Ghazgkhull vs Necron Sautekh V0.5
Incompertus, 3000 POINTS
Necron Sautekh Legion (0.5)
2 Night Scythes
2 Night Scythes
4 Sentry pylons
4 Triarch Stalkers
5 Doomsday Ark units
2 Monolith, 2 Monolith
Necron Lord, 8 Sautekh Warrior unit
Necron Lord, 6 Sautekh Warrior unit, C'Tan Shard
3 Ghost Arks, 6 Sautekh Warrior unit, Necron Overlord, Tomb Spyder
Incompertus, 3000 POINTS
Ghazgkhull Thraka's War Horde (NetEA Tournament Pack 2013)
2 Nobz, 6 Boyz, 2 Grotz, 2 Boyz + Grotz
4 Nobz, 12 Boyz, 4 Grotz, Warlord
6 Stormboyz
LANDA [200]
3 Fighta Bomba
3 Fighta Bomba
3 Fighta Bomba
6 Warbuggy, 4 Warbike, 6 Skorcha
5 Gunwagon, 3 Flakwagon, 2 Oddboy
Flakwagon, 3 Gunwagon, Oddboy
Flakwagon, 3 Gunwagon, Oddboy
3 Flakwagon, 2 Oddboy, 2 Warbike, 9 Gunwagon
Turn 1:
-No units arrive by teleport.
-Orks Win Initiative, give first move to the Necrons.
File comment: Start of turn 1
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N: NIGHT SCYTHES ground attack KULT OF SPEED (BIG), all shots miss = 1BM.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON intercept NIGHT SCYTHES, kill one = 2BM.
N: IUDICIUM MANIPLE doubles and shoots STORMBOYZ WARHORDE, killing one = 2BM.
O: BLITZ BRIGADE 1 Doubles and shoots WARRIOR PHALANX IN GHOST ARKS, Kills one Arc = 2BM.
N: SENTRY PYLON, goes on Overwatch in anticipation of the Landa attack.
O: BLITZ BRIGADE 2 Doubles and shoots the IUDICIUM MANIPLE, Zap gun misses =1BM.
N: ABATTOIR doubles and shoots WARBAND (BIG), misses = 1BM
O: BLITZ BRIGADE ('UGE) doubles and shoots ABATTOIR, one Zap gun hits for 3TK dmg. Rolled three 6s for save = 1BM.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX 1 assaults BLITZ BRIGADE 1 out of the portal. Declares intermingled with WARBAND (BIG). First round is tied combat, second round the Necrons win by 1. BLITZ BRIGADE 1 wiped out, 1 grot dies, 2 Necron Warriors die. WARBAND (BIG) flees into the forest.
O: KULT OF SPEED (BIG) doubles and shoots WARRIOR PHALANX 1, everything misses = 1BM.
N: NIGHT SCYTHES 2 perfrom ground attack action and land instead of shooting to activate their portal.
N: Retain with WARRIOR PHALANX 2, Assault out of NIGHT SCYTHES 2 portal to engage BLITZ BRIGADE (BIG), Massive victory for the Necrons 5 kills to 0, Necrons had +7 after roll off, BLITZ BRIGADE (BIG) destroyed.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 2 Ground attacks WARRIOR PHALANX 2, does no damage = 1BM.
N: STALKER MANIPLE goes on overwatch.
O: STORMBOYZ WARHORDE Assaults NIGHT SCYTHES 2 (oops I forgot about them) Both scythes die to hits, scythes kill one Stormboy. STORMBOYZ WARHORDE broken but win combat.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX IN GHOST ARKS Marshal, move and remove all the BMs.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 3 intercept NIGHT SCYTHES 1, Kill the remaining Scythe.
O: LANDA Ground attacks (did not deploy warband inside) WARRIOR PHALANX 2, 10 shots all miss =1BM.
End of turn 1:
WARBAND (BIG) fails to Rally (still broken, flees to forest near Ork Blitz).
STORMBOYZ WARHORDE fails to Rally (still broken).
ABATTOIR Fails to rally (only had one BM)
All fliers disengage without AA fire.
Turn 2:
Monoliths teleport in, no BMs.
Necrons win the initiative.
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N: ABATTOIR Assaults KULT OF SPEED (BIG, does 10 hits killing 8. Orks manage 1 DC (no crit). Combat resolution = +10 for the Necrons, KULT OF SPEED (BIG) Harvested to death. Honestly never seen a formation get massacred that badly.
File comment: Abbatoir
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N: IUDICIUM MANIPLE Doubles and claims cross fire on BLITZ BRIGADE ('UGE). Kills 3 = 5BM.
O: BLITZ BRIGADE ('UGE) doubles and shoots WARRIOR PHALANX 2, all miss = 1BM. (I felt bad for the Ork player as his to hit rolls have been unbelievably bad this game).
O: Retain with LANDA top Ground assaults and deploys the WARBAND against WARRIOR PHALANX 2. 3 hits on the Grots and 1 hit on the Landa (which saves), Orks kill all (six) Necron warriors. Combat resolution Orks win by a lot, Fearless C’Tan shard flees through ABATTOIR portal to monoliths.
N: STALKER MANIPLE Assaults BLITZ BRIGADE 2, Stalkers miss everything and supporting Doomsday Arcs also miss…, Orks do 1 hit but it saves. Combat resolution give the victory to the Orks killing 1 Stalker due to hack down. Stalkers flee to the Monoliths.
O: BLITZ BRIGADE 2 doubles and shoots WARRIOR PHALANX 2 (the remaining C’tan) Zap gun does 3TK hits, All save AGAIN!! Goo Living metal, and the ork player was soo hopeful after actually getting a good hit the zap gun.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX 1 Marshals and regenerates all the lost warriors and removes the BMs.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 3 ground attacks the SENTRY PYLONS, Kills 2 and the AA fire misses. SENTRY PYLON broken.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX IN GHOST ARKS double to claim two objectives.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 2 ground attacks the SENTRY PYLONS, all miss. Pylons are fearless no kills.
N: MONOLITH MANIPLE double and shoot BLITZ BRIGADE 2 killing one = 2BM.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 1 ground attack STALKER MANIPLE no kills, 1BM kills a stalker.
End of Turn 2:
STALKER MANIPLE fails to rally.
SENTRY PYLONS Fails to rally
STORMBOYS fail to rally.
Turn 3: Orks win initiative.
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O: BLITZ BRIGADE ('UGE) doubles and shoots IUDICIUM MANIPLE, killing 2 breaking the unit.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX 2 Marshal moves through the Monolith portal to the Abattoir to claim forward objective. Rolled double 1s, regenerated 1 unit… yay…
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 1 ground attacks WARRIOR PHALANX 2, does 2 hits to the C’tan, one fails and does a crit, blows up the C’tan which kills the warriors… was pretty funny. WARRIOR PHALANX 2 destroyed.
N: Monolith Maniple Assaults BLITZ BRIGADE ('UGE), Necrons do 5 hits and kill 3, take no damage in return but end up losing combat due to roll off.
O: Warband triples to contest objective.
N: ABATTOIR doubles to claim Ork blitz.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 2 Ground attacks WARRIOR PHALANX 1, kills 1.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX 1 Marshal moved and claims forward objective. Rolls double 1s and regenerate 1 warrior.
O: FIGHTA SKWADRON 3 ground attacks WARRIOR PHALANX 1 killing 2. = 3BM.
N: WARRIOR PHALANX IN GHOST ARKS move to claim blitz and objective.
O: LANDA lands to contest Necron Blitz.
End of Turn 3:
Necrons win 2:0 (Blitz and Take and hold)
File comment: End of game
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End of game thoughts:
Very poor rolling for the Ork player for to hit rolls. I also made a few very critical armour saves against the odds.
Only one real tactical misyake on my part was forgetting about the stormboys and landing my Scythes in range of an assault, was a serious oversight. Game was fun with some interesting surprises.
Ork player played well and took full advantage of his air superiority, though was quite hindered by very poor to hit rolls.
I find Orks are at a general disadvantage when playing against Necrons, they are much better in CC and struggle with clipping assaults. They have a hard time defending against portal attacks as trying to go on overwatch is risky business with their garbage initiative rolls. They turn out to be quite predictable and general miss a lot when being forced to double everywhere. The Warband in the Landa was the most worry some unit, my opponent is defiantly going to field another next time. Taking the Abattoir limited my pylon allotment and the sentry pylons while proving a decent deterrent ended up flopping again, however the air superiority didn't quite make up for the Ork disadvantages this game.