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Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost

 Post subject: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:00 am 
Brood Brother
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These are works in progress, and many have now been based.

I have a lot more units to collect and sme more I need to paint including a couple revenant titan pairs, 3 phantom titans, 2 more knight formations, another nightwing squadron, a second hornet squadron, 3 more swords of vaul squadrons with prism cannons, a guardian troupe in wave serpents, another cobra, a Wraithship, a large wraith portal, a couple more objective markers, some night spinners/kestrels.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:35 am 
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Eldar and orange work very good together.



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 Post subject: Re: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:39 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Got close up of those bigger Eldar Titans?

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 Post subject: Re: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:29 am 
Brood Brother
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The larger titans are not even close to being finished. I had a Warmaster tounament in late January and needed to get my Chaos Dwarf army finished. I am slowly getting back into the Yme-Loc army, but want to get the swords of vaul finished first. I have to order more minis from vanguard, but that russian cyber hack on Royal mail, and a few weeks of shorter hours (less weekly pay) has dampened that for the moment. I will endeavour to get them painted at some time. in the next few months.








6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 11:29 am 
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colour scheme works well on those

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 Post subject: Re: Deb's Yme-Loc Eldar Warhost
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:51 pm 
Brood Brother
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Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:30 am
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Damn work hours being reduced. I want to save up for another order of Eloi.

Waiting for the release of Fire Storms, and Night Spinner proxies. Would like to also see proxies for Shining Spears,, Swooping Hawks and any other Aspect warriors not covered.

Also need more prism cannon, falcon and wave serpent proxies in next order as well as 1 Phantom Titan and 1 Warlock Titan. Eldar Knights would be cool, but not many people build armies of them to make that viable I tink,.

The Aircraft are mostly covered by GW now - if at a much increased price than a direct conversion rate warrants to send items to australia, but you have to order to Forge world to get the Vampire raider/hunter, and they are expensive.So many armies I want to complete.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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