Tactical Command

How effective do you think this army will be? pros and cons?
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Author:  Taker of Skulls [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  How effective do you think this army will be? pros and cons?

I am going to the Manchester tournament on the 29th and i am taking this list.
I have already bought the models so i am unlikely to change it before the tournament.
However i may change it round after the tournament.

Please give the pros and cons of the list and feel free to leave any tactical insight :D

Tomb complex= 75pts
phalanx with spider=275pts
phalanx with spider=275pts
phalanx with spider=275pts
monolith maniple= 200pts
monolith maniple= 200pts
monolith maniple with monolith Upgrade= 275pts
obelisk maniple=300pts
obelisk mainple=300pts
destroyer maniple=300pts
flayer maniple with lord upgrade=225pts


the list is taken from the EPICUK list.

the first thing many will notice is that there are no pylons in the list as i did not think 1AA attack would make a difference....i may be drastically wrong :P we will find out come the tournament :)

Many thanks


Author:  stompzilla [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

Personally I think no Pylons is a mistake but I guess we'll see next weekend. ;D

It's an interesting looking list, lots of speed which is nice and quite shooty. One major problem you have - your BTS (Break their Spirit objective). You have 4 of them and all that's needed for the opponent to score that particular victory condition is for them to break one of your Destroyer or Obelisk fms in turn 3 and have them phase out. If you swap your Lord on the Flayers for one on the War Barque though, all your BTS issues will be solved.

I personally prefer Pariahs to Tomb Spiders as they don't open the fm up to AT firepower and the inspiring and 3+ FF attack of the Pariah is worth more to me than the regenerative abilities of the Spyders. Personal preference rules here though.

I'm looking at taking the following to the Mangle:


6 Necron Warriors and 1 Necron Overlord

6 Necron Warriors and 1 Necron Lord, 1 x Pariah

6 Necron Warriors and 1 Necron Lord, 1 x Pariah

3 x Monoliths

1 Monolith, 2 x Obelisks

1 Monolith, 2 x Obelisks

2 Destroyers, 4 Heavy Destroyers

6 Flayed One units

PYLON [200]
1 Pylon

PYLON [200]
1 Pylon

PYLON [200]
1 Pylon

1 Warbarque, Necron Lord

Author:  stompzilla [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

I think no SC is going to hamper your efforts too. He's really very handy for making sure retains go off well out of portals and also for re-rolling the to rally rolls for your broken fms off-table. Both of which are very useful abilities.

Last night for e.g I had a unit of broken destroyers who failed their initial rally roll, passed on the second go with the SC re-roll, marshalled onto the table out of my tomb complex, regenerating all of the fallen units and supporting an engagement against a unit of terminators that were sat on my Blitz. Next turn they scurried off back through the tomb complex and through the Warbarque to hammer a warhound with the Warbarque in support, in an engagement capturing an objective and removing a massive potential threat. All because of the 50 pts Overlord upgrade and his re-roll.

Before next Sat, I'd defo swap a Spyder for an Overlord.

Author:  Taker of Skulls [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c


Why would the war barque be better for a BTS than a unit of destroyers? as i could add a commander to the destroyers instead of the flayer formation or do you think they would not be as effective and will be killed easy?

would i just up grade a phalanx commander? or remove the flayer lord and put both onto the warbarque? or would this be a huge bullet magnet?


Author:  stompzilla [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

You could do that with the destroyers but if they get broken in turn 3, then they phase out at the end of the turn counting as destroyed and giving away the BTS. Considering it only takes 6 BMs to break a full destroyer sqdrn it's a bit dicey. A fearless War Engine that doesn't phase out however....

I'd personally just upgrade a Phalanx commander. Although the downside to this is that they're offboard a lot of the time. The WB as SC could work quite well actually. It will be a bit of a bullet magnet but as long as you present other more pressing threats I can't see it being too much of a problem.

Author:  Taker of Skulls [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

Hmm will think on it and have a sort arround
Cheers dude


Author:  Borka [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

stompzilla wrote:
I personally prefer Pariahs to Tomb Spiders as they don't open the fm up to AT firepower and the inspiring and 3+ FF attack of the Pariah is worth more to me than the regenerative abilities of the Spyders. Personal preference rules here though.

Yeah I've also avoided spiders for said reason. The inspiring of the pariahs is gold. The phalanxes are the ones doing most of the work in the necron army, and that is done through assaults. I play netEA but I think they're the same.

Good luck!

Author:  Taker of Skulls [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How effective do you think this army will be? pros and c

I have had two games today :O

I have recently changed my list around on the advice of stompzilla and it is now:
Tomb Complex
Phalanx with spider
Phalanx with spider
2 Obelisk formations
a unit of 3 monoliths
2 units of standard monolith formations
destroyer formation
flayed one formation
warbarque with SC which is also my BTS

one game was against tau and the other against eldar.

the tau player took :
SC in a unit of two heavy missile tanks
2 big units of firewarriors in orcas
2 battle suit units in orcas
a big hammer head unit
and 2 tiger sharks (titan killing kind)

i won 3-1 on BTS,Blitz and T&H while he had BTS
First game agains tau and it wasnt easy when his units came flying in and shot me to pices :P
my BTS died to a first turn straifing run by the sharks :(
After turn two it swung in my favor with a few jammy assaults.
The highlight of the game for me came when he sent in one of his orcas to pick up a full formation of firewarriors, after it had done this and was sitting on the table waiting to disengage i assaulted it with a recently rallied unit of 3 warriors...who beat it and blew it up leaving one fire warrior stand to scurry off into the corner of the board :P

the next game against eldar i lost 1-0 to BTS :(
he took:
webway gate
2 units of gaurdians with wraith gaurd upgrade in each
a unit of banchies with two exarchs
a unit of avengers with 2 exarch
a unit of spiders with 2 exarch
a unit of fire dragons in a vampire
and a unit of 3 scorpions

i lost this game due to being over cautious about all the macro weapons running arround the field, very bad dice which had my opponent shaking his head in pitty and a couple of silly mistakes.
i just could not keep him from marching onto my objectives on the last turn to contest them :(
sooo fast!!!

i have come to the conclusion that i could do with some AA so a pylon would be a good thing to include in the list afterall.

what should i change out for it?

Input anyone?


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