Steel Legion (NetEA Army Compendium v20120208)
Commander, 12 Infantry, 7 Chimera, Hydra, commissar
Supreme Commander, 12 Infantry, 7 Chimera, Hydra
2 Thunderbolts
2 Thunderbolts
WARHOUND TITAN [275] commissar
WARHOUND TITAN [275] commissar
4 Vultures
8 Storm Troopers, Valkyrie Transport, commissar
3 Manticores commissar
3 Manticores commissar
Incompertus, 3000 POINTS
Necron Sautekh Expansion (0.3) With LM Nerf
9 Sautekh Warrior unit, Necron Overlord
Necron Lord, 9 Sautekh Warrior unit
Necron Lord, 8 Immortal units
6 Flayed Ones units
3 Monoliths
3 Monoliths
4 Doomsday Ark units
2 Night Scythes
2 Night Scythes
2 Night Scythes
PYLON [200]
1 Tesseract Vault
Stormtroopers garrison (left middle of board) on Overwatch
Valkeries garrison on (center of board) Overwatch
Teleport Pylon - 1BM
Teleport Vault – No BM
Teleport Monoliths 1 – No BM
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Turn 1 – Guard win Strategy
G- Storm troopers Double and fire at the pylon, 1BM (2 hits, 2 saves)
G- CAP Thunderbolts 1
N- Scythes 1 ground attack Valkyries - CAP Kills one scythe – Scythes kill one Valkyrie – 2BM
G- Mechanized 1 goes on Overwatch
G- Cap thunderbolts 2
N- Scythes intercept Thunderbolts 1 – CAP kills both scythes
G- Manticores 1 fail to activate twice. 1BM - Rally hold action.
N- Vault Advance fires on Stormtroopers, kills a trooper – 2BM
G- Valkyries Marshal shoot monoliths 1 (2 hits, 2 saves) – 1BM
N- Scythes ground attack stormtroopers, (2 kills, one vulture, one trooper) – 3BM
N- Phalanx 1 engage stormtroopers – (N- 5 hits, G- 7 hits, G+5, N+4) tied dice roll, guard win by 1. Guard broken by blastmarkers and stay in position.
G- Manticores 2 fail activation – 1BM
N- Monolith double and shoot manticore 1, Overwatch(from manticores) kills 1 monolith, monoliths broken.
G- Double Warhound 1 to shoot monoliths 1, 0 hits.
N- Immortals engage Mechanized 1, Overwatch from mech kills 4 and breaks them.
N- Phalanx 2 engage mechanized 1, (N- 6 hits, G- 5 hits, G+5, N+5) Necron lose roll 2 to 5, sigh! Retreat behind building.
G- Overwatch on Reg HQ
N- Doomsday advance on warhound 2 3 hits = 1 DC and a critical that makes it stager 1cm and does nothing!!
G- Advance warhound 2, shoots on doomsday arcs (No hits) = 1BM
Rally turn 1 –
Necron fail all rolls (including one re-roll!) except for monoliths 1.
Guard Rally all except stormtroopers (still broken and stay in place)
Scythes 2 take fire and remaining one dies from flak at disengage.
Teleport monoliths 2 near mechanized 1 and 2 objectives, no BM
Teleport Flayed ones in the same area, 2 BM
Turn 2 – Necron win Strategy
N- Vault doubles and shoots at mechanized 1, 3 BM on Mechanized 1 and 1 BM on Warhound 1 (from barrage).
N- Flayed engage Mechanized 1, (N- 4 hits, G- 3 hits, G+3, N+5), after rolls necron wins engagement by 1. Mech flee south to middle of board.
G- Valkyries advance and shoot monoliths 2 (2 hits, 2 saves),(Some terrible rolling on hit dice) - 1 BM.
G- Manticores 1 sustained on Immortals (miss all hits), 1 BM kills 1 more (only 3 left).
N- Monolith 1 engage manticores 1, (N- 2 hits, G- 0 hits, G+3, N+2) Necron win the resolution by 1, fearless commissar remains remaining manticore flees.
G- Warhound 1 engages monoliths 2, (N- 2 hits, G- 4 hits, G+4, N+2), one monolith dies, necron loses combat by 3.
N- Doomsday Arcs, Move and fire at warhound 2 (all miss) – 1BM
N- Scythes 3 ground attack Manticores 2, (kills 2 breaks the unit)
G- Thunderbolts 1 intercept and kill both remaining scythes
G- Thunderbolts 2 ground attack Immortals kill 1 BMs finish off remaining 2, (BTS gone)
G- Warhound 1 Advances on Doomsday arcs,(1 hit 1 save) - 1BM
G- Regimental HQ Triples moves towards blitz objective.
Rally turn 2 –
Necron - Overlord phalanx, pylon and doomsday arcs rally. (Everything else fails)
Guard – Everything rallies except the stormtroopers (again!)
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Turn 3 – Guard win Strategy
G- Warhound 2 engages and barges the doomsday arcs, (N-4 hits, G-1 hit, G+1, N+2), Dooms save, 1DC on Warhound, Warhound loses combat resolution by 2 and breaks.
G- Warhound 1 engages flayed ones (FF range) (N- 0 hits, G- 2 hits (1 kill), G+3, N+1) wins resolution by 1 (commissar!!!!)
N- overlord phalanx marshal move into support position of mechanized, regenerate 2 warriors (rolled double 2’s sigh…)
N- Vault engages (N- 7 hits, G- 4 hits, G+3, N+6), wipes out mechanized 1DC on Vault.
G- Regimental HQ engages Doomsday arcs, (N- 4 hits, G- 7 hits, All dooms die to hits)
G- Thunderbolts 1 ground attack flayed ones kill 2, broken.
Called the game – Necrons had no more activations and guard had 2 more.
Guard 4 (All except hold the line)
Necron 0
Just curious about the FAQ that mentions that a commissar can go on a Warhound and why that was changed. My opponent specifically said there was one and I took his word for it. The crazy amount of extra FREE commissars with fearless and inspiring is quite overboard. Valkyries are also crazy! Garrisoning overwatch scout skimmers that have 2x 2+AT shots each at 90cm is ridiculous! I don’t feel as bad about the Doomsday Arcs anymore. The overwatching mechanized units and the garrisons were what did me in. He didn’t even need to castle against the portals as the infantry coming out were just mowed down and lost most of their effectiveness.
Scythes are garbage interceptors. Guard quite easily shut down the pylon and then maintained air superiority after the first turn. This pretty much eliminated the flyer portal threat.
Vault did well but not overly so, It helped prepping close nit units and doing a bit of damage and was nice as it was decently mobile but not really overpowered it was mostly ignored by the guard player.
Doomsday Arcs did well and the small arms +1 was quite handy. I still feel they might be all round a little good.
The change in LM didn’t change anything in this case as all the MW shots against them from warhound 1 missed. Breaking them was quite effective as I had no support for my infantry engagements. Breaking them was really really easy.
Pylon did nothing the whole game just stayed broken for the most part.
I would have fared much better had any of my damn infantry rallied at the end of turn 1! That was quite annoying.
A comment on my previous comment that the Sautekh list is lacking weaknesses I take that back as they have several when facing the Guard. The guard are much more well-rounded and extremely good at everything! The stormtroopers in vultures based on statistical rolls will easily out match any warrior unit as they have the same FF4+ larger numbers and have much much better transports!
THE COMMISSARS ARE REDICULUS! Lol, sorry for the rage!