Tactical Command

Printing and Painting Guard
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Author:  YPU [ Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Printing and Painting Guard

There has been a sudden surge of interest in Epic 40k around here in the Netherlands, so I decided to try some of the more enticing models out there on thingy-verse on my form 1+ and have been printing pretty every downtime my actual work printing allows!

I think the model that really got me going was the warhound titan, I always loved the design but never thought I would own one, and suddenly I realized I had one within my grasp.


Of course, the shadowsword followed quickly after. I modelled some new sponson turrets for that one, a heavy flamer and a sensor cluster so the other variants could have the right weapons or no big gaps there. The file came with the right main weapons already. Once I have one painted up I'll post pictures of the options.


Next came a trio of leman's. Not entirely sold on the vanquisher barrel break but I can work something else up if I don't grow used to it.


Since the last pictures I took, I have printed 3 chimera, 2 deathstrikes and 2 hydras. Tonight if I find a slot in my printing timetable I'll do a third superheavy tank so I can field a superheavy main company, always nice when building a list.

Author:  semajnollissor [ Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Did the form 1 do a good job of printing? Did it produce a good surface finish? Does the gray resin need any special preparation before painting?

Is the form 1 easy to work do with? Is it messy? Did you get the separate cleaning tank?

I’m in the market for one but I haven’t committed yet. Any information would be great.

Author:  YPU [ Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Ok, important note, support for the form 1 has stopped and the resin tanks (which need replacement every now and again) will no longer be produced. It's possible to refurbish them yourself but if you are in the market I would strongly advise against a form 1 or form 1+ for this reason.

The surface finish on the formlabs printers is by far the best in its price range in my opinion, especially at the best detail level. All formlabs resins need to be rinsed in isopropanol alcohol to clean them after printing, but beyond that, it takes paint like a dream. You do get 2 dunking tanks with the printer (or used to, not sure on the form 2)

Easy to work with is relative, it's a dust-sensitive machine and I live in a very dusty old building. The form 2 is fully enclosed and easier to clean I hear, though this makes any internal fixes harder to perform yourself.

Author:  Stormwind [ Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Really impressive work.

Author:  YPU [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Thanks, Stormwind!

So here is the current state of my force. At this point, I need to admit that I've never played epic armegedon so I could use some pointers on how best to turn this into a playable fun 2000-3000 point force. I fully expect I will need to print another 10 or so russes to make a tank legion for example, but I feel like I've reached a point where I need to decide a direction before spamming out another dozen random vehicles, no matter how tempting!

So my current "collection" consists of:

3 Shadowsword/Stormblade/Stormsword plus the bits to make any of them any of the 3 types


3 leman russ, I could print any variant turret if needed, or hulls without sponsons, thumper and destroyers are possible as well.


7 Chimera, I could print bolter and flamer turrets as well


2 Hydra, 2 Deathstrike
Probably a bit specialized for a starter force, but couldn't resist their more complex shapes for variety. The missiles are removable as well for keeping track of their ammo state as well!


Now infantry wise I have these dark realm infantry stands, mostly divided into 5 man fireteams and 2 man specialist teams, I figure I'm going to need to re-base some of these and I might re-paint them at that time as well if I end up going that route.


With the elite infantry especially, I clearly need to re-shuffle the MG units into the main units and work it out to 8 units so I can use them as stormtroopers.


Not pictured, but I also have a couple of imperial cruisers from battlefleet gothic, so orbital strikes are a possibility I suppose.

And finally, I'm having a hard time deciding on a paint scheme for these guys, and I would really appreciate suggestions for a good looking scheme that's not too intensive to carry through on an entire force.

Author:  DroneSlayer [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Stunning work , but taste is individual , I would only add that since its such a small scale , crazy colors on the infantry isnt a bad idea in the long run , many DKK infantry have been lost on proper rural battlefields. :o
(or any good camo painted units , I helped with some torunaments and when we remove the gametables , we usually find stuff)

Author:  YPU [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

DroneSlayer wrote:
Stunning work , but taste is individual , I would only add that since its such a small scale , crazy colors on the infantry isnt a bad idea in the long run , many DKK infantry have been lost on proper rural battlefields. :o
(or any good camo painted units , I helped with some torunaments and when we remove the gametables , we usually find stuff)

Oh yeah, I fully agree! I only really got the point of 6mm infantry after I started painting my ghiblipunk stuff in bright blues and pinks that I realized an infantry force can pop at this scale.

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

oh crap that warhound's a print? i honestly thought that was a FW model!

Author:  infelix [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Looks brilliant!

Author:  YPU [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

jimmyzimms wrote:
oh crap that warhound's a print? i honestly thought that was a FW model!

It is! full credits to Stroganoff on thingyverse for making a model that prints exactly right! I'll probably won't be able to resist the temptation to print at least 3 more sooner or later.

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard


Kinda want to nab that and upsize it to both Epic Truescale fanmade titans as well as the AT18 scale. I adore the Lucius pattern warhounds so much.

Author:  YPU [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

jimmyzimms wrote:

Kinda want to nab that and upsize it to both Epic Truescale fanmade titans as well as the AT18 scale. I adore the Lucius pattern warhounds so much.

Would not be hard I think, how much larger would a truescale titan need to be?

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Well to match 6mm truescale it'd be 123% sized. Exactly :D

Author:  malika2 [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

Growing Dutch interest in Epic? Where? :o

Author:  YPU [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Printing and Painting Guard

malika2 wrote:
Growing Dutch interest in Epic? Where? :o

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