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NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]

 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:18 am 
Brood Brother
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So me and my wife started playing NetEA a while ago and as a Necrons Fan I pretty much printed a Necrons list for her (Thanks Ankylo Miniatures!).
We've got a few games with this list here and after a bit of learning the game we found it to be good.

I think the next games she'll use the available CC options more, but other then that.

So to the feedback:
The infantry doesn't seem to be overpowered, they're good, but not OP. What makes them so good is their teleport of course. It enables you to get to where you want fairly quickly and their very competitive FF makes them quite versatile.
Are they too good in that regard? Hm, not sure yet, but IF, only with a very small margin imho.

The versatility of the infantry makes the Ghost Arc Phalanx a bit underwhelming, though. It's good for their price, don't get me wrong but it's not really a good competition to the infantry.
Still, the solution cannot to make the Ghost Arcs better. They're fine.

The tesseract vault: very nice, no complains there.

Monos and obelisks are very nice, but not indestructible, so yeah.

There's only one thing which comes to mind:
As we're getting better with the rules I expect my wife to more often directly charge into an FF assault with her infantry and getting massive amounts of fire support from her Monos. So I am not sure if in the end Necrons might be a bit too mighty in that regard.
But, I'll keep you updated, if I encounter that more often to see how it goes.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:54 pm 
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Thanks for the review. I've found using the ghost arcs formation with the supreme commander to be the best option. So much regenerative potential for holding objectives and still quick enough to keep your options open.

Portaling infantry are super powerful yes. In this itteration the warriors had a reduction in armor so make the assault a little more risky. Plus once they are out they are stuck where they came out for the most part the infantry move very slow (the exception being the bikes and the walkers).

Looking forward to more feed back!

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
Toronto Wargaming Group

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:04 pm 
Brood Brother
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What do you mean with "they are stuck"?
I assume they can go back through a portal somewhere else, no? I mean in the next round.

And I'm doing my part. I will also post some comparisons to whatever other players I can convert to the holy 6mm scale. ^^

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:05 pm 
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Sorry, refering to the change from the scarab conflict list. There is no more phase out allowing redeploy.

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
Toronto Wargaming Group

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:03 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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atension wrote:
Sorry, refering to the change from the scarab conflict list. There is no more phase out allowing redeploy.

Which is totally fair.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:22 am 
Brood Brother
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We have an event this sunday, I will play against Eldar (I don't know what list) and against Tyranid. Hopefully we could make batreps. I’m thinking about Ark heavy foccused lists so let see. Something that specifically needs testing?

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 10:24 pm 
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Tomb blades need some more play testing. Most other tihnigs have been extensively tested.

Necron AC (click to see current Necron list threads)
Toronto Wargaming Group

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:32 pm 
Brood Brother
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I just played against bieltan (the report is on its way) and I liked the tomb blades a lot. An assault on a Warlock titan with fire support from ark warriors that took 4DC and shields away, and then they took an objective in my area. Not bad for 200 points

This was The list

++ Epic Armageddon (Necrons: Sautekh Legion) [2,975pts] ++

+ Uncategorised +

Tomb Complex [75pts]

+ Formations +

Ghost Ark Phalanx [375pts]: 2x Annihilation Barge, Lord

Ghost Ark Phalanx [375pts]: 2x Annihilation Barge, Lord

Immortal Phalanx [575pts]: 8x Immortals, Cryptek, Overlord, 2x Tomb Spyders

+ 3 per Formation +

Blade Maniple [200pts]

Iudicium Maniple [250pts]: 5x Doomsday Ark

Iudicium Maniple [250pts]: 5x Doomsday Ark

Iudicium Maniple [250pts]: 5x Obelisk

+ One Third - 33% +

Doom Scythes [225pts]: 2x Doom Scythe

Doom Scythes [225pts]: 2x Doom Scythe

Night Scythes [175pts]

++ Total: [2,975pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:17 pm 
Brood Brother
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How do you play this list, or even Raiders list, against Ork Speed Cult? Very fast units, and even worst, a lot of units, so they usually have lot of formations to do support fire.

On the other hand I can't understand why the arks have FF5+ if they have two rows of rifles like the warrior’s ones. In my opinion they should have Ff4+ or at least small arms EA+1. I say this having played formations of warriors in ark in many games

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:30 pm 
Brood Brother
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I know much of the Sautekh Necron rules were simply cut and pasted. Some were modified giving this list and individuality when compared to the old Scarab Swarm list. However there is a contradictory line in the rules left over I am guessing from the original cut and paste.

In the Necron rules it mentions that you can return a previously removed model from a unit with the Necron rule, either on or off the board, at the end phase of each turn. In the Sautekh Portal rules section it mentions that Sautekh portals can not be used to go back into reserves. This contradicts the rule about returning a previous lost unit for formations off board.

In the Scarab lists you can go back into reserves and use the auto repair ability to bring back lost units in a formation (but not remove blast markers, or the marshal rule if you fail to activate to return). The idea behind the scarab swarm list is based on the phase out rule where a broken unit phases out in the end phase of a turn and automatically goes into reserves. However the Sautekh list has dropped the Phase out rule. It also specifically states formations can not use the portals to go back into reserves.

I would ask that you remove the confusing part of the rules under "necron rule" where it mentions "or off board".

The 2 lists are built with 2 different playing styles in mind. The scarab swarm has necron units dissolving off the battlefield when they break, only to have them return though a portal later with their numbers increased and blast markers still on them. However marshalling them can help remove unwanted blast markers once they return to the table.

The Sautekh list has a lot more mobile forces such as ghost arks, tomb blades, Triarch Stalkers, Annihiliation barges, command barges, and some newer or different infantry types. This allows the Sautekh army to have some of the flavour of a traditional necron army, and still play like a standard army. Yes there are still the implacable advance and ponderous rules to slow them down, however the rules for phase out are gone, and the Night scythe can deploy formations simply by flying over where it wants to deploy them as part of a bombing run using its own one way portal.

Sorry but this inadvertant left over pasted rule has irked me for a while since it does not make sense.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:14 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Had a couple of games yesterday using the Sautekh list against Baran Siegemasters.

The Sautekh list was:

Sautekh Legion, 1975 POINTS
Necron Sautekh Legion (Developmental V1.0)

9 Sautekh Warrior unit, Necron Overlord, 2 Triarch Stalkers

Necron Lord, 9 Sautekh Warrior unit, 2 Triarch Stalkers

2 Monolith, 3 Obelisk, Monolith

2 Monolith, 3 Obelisk, Monolith

2 Night Scythes

2 Night Scythes

Baran was

Baran Siegemasters, 1975 POINTS
Baran Siege Masters (Epic UK v15022013)

Supreme Commander, 9 Siege Infantry, Rapier Platoon (3 Rapiers), Light Artillery Platoon (3 Light artillery), 2 Snipers

Commander, 9 Siege Infantry

Commander, 9 Siege Infantry

3 Bombards

6 Rough Riders

6 Siegfried Light Tanks

6 Ragnarok Heavy Tanks

2 Thunderbolts

3 Howitzers, Tractors


Necrons struggled against the Baran activation count and also struggled to defeat the Baran infantry when it garrisoned in ruins. By the end of turn 3 they didn't have much left and the faster Baran formations grabbed objectives. Baran won the first game 3-0 with Blitzkrieg, Take and Hold and BTS and same in the second game.

As for the Sautekh list specifically, we were just trying out the units we thought were cool, so the Night Scythes with portals in particular being a fun one to use that feels unique. They had lots of utility and were flexible but not OP.

Also liked the Triarch stalkers giving a nice IC MW firepower boost to the infantry formations. Some pics below.







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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Sautekh Legion (Newcrons) 1.1 [Developmental]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:09 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Had another test game of Sautekh versus Baran Siegemasters:

Sautekh Legion, 1975 POINTS
Necron Sautekh Legion (Developmental V1.0)

9 Sautekh Warrior unit, Necron Overlord, 2 Triarch Stalkers

Necron Lord, 9 Sautekh Warrior unit, 2 Triarch Stalkers

2 Monolith, 3 Obelisk, Monolith

2 Monolith, 3 Obelisk, Monolith

2 Night Scythes

2 Night Scythes


Baran Siegemasters, 1950 POINTS
Baran Siege Masters (Epic UK v15022013)

Supreme Commander, 9 Siege Infantry, 2 Snipers, Light Artillery Platoon (3 Light artillery)

Commander, 9 Siege Infantry, Light Artillery Platoon (3 Light artillery)

Commander, 9 Siege Infantry, Rapier Platoon (3 Rapiers)

Commander, 9 Siege Infantry, Rapier Platoon (3 Rapiers)

3 Howitzers, Tractors

3 Howitzers, Tractors

3 AA Guns, Tractors

3 AA Guns, Tractors

8 Sapper Units


As with the last battle, the necrons lost due to having too few activations and not being able to break the Baran infantry when it was in cover in the ruins. They also struggled to get close enough to hit the AA so the flyers were exposed to it. Baran won with take and hold and BTS on turn 3.

Next time the necrons will try with more, smaller formations - probably separate monolith and obelisk forations rather than combined ones.

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