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Space Wolves 2.1+

 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:56 am 
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The stats of a Twin Missile Launcher should be AP4+/AT5+ not AP4+/AT4+ as you currently have on long fangs.

Also, since when do they use twin missile launchers?

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:09 am 
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Large Space Marine formations usually means a low actication coint. A balancing factor already implemented in the Salamanders list.

The Long Fangs have two "Twin" Missile Launcher instead of two generic Missile Launchers to show their higher profiency with their Heavy Weapons than generic Devastators.

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Last edited by BlackLegion on Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:42 am 
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I don't buy it. If they're supposed to have more weapons, give them more weapons.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:48 pm 
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So you want them to have 4 Missile Launchers per unit?

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:27 pm 
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Given that there's not a significant difference at the moment, 4xML isn't that big a deal.

At +1, current gets 8AP/8AT pips. 4xML gets 12/8.
At +0, current gets 6/6 pips. 4xML gets 8/4.
At -1, current gets 4/4 pips, 4xML gets 4/2.
At -2, current gets 2/2 pips, 4xML gets 2/1.

To calculate to approx casualties, divide the pips by 6. So, at +0, the current LongFangs get approx 1AT or 1AP hit per stand. The 4XML gets approx 1.33AP or 0.66AT hits per stand. The only time 4xML are really better is Sustaining against a target in the open. Else it's approximately the same, or just plain worse.

The 4xML would allow for some skewed results (4 hits), but over time, would seem to be relatively OK.

Morgan Vening

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:52 pm 
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Dobbsy wrote:
zombocom wrote:
I'm not a fan of huge marine formations; ATSKNF becomes disproportionally good on large formations.

Matt and Morgan, I fully understand your view on GHs but what is your reasoning behind your views on the LFs? Is it because they die easily? Are they completely OTT? What's the issue with the no-leader Leader ability?


For the no-leader Leader ability, pretty much as Morgan said, plus the fact that you can't kill the leader as it's not a character. So even a completely pasted Long Fang fm with a single stand left can stay effective for way longer than it should do. The no-leader Leader ability was taken out of the Eldar list sometime ago for similar reasons and I believe the rational still stands.

As for the fact that all my LF fms got toasted in both games, I think that simply reflects how much of a threat they are. I managed to sustain with a relatively intact fm against one of Morgan's WE and got 7 out of 8 hits (on a 3+) - there's no way you'd approach that with anything other than a Land Raider fm (or Eldar Falcons) and I can't think of any infantry fm off the top of my head that can lay out so much AT fire at 45cm. I would try them at AP/T5 or AP4/ AT5, though even at that I would still take as many LF fms and as few GH fms as possible..

Look at it from another perspective. For 25pts more than a GH pack + character, you get simply awesome shooting and same FF stats with the Long Fangs, at the cost of 33% fewer models - what's there to choose?

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:45 pm 
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another idea, if it hasn't been suggested already:

why no do a replace 2 Grey Hunters with 2 Long Fangs for 75-100pts, without the no-leader Leader thing (which IMO should be dropped anyway)? Then you could make it a 1 for 1 Grey Hunters to Long Fangs packs to stop Long Fang spam.

As it stands, the awesomeness of the Long Fangs and the crappiness (no offense) of the Grey Hunters will make this a difficult list to balance. Even, dialling back the Long Fangs, though necessary, won't fix it as I can't see people taking Grey Hunters unless a) they're forced to (as in the current list) or b) they need somewhere to put their SC.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:15 pm 
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BlackLegion wrote:
So you want them to have 4 Missile Launchers per unit?

I think 3 ML would be fine to show they are more heavily armed than standard devestators. Sure they can get 4 at max in 40k, but that wouldn't be the average.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:32 am 
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Morgan Vening wrote:

The problem with the no-leader Leader, is that firstly, it doesn't appear it's paid for (50pts for +1 AP/+2AT is something I'd pay). The second is the ridiculous levels of BM needed to suppress, turn to turn. Yes, a Devastator Squad with a character does the same thing, but you change the dynamics of the formation when you're required to pay for the character, including paying for stuff that may not be useful.

Gotcha. However, from what Matt mentions in regards to your vassal games the LF spent a lot of time "shot to bits". Does this not equate in terms of suppression? "Ridiculous levels of BM needed" is the same for all marines so LFs are no different and LFs are only 4 strong plus trans. As you say "the same as Devs with a leader". While Devs paying for a character does the same thing, the dynamic is usually a Librarian added from experience and the Devs are still actually getting something for those points whether or not it's felt "useful" as it all depends on the use of such a Dev formation. The LFs don't get this option which does in effect reduce what they get. e.g in an assault (being assaulted especially) they don't get the extra MW attack and the LFs become slightly less useful when making an assault. It's a bit of a trade off. In other lists Leader has been costed as around 25 points (character minus weapons etc which do have to be factored into a cost). That's where I based the cost for LFs to begin with.

Anyway all this said, I do hear your concerns and I'm keeping an eye on this. I'm not adverse to their cost perhaps rising 25 points once I have more data and info coming back but their size and stated "being shot to bits" makes me think 300 is a fair costing atm.

Morgan Vening wrote:

Then there's the Long Fang Spam. While I know Tacticals tend to be meh in the core list, that doesn't mean they should be in the specific lists. As it stands, Matt's "1GH + XClaw + X+1LF" list seems to be the way it'll happen.

Yes agree and understood. I'm considering an adjustment to the structure regarding this. I'm just trying to work out a way to do it atm.

Morgan Vening wrote:

And those Claws will be Sky or Swift, because BloodClaws are priced out of reasonableness. Same cost as Grey Hunters, worse Init, worse FF. Same cost as SkyClaws, worse movement. Skyclaws lack Rhinos, but move as fast without them, meaning the tradeoff is +2 crap Units vs Unhindered.

Ahh now this is good feedback for a playtest list. Knowing that BCs are over priced in view of the other formations is something easily dealt with. How would you see them costed personally Morgan to see them used more?

Morgan Vening wrote:

The biggest problem I see with Grey Hunters vs Long Fangs is that Grey Hunters suck so much in comparison. The main reason for Grey Hunters seems to be ThunderHawk Assault, which SkyClaws are better at (Initiative not being a factor, there).

In terms of post assault rallying however what would the effects be though? 1+ marines rally far better than 2+ and I'm not sure how Skyclaws will wash up in a following turn once they take some BMs etc. GHs at least stay effective longer if they are rallying better and they have a better FF stat which gives them a much broader use. I'm not shooting your theories down Morgan just looking at them from a different perspective and trying to find an alternative for GHs. As I mentioned I think the list structure is a better way to limit LF spam -if that is actually a problem - as all other marine lists can do it and it's a cornerstone of a fluid Marine list design. But again, you're right. Why should GHs be under-used like Tacs are? It's the thing I'm trying to sort out but I don't believe adding LFs to them is the answer, personally - that just sounds like a cop-out to me.

Morgan Vening wrote:

As for the Long Fangs, there's also a fluff background issue I have. The background I've read tends to suggest that the reason for the increase in per capita Heavy Weapons, is the heavy decrease in Marine numbers. Looking at Lexicanum, I see the following.

"Each squad is unique in that it doesn't ever receive reinforcements, making the higher level squads smaller in number compared to the lowest Blood Claw pack. Many Blood Claw packs start with as many as fifteen marines. However, losses take their toll, and by the time a Blood Claw squad reaches the level of Grey Hunter, normally only 9 or 10 are left. As they age, further losses limit the squad sizes of Long Fangs down to just 5 or less."

Not sure how accurate that is with the current fluff (GW retconning is my major pet peeve), but if accurate, that means that a BloodClaw Formation is 2 packs, a Grey Hunter Formation is 3 packs, and a Long Fang Formation is 4 packs. Compared to the 2/3/2 of standard Marines. It's already heavy disproportionate without taking into account LFSpam.

In regards to the fluff, I've already gone part way to including the reduction in numbers as they're still only 4 strong in terms of infantry units. Epic obviously has limitations vs formation sizes so you really can't be smaller than 4 and be effective. The up-gunning is the fact that the LF are deadly accurate with their heavy weapons and the fact they have more per squad also contributes to this.

Going by the theory of bloodclaws being most numerous, again, I'm constrained somewhat by the ATSKNF design. It would be great if Blood Claws could be bigger packs (upgraded etc) to represent their numerical majority, but as I already mentioned, large marine formations as a basis is not the way I'll be going so BCs will stay at 6 units. They're already bigger than Codex Assaulties.

hello_dave wrote:
You could equally well say the same about any other marine chapter, I just don't see it as one of the space wolf 'traits' that an epic list should reflect, it works for the Salamanders and gives them a 'thing' the wolves already have a ton of things, and don't need yet another imho.

Yep agreed, I'm just looking for alternatives for GHs. BTW the Salamanders prefer Multi meltas not melta guns, so SWs with MGs isn't a huge stretch and so doesn't step on the Salamander territory IMO. But like I said, it's just a brainstorm right now. ;)

hello_dave wrote:
Can I ask why not the replacement idea? One of the things I struggled with (however briefly) was the fixed SW formations, they're more of a 'warband' than a codex chapter (where the infantry formations more-or-less reflect company structures) so why wouldn't Long Fangs, Grey Hunters and even Blood Claws be fighting together? Being able to swap a few stands in and out via upgrades seems to me to give a more representative feel whilst keeping the formations relatively small.

In terms of mixing unit types, I'm pretty sure it's been shown over time that it isn't a popular choice and that it doesn't work that well as you often end up with units in a formation that don't contribute situationally (e.g they can't reach b-t-b when the rest of the the formation is FFing etc), rather than an "all-in" approach.

In terms of replacement, it's something I would prefer to stay away from at present. I'm not absolutely against the ad-hoc idea. However, as I mentioned above, it seems like a cop-out to me when other avenues can be explored first. Remember, I'm not rushing to finish this list. I want to get it right and changes will be made over time. So, don't worry. If replacements are the way to go then that is the change that will be made in the future after exhausting all other means first. Of course that said, if it becomes incredibly apparent that it should be done earlier then we can do that too. I'm just not quite convinced something else can't be found first. All I ask is for folks to bare with me - and also do some play testing (not just you dave; everyone interested in SW) as that is incredibly helpful when you want to sway me with your arguments - I am open to change with this list as I've shown so far with several adjustments from the original 2.0.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:59 am 
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mattthemuppet wrote:
Dobbsy wrote:
zombocom wrote:
I'm not a fan of huge marine formations; ATSKNF becomes disproportionally good on large formations.

Matt and Morgan, I fully understand your view on GHs but what is your reasoning behind your views on the LFs? Is it because they die easily? Are they completely OTT? What's the issue with the no-leader Leader ability?


For the no-leader Leader ability, pretty much as Morgan said, plus the fact that you can't kill the leader as it's not a character. So even a completely pasted Long Fang fm with a single stand left can stay effective for way longer than it should do. The no-leader Leader ability was taken out of the Eldar list sometime ago for similar reasons and I believe the rational still stands.

As for the fact that all my LF fms got toasted in both games, I think that simply reflects how much of a threat they are. I managed to sustain with a relatively intact fm against one of Morgan's WE and got 7 out of 8 hits (on a 3+) - there's no way you'd approach that with anything other than a Land Raider fm (or Eldar Falcons) and I can't think of any infantry fm off the top of my head that can lay out so much AT fire at 45cm. I would try them at AP/T5 or AP4/ AT5, though even at that I would still take as many LF fms and as few GH fms as possible..

Look at it from another perspective. For 25pts more than a GH pack + character, you get simply awesome shooting and same FF stats with the Long Fangs, at the cost of 33% fewer models - what's there to choose?

Ok I think the AT 4+ is a typo - not sure why it's 4+ so... - should be AT 5+ as mentioned.

In regards to the Eldar with the no-leader Leader - every single formation in the Eldar list had it - Spirit stones correct??? Only LFs get it and they get no chance of characters added. They stay in tact because they are so veteran and level headed as the fluff describes. How effective is one unit of LFs after a "pasting", really? 2 shots (granted at +1 to hit) is virtually the same as Devs. Like I said their cost could possibly go up by 25 points. Long Fangs lay out a lot of fire power - it's what they do, given the increase in hvy weapons per squad.

In terms of the cost vs GHs you're right, however LFs don't CC like GHs do. You just use GHs for a different purpose - every list has different uses for different unit types - it's up to the player to choose why and how to use them.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:10 am 
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zombocom wrote:
BlackLegion wrote:
So you want them to have 4 Missile Launchers per unit?

I think 3 ML would be fine to show they are more heavily armed than standard devestators. Sure they can get 4 at max in 40k, but that wouldn't be the average.

If people prefer a 3 ML unit I can accomodate. It could mean a cost freeze at 300 too.


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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:54 am 
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I fully intend to playtest the list once the summer Tournaments and holidays are out of the way ;)

I really don't think mixing units is a cop-out, I'd say take a look at the Black Legion list and scale the formation sizes down somewhat by way of example but then it's your list!

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:02 pm 
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hello_dave wrote:
I fully intend to playtest the list once the summer Tournaments and holidays are out of the way ;)

Sweet! Looking forward to hearing the reports mate. Will you be doing proper batreps at all?

hello_dave wrote:
I really don't think mixing units is a cop-out, I'd say take a look at the Black Legion list and scale the formation sizes down somewhat by way of example but then it's your list!

Yeah I actually based the structure of it on the BL list structure. At this point though I'm not convinced the SWs should follow the ad-hoc design principle of the BL quite so closely. Let's see what the other options can be first.

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:58 pm 

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I just skimmed the list and I have a few notes.

Grey Hunters v Blood Claws - Morgan touched on this. It's definitely off.

Skyclaws look a bit expensive to me. They have worse stats than Assault Marines. I don't see their use in a Thawk being quite as optimized as normal assault marines, either (6 units/8 transport, only one character slot). The Skyclaws, however, are almost as expensive.

On the long-fang attacks, I agree it's odd to call them "twin-linked" when that's clearly not what they carry. Multiple, weaker attacks will encourage Sustain actions and discourage move/shoot combos (unless they are moving to support a follow on assault, obviously). That's not a problem, but it will affect how they are played and how they feel in-game.

The "as required to transport the entire formation" clause in the Land Raider upgrade seems to imply you can only take enough LRs to transport the formation, e.g. a maximum of 2 LRs for Long Fangs.


I'd like to see some formations tested with lots of dreads attached. Grey Hunters + Venerable + 2 Dreads can garrison, has a bit of firepower (6 decent shots) and has attached AV walkers to provide cover. It looks a lot like an Ork Warband + Stompas and Dreads.

A drop pod force would be very cool as well:
Grey Hunters + Venerable + 2 Dreads - 400 points
Grey Hunters + Venerable + 2 Dreads - 400 points
Wolf Guard (4) + Venerable + 2 Dreads - 475 points
Long Fangs + 2 Dreads - 400 points
Strike Cruiser - 200 points
Speeders - 200 points
Skyclaws - 225
Thawk - 200
Wolf Scouts - 200
Thunderbolts - 150

2850 points, 9 activations, everything is deepstrike except the Speeders which are a fast garrison, 150 points for characters

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 Post subject: Re: Space Wolves 2.1+
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:46 pm 
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Dobbsy wrote:
In regards to the Eldar with the no-leader Leader - every single formation in the Eldar list had it - Spirit stones correct??? Only LFs get it and they get no chance of characters added. They stay in tact because they are so veteran and level headed as the fluff describes. How effective is one unit of LFs after a "pasting", really? 2 shots (granted at +1 to hit) is virtually the same as Devs. Like I said their cost could possibly go up by 25 points. Long Fangs lay out a lot of fire power - it's what they do, given the increase in hvy weapons per squad.

In terms of the cost vs GHs you're right, however LFs don't CC like GHs do. You just use GHs for a different purpose - every list has different uses for different unit types - it's up to the player to choose why and how to use them.

I dunno, I think it's a rule that will make a lot of people go "what? you're kidding!" when they first meet it. If you want to keep it, keep it, I just think it sticks out. Even if the cost went up by 25pts I wouldn't stop taking as many as I could as they're hands down the best unit in the list, even at AP4/ AT5.

I did use GH in my game against Morgan - they took out a Squat artillery fm in a thunderhawk assault on turn 3, capturing an objective. They did a great job, like a big fm of assault marines with better FF and no jump packs. They wouldn't have been able to do anything other than that if it went on for a 4th turn though, other than sit around on their butts.

For my next game I'll have them as mud marines with a ven dread, and use 2 lots of fenrisian wolves in thunderhawks for my mobile assaults. They'll hit harder, cost less and still be a major pain in the butt after the assault (no one wants +1EA infiltrators running around in their back field). Then 3 fms of bikes so I can get my 3 fms of Long Fangs :)

As for the Hero upgrade for FW being 65pts, instead of 50pts for every other unit that can take them, why not just make the base unit 215pts?

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