A few more updates, firstly some Eldar Warp Hunters. These are the classic minis and again mounted on a thin piece of wire, to give the impression of them slowly bobbing along through the air.
Secondly, I have taken some artistic license with with the 30k setting with a new and fabricated Aspect warrior unit, known as the Bleeding Blades. They are comprised of master swordsmen who each try to find formidable opposing warriors with which to test their skills. Their blades have a special wraith-bone construct which allows them to 'absorb' the final moments of those they best in battle, and can re-live these fights afterwards. That I have used some Dark Eldar miniatures (from Onslaught) to represent them, and they obviously have not survived to the 40k era as an Aspect Warrior house, gives a hint that they may be walking a bit close to the line as far as the fall of the Eldar/Slaanesh is concerned!