Hey look GW is making some flyers for the list
It's got me and some other local Epic players chatting and wanting a modern Necron list. In terms of getting a list approved I could potentially get 6 games done. We have a large group of active local players, many of whom are veteran Epic tournament players.
For getting 6 playtest games in are games vs Epic UK army lists acceptable to count for getting it approved? I forget. The two sets of lists are very balanced compared to each other and often 90-95% similar with just minor changes so the overall. I'd probably avoid playing against Tyranids or Titan Legion as these lists are exceptions that vary a lot between the two sets of lists. My opponents are familiar with the UK lists and it'd be a pain expecting them to use unfamiliar lists for playtesting.
Also the portal on a plane gets applied to a particular plane in the formation when they activate. What happens if the portal is deployed but then later in the turn an enemy fighter formation intercepts and destroys that particular plane before the portal gets used? I'm assuming the portal is lost but the text should specify.
The existing core Necron list (Net-EA or Epic UK) is my least favourite Epic list by a long way with it's one-dimensional portal tactics and limited range of units and playstyles so I would like to see this more modern take approved.