Ulrik wrote:
Per the original NetEA rules LM gets a save and a reroll vs mw/lance. I don't know where the rules are at this moment.
Currently the approved list has Living metal as follows:
Living Metal:
Units made of living metal receive a reinforced armor saving throw against normal weapons, or weapons with lance or macro-weapon. In addition, their save is not reduced by sniper. Any titan killer attacks are automatically reduced to titan killer (1) when resolving hits against units with living metal, and living metal units are permitted a single armor save.
So yeah they get a standard save (2x 4+) against Macro and Lance hits. Titan Killer attacks negate the re-roll but multiple damage points are all reduced to 1. Eg. TK (D6) = 1 (no matter the roll)
The play testing rules for the list are the same however TK attacks are no longer reduced to 1, though you get to make a single save against each point of damage.
Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
Toronto Wargaming Group