this cover save as normal.



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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:41 am 
Brood Brother
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Yes, but it doesn't clarify the replacement of the 3+ bunker cover safe.

Till I saw the TACCOM version in this threat I was doubting about how it works.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:55 pm 
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the rule should confer a 4+ RA save to units in bunkers

currently I read it as offering an additional 4+ cover save, this would mean that scouts would be 5+/4+

it's a subtle difference but worth bringing up

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 1:47 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:24 am 
Brood Brother
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Great, thank you.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:36 pm 
Brood Brother
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I can not find anywhere in the rule book where it covers weapons that have the indirect rule that are not Barrage weapons (BP). The Barrage rules specifically state that some barrage weapons can fire indirect. These units double their range, do not need line of fire, have to take a sustained fire action in order to fire indirect - receiving a +1 to hit and can not have the templates placed within 30cm of the firing unit.

It does not mention allowing non barrage-weapons to fire indirect. Has this been ammended? Have the rules changed when for example being fired by an Imperial Fists Thudd Gun? Can we get the indirect ruls updated into the FAQ, Errata, or the into the Imperial Fists army list so they are plain to see?

This army is really hard to kill. Void shields for their trenches which made it hard to hurt any of the marines entrenched in them. I pounded the infantry and thudd guns along the trenches in one area with ranged macro weapons to cause a breach fo my forces to rush through. I took down a void shield, and the marines still got a 3+ save which then got a 4+ reinforced save. I wasted 4 macro weapon shots, my only weapons in range, just to kill off 1 imperial fist marine. At the end of the turn th void shield was raised back up. Apparently his techmarine allowed him put a void shield on the fortifictions for each section he had a techmarine upgrade added (for 25 points only).

I think that if I used Imperial guard with lots of artillery especially ones that that ignored cover, the enemy would still be a nightmare to kill off with that reinforced save and those void shields.

He had so much long ranged indirect fire, and a lot of long range maro weapons that my war engines were pretty much useless as they tried to double move forward being shot up by lots of disrupt as well as the Macro weapons. No wonder I lost the game so badly. And he made it a corner deployment which made things even worse.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:11 pm 
Brood Brother
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Void shields are only on the Bastions Deb, and only if the Techmarine upgrade has been bought (And this upgrade is only for the bastion).... and then it's only 1 shield.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:13 pm 
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Well maybe I got duped. It is not the first time somene misunderstood their own army list, or lied about the rules. Especially if the rules have been in development and changing a lot.

I think the new rule about enemy assaulting across the minefield losing their walker ability, is a bit OP. this can be really abused by the defending army. A drop assault army might be the only answer to dealing with them. I think that even an Iron Warriors army would have an almost impossible time dealing with the defence.

So please clarify for me how the indirect rule affects non barrage weapons. Do non barrage weapons treat indirect in the same way as Barrage weapons? Does it double their range? Do they need to declare a sustained fire action, getting a +1 to hit? Do they ignore intervening terrein, but not terrain you are in? Do they have a minimum range of 30cm? Can they elect to not fire indirect thus ignoring the 30cm restriction?

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Imperial Fists v1.4 Approved
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:55 pm 
Brood Brother
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Deb wrote:
Well maybe I got duped. It is not the first time somene misunderstood their own army list, or lied about the rules. Especially if the rules have been in development and changing a lot.

Well more likely the former. This list has been approved for just shy of 2 years so not been changing a lot (or at all). Sucks that your opponent either didn't know the rules or decided to be TFG.

Deb wrote:
So please clarify for me how the indirect rule affects non barrage weapons. Do non barrage weapons treat indirect in the same way as Barrage weapons? Does it double their range? Do they need to declare a sustained fire action, getting a +1 to hit? Do they ignore intervening terrein, but not terrain you are in? Do they have a minimum range of 30cm? Can they elect to not fire indirect thus ignoring the 30cm restriction?

They exactly work as outlined in 2.2.10 and there's nothing special about BP vs non-BP weapons with indirect (other than frequency of being seen in lists)

Units armed with indirect fire weapons are allowed to fire indirectly if their formation takes a sustained fire action. Units belonging to a formation that fails the action test may shoot normally as part of their hold action, but may not fire indirectly. Units firing an indirect barrage receive the +1 modifier for taking a sustained fire action. In addition, no line of fire is required for an indirect barrage, as it is assumed that the barrage is fired high in the air so that the shots rain down on the target and ignore any intervening terrain. Co-ordinates for the barrage are provided by spotters that are either in other friendly formations that do have a line of fire, or from orbiting spy satellites or planes. Finally, the high trajectory used by weapons firing indirectly greatly increases their range, but means they cannot fire at targets that are too close by. To represent this, weapons firing indirectly double their range, but have a minimum range of 30cms.

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