Deb wrote:
Well maybe I got duped. It is not the first time somene misunderstood their own army list, or lied about the rules. Especially if the rules have been in development and changing a lot.
Well more likely the former. This list has been approved for just shy of 2 years so not been changing a lot (or at all). Sucks that your opponent either didn't know the rules or decided to be TFG.
Deb wrote:
So please clarify for me how the indirect rule affects non barrage weapons. Do non barrage weapons treat indirect in the same way as Barrage weapons? Does it double their range? Do they need to declare a sustained fire action, getting a +1 to hit? Do they ignore intervening terrein, but not terrain you are in? Do they have a minimum range of 30cm? Can they elect to not fire indirect thus ignoring the 30cm restriction?
They exactly work as outlined in 2.2.10 and there's nothing special about BP vs non-BP weapons with indirect (other than frequency of being seen in lists)
Units armed with indirect fire weapons are allowed to fire indirectly if their formation takes a sustained fire action. Units belonging to a formation that fails the action test may shoot normally as part of their hold action, but may not fire indirectly. Units firing an indirect barrage receive the +1 modifier for taking a sustained fire action. In addition, no line of fire is required for an indirect barrage, as it is assumed that the barrage is fired high in the air so that the shots rain down on the target and ignore any intervening terrain. Co-ordinates for the barrage are provided by spotters that are either in other friendly formations that do have a line of fire, or from orbiting spy satellites or planes. Finally, the high trajectory used by weapons firing indirectly greatly increases their range, but means they cannot fire at targets that are too close by. To represent this, weapons firing indirectly double their range, but have a minimum range of 30cms.
He's a lawyer and a super-villian. That's like having a shark with a bazooka!
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