Rastamann wrote:
I understand that, but the whole point of the Sautekh list is to reflect the newer style Necrons (which are of a different awakening phase), whereas the original list reflects 40k 3rd Ed codex.
I'm also not sure that such a major change would be accurately portrayed with a simple 25 pt reduction (Sautekh Warrior phalanxes cost 200 pts).
I'm game to try them out either way - as long as you don't go about changing base numbers of models
The unit size will stay at a base of 6, I'm sensitive to the fact that changing the formation size would be quite annoying as you might have to acquire more stands. I don't see the warrior formation composition changing. most likely it would result in a reduced cost. Possibly with an allowance for additional warriors as a upgrade. when playing the Sautekh list with the armour reduction and warrior upgrade. I've found that they behave most similarly to an ork warband coming in via Landa. Meaning they do the job the you brought them for, but with the reduced armour the formation gets whittled down fast before the end of the turn. My opponents seem to just focus the infantry formations and everything else becomes secondary as soon as they arrive.
I just wanted to be clear that I do understand that the third edition in W40K is very different to 5th and I figured I'd just comment on the fact that the Sautekh list is using 5+. While it would be nice to have the stats homogenous between the two lists, I think its too big a change for the moment.
As most people agree the list is actually well balanced (all be it annoying), so in the near future I am going to be devoting most of my time to advancing the Sautekh list towards approval but roughly this is what I'm looking at including for play testing:
- Broken portals giving a BM to formations using them (I am going to talk to PFE100 about having it change for all portals, Eldar too)
- Points drop for the Harvester engines: 600 for the Orb and 650 for the Abattoir. (I know 50 points isn't a huge difference in cost but it will change the list structure preventing 2 pylons from being taken, but now if you desire you can take a Spacecraft, and even a supreme commander (warbarque or C'tan) with an Abattoir in a 3k list).
-Pylon moving to the Harvester section.
- Living Metal having to make their armour save against each point of TK damage rather than just reducing it to 1.
- Points drop for Monolith Phalanx and Maniple formations by 25pts.
- Points drop for Eques Maniples 25 to 50 points.
- Leader added to Pylon.
Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
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