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6mm fantasy!

 Post subject: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:14 pm 
Brood Brother
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I started replacing my huge collection of 28mm goblins with 6mm, and have recently ordered several large orders of different armies and terrain to be able to game and paint exclusively in 6mm. We are almost starting from scratch with this project- as I had hit a huge slump in 'the hobby™' and decided to start over fresh with a new scale and though I await the delivery of my new armies, I have made a very slow start since earlier in year, and thought this would give me a push in getting everything ready for working on this project, this coming winter.

You must forgive the shoddy painting, But I wanted to mostly show off the process from start to (hopefully) finish, and share as much stuff as I could, especially as it might be of use to any other 6mm fans. I have spent months collecting together resources for 6mm fantasy and you really have to dig deep on the internet to find the quality stuff.

I had ordered a huge batch of baccus goblins for my army. I ordered a HUGE amount of the wolf riders as I love the minis, and I have far more then I will ever need for any game!
I also ordered several bolt throwers from the various historical ranges. The historical crew will be integrated into my sci fi zombie project, and Ive started on some as slaves for my epic nurgle army, inspired by the storm of Iron novel.

No photos, I'm afraid, as unpainted miniatures didn't photo too well - but if any one wishes to see anything just ask, I'd be happy to photo them as best as I can for you!

The miniatures took way too long arrive but I ordered them in spring, very much in the middle of several big wargaming shows (including salute) so I cant hold the time against them. Once they were dispatched they only took about 3-4 days to arrive. The miniatures are of varying quality. Some have a large amount of mold lines that need cleaning up, where as others are perfectly clean. The downfall of the minis is that the spears are far too weak. The slightest knock will bend them right over. This wont be so much of a problem once they are based up, but for the banner wavers I have begun to replace their poles with paper-clips. Maybe a little too thick, and they have to be drilled in at an angle but they are solid as anything once dry and can be made much taller then they were before. I considered doing it for all staff bearers, but it would take a long old time, so for now I have left them to one side.

The character pack has a nice mixture of different poses and heroes, but unfortunately the shaman’s seem to suffer from jelly leg syndrome- many of them are too weak and snap, and some have cast up at strange angles. But otherwise they are fantastic minis and have some brilliant details. The broken ones are not too be wasted- I had intended to use many of them for the crew for war mammoths anyway, this has just meant that the choice of crew has been made for me. The wolf chariot is one of my favorite miniatures off all time. Though it comes in 5 parts making it very fiddly, this makes it a lot easier to paint. Its a shame that you only get one per pack, but I do believe that they would allow you to email and order them separately. 5 character packs gave me plenty to work with. I fully intend to get more chariots at some point as I'd like to run at least one of them with more then the two wolves they come with.

A word of warning though- They are apparently very large for 6mm, they are taller than the Microworld goblins, but as fantasy creatures this shouldn't cause anyone scale issues!

Goblin wolf rider. He is based on one of the old epic bases, as I wanted to get one finished to see how they looked. Base needs a clean up but I was most pleased with the smaller scale mushroom, its extra glossy in real life and looks really magical!

Another of the characters, along with several of the standard gobbo troops and command. His over sized sword is fantastically funny, but could easily be cut down if the oversize was too silly for you. I love the little gobbo horn blower- but have no idea which colour to paint it!

Another of the little wolf riders- this time with a giant sized statue. One of the few parts of the LOTR films I actually enjoyed was the in the first- where the fellowship travel down the river and see the Argonath, the pillars of kings, as well as the ruins in Amon Hen where *SPOILERS* Boromir ....is 'Sean beaned' by orc archers*SPOILERS END*

So I am hoping to make use of all the old larger scale stuff I still have and recreate some of those imposing looking ruins. I'd like to think that the ancients that made them used to be a whole lot taller then the current denizens of my fantasy world. The miniature is one of the old citadel/MB games battlemaster empire troops. I picked a couple of boxes of random battlemaster stuff for a fiver at a boot sale and don’t have much use for them! But it was too good a bargain to pass up! I am debating to adding more grass growing up the ruin- or even adding some green ivy, as it looks too clean, but I don't want to ruin it by adding more washes to make it dirtier.

Card stock buildings- free downloads from this excellent warmaster site Simply scale the buildings down to 66% (as they are for 10mm scale) and print. These first ones were a little tricky for me as I had never made card stock buildings before so I made a couple of really amateur mistakes- the biggest was to not take a black marker round the edges to hide the white edges of the card! (especially noticeable under the roof!) But I choose not to stick them down to the base, so I will be able to remake them at a later date and fix them in place. The hedge rows are just foliage clumps soaked in PVA, which is why they appear a little shiny in the photos. But a good varnish when the new buildings are in place should take care of that.


WIP of a goblin wolf rider hero, at the edge of the world. The water effects needed drybrushing with Vallejo off white (820) as they did not show up very well, and though it is not a very clear photo I think it has come out rather well in real life- the water looks icy cold and rough. I stopped work on him as I had to practice using different effects for snow, as I intend to cover the hole in the cork where the mini sits, with snow. But so far my snow effects have come out rubbish, and I'd really like to finish this mini as a display piece so I don’t want to rush him and ruin the work I have done.

He is is missing a left hand- I don’t know if this is a casting error or if it is just an odd pose-some of the others have a similar issue with their hands- but I will drag out the box of them later on and check this mini in the other character packs and confirm. I really like it though, even with the missing hand- I'd like to think he’s lost his hand against a terrible enemy and at the edge of the world is cursing the gods and swearing his vengeance. The biggest change for the goblins as I move away from 'the hobby™' is the stupidity of the green skins. I'd much think of them as savage, but intelligent creatures, marked for much greater things then GW's 'Orc SMASH!'. The idea behind them is that orcs are scarce in this world, and goblins are far superior in numbers and intelligence, building great goblin city’s in the plains and under the mountains. Whilst the other species in the world are on the brink of their extinction, the goblins are flourishing and are one of the few races that are in the major players in the fight to be the next supreme race of the world.

I apologise for this shot. Everything I tried to get this one into focus failed. But I wanted to share this to a least show the basic look of the goblin chariots. This mini has some great character for such a small piece. The wolves them selves are the same as the riders but with trappings replacing the riders. They are excellent, and being multi-pieced they will be very easier to remove the crew and replace, or add extra parts too them. The only issue I have had with them was that it is very easy to loose the wheels whilst painting as they are tiny! You will need to do some work with the carriage to make it line up with the wolves, and as I have painted it then I will also need to touch any cracks when I do that! It fits beautifully on a warmaster base with a ton of extra room so you can really go to town with the base. I’ll try one finished asap and get a decent shot of one.

Two more from the hero pack. These ones have some nice flat space on the shields for design work- for people that can actually paint! The red looks better in real life, where as the checks look a whole lot worse! But they are both a joy to paint. I will probably add more of the red style to the army, as the goblins from baccus are not wearing very much and so need as much colour added where you can get away with it! He also has a large red hair doo-dadd, though you cant see it it really does give some where else to add more colour. At this scale I think you really need to add some nice bright colours to make heroes stand out.

Picked up these Up from The Range. Fish tank ornaments, about £2.49 each. The four fit together nicely, and other then one that has a slight chunk missing at the base, where (I thought) great value. The are a little over sized for 6mm- more suited to 10mm, but again I thought that they would make excellent over sized ruins, perhaps once inhabited by the over sized ancient race that is now missing from the world.

Scale shot of the ruins. The statue is based on a standard sized DVD. I will base and leave the parts separate so I am able to change the shape and size of the terrain. But I will likely add a stale water stream/pool under the ruins with the sewer gate, and will make that piece slight larger then the others so It could be used stand alone or as the set.

Next up is the base models for some of the Leven Miniatures range. I have never experienced a company so fantastic as this. I placed my first order with them very late at night on Tuesday.
They had sent me a confirmation back with in half an hour and this very morning (Thursday) they arrived! I was so impressed! The minis came so well packed, and the buildings themselves are just utterly fantastic.

They are so detailed that if anything my painting will really let them down!

I ordered a selection of the Viking settlements and watchtowers as well as the selection of Saxon round houses to make up my goblin settlement. I also ordered an English church and wind mill, to give me something different to work on whilst working on so much green!

I wanted to show a selection of the unpainted models so any one that wishes to buy them has some close ups to see. The price is excellent as well -between £1.50 and £3 roughly per building. But the quality is worth every penny! They have even filed down the bases so you don’t even need to do that! They need the usual scrub and clean as per standard resin minis, and two or three of them need some really minor repairs with green stuff (a gap in the church tower, and two of the huts have the smallest of bubbles in the roof.) but these are the first resin minis I have ever purchased , after the horror stories I have heard of finecast and poorly cast forge world stuff, I could never bring myself to take the plunge. But these have put all those thoughts to rest.

They are simply fantastic. The details are insane on them- each and every stone and brick is visible, and the wood is just the right scale! I'm really looking forward to starting my sci fi revamp after seeing these- I cant wait to put a huge order in for the middle east adobes for my space orcs!

The windmill comes in three parts- and the work put in to this design is great. The sails (is that the right word?! I'm not very up to date with my mill knowledge!) comes cast with a plastic centre that holds the whole thing together. Brilliant, and looks like it wont break any time soon (bar attack of kitten or wife!)

Viking settlement comes with one watchtower but I ordered several extra to be able to corner off the settlement, and make a spare one for a scatter piece, out in the wild! I love these, and will be ordering many more, as they look so great for both goblins and for humans!

The English medieval church. Its not really wonky- that's my gaming board with the curling corner! The church is actually dead straight! The extra space looks like it would be great to have a clock is great- but I have no idea how I'm going to make a clock that small! I will be buying some of the larger Gothic style churches for my epic renewal next year! The details on this is great, and looks like I might even be able to pull off an ok paint job with a spray and a wash!

Viking church. This comes with two little pieces of plastic to add to make a cross frame above the door. Tons of detail on this one, even on the behind of the model. I am going to base this one on its own so can make the most of the details of the model.

One of two long houses in the set. This one is one of the two buildings that need a little work, there's a slight hole in the roof, but its minor compared to what I expected from a resin mini!

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:51 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thanks for sharing. I've been playing with the idea to start collecting 6mm fantasy. I now have a lot of 15mm. I have some of those buildings also to be used with epic.

Will follow this thread for sure

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:26 pm 
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Great to see some decent pictures of irregular fantasy, never had the confidence to get any due to the poor pictures on their site.

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:55 pm 
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Apocolocyntosis wrote:
Great to see some decent pictures of irregular fantasy, never had the confidence to get any due to the poor pictures on their site.

Except these are baccus miniatures!! ;)

Though I promise to share the irregular stuff that I will eventually buying to expand this army- There are currently no bow goblins in 6mm,except from Irregular, and the irregular lesser goblins/snots are actually fantastic miniatures. I have a link some where to some excellent shots of them...

Not my work, but here is the best looking irregular stuff (the lesser goblin army deal) I have found online...http://leviathanwar.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/6mm

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:13 pm 
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ooops, my mistake ;D i tried the baccus 6mm fantasy elves a couple of years ago, but they were giants. Could you take a picture of the gobbos next to some MWG figures, please?

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:43 pm 
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Of course I will. I am just awaiting my order to arrive as I have no MWG at present, but I ordered a couple of weeks ago now, so it shouldn't be too long till they arrive. I'm waiting on three armies from MWG: wood elves (for Mrs Rex) dwarves and the firament. Once they arrive I will do a comparison shot of all the ranges I have to date, as I have a few other from baccus as well (gobbos, amazons, and the 95th rifles). I have several napoleonics diggers and sappers that I'm painting up as nurgle/iron warrior slaves. They are almost as tall as the plastic terminators, but a lot skinnier, so I don't see any issue with scale compatibility with them.

I have seen a couple of videos on youtube, some on that has used both baccus and MWG gobbos and they say that the baccus are a little big, so they are classed as 'elite goblins' in the his army. In the video he has a baggage train, and the horses are dwarfed by the wolf riders!

The slightly larger size is an adavantage for me though- I have some 10mm war mammoths I am going to use with my gobbos, and I will use the 10mm wood creatures I brought for the wood elves.

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:41 pm 
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My MWGs order arrived this week (I was hit by a horrid handling fee, almost one third of the price of my order!)

So, As requested; Here is some comparison shots of a random selection of minis from the ranges I ordered, along with a random selection of baccus and some Space Marines™ and a space Orc for comparison.

The dirty bakers dozen.



1: Goblin Wolf Rider From Baccus Minis
2: Goblin with shield and Hand weapon from Baccus Minis
3: Dwarf warrior with Axe from MWG
4: Roman Bolt thrower crew from Baccus Minis
5: Wood Elf with spear and hood from MWG
6: Sapper/digger From Baccus minis (available separately or in the Napoleonic range.)
7: Worldshard Pikemole from MWG
8: Stone warrior from MWG
9: Greater stone warrior from MWG
10: Chaos Terminator from GW
11: Dev Marine from GW
12: assault marine from GW
13: Ork Boy from GW

The baccus Goblins are HUGE compared to the MWG dwarfs...BUT, Im more than happy with the size difference as neither will be based together so they shouldn't look too out of scale, even in battle. The gobbos are based on rather thick pieces of metal instead of the epic style round base that MWG comes on. There is plenty of spare metal that could be filled away and bring them closer to the height of MWG minis, but they are still rather bulky.

The baccus roman range however, are very skinny compared to other minis but are just the right height next to the dwarfs. But their legs are like cat hairs, one good dice drop and they are likely to need splints for the rest of their lives!

The Wood elves from MWG bridge the gap perfectly from these ranges. Taller than the goblins but more slender, they are as tall as baccus humans but are sculpted to a much higher standard- no wayward dice is going to break legs here!

The sapper and digger minis are from baccus again, but are much much better quality than the Romans. They still have some very weak parts on some sculpts legs, but they are bulkier sculpts, slightly taller. I am using them in my nurgle marine army as slaves, and quite possible mix some in with to make zombies. They come in two flavors- beautifully cast and shockingly mutated! Some have come perfect, with no mold lines and almost zero prep, while the other half come with the two halves of their face not lined up (the horror I beheld when painting one up terrified me!) but I really like these minis, and will be getting many many more, the casualty being demoted to bodies and zombies!

The Worldshard Molemen and their stone warriors are brilliant sculpts. They are as bulky as the baccus goblins a little shorter, but some of that is the base- it is a lot thinner then any of the other ranges, but have some much nicer (and simpler) details. The greater Stone warriors are huge! Taller then the chaos terminator (the largest single figure infantry I have) They are almost as large as the 10mm ratmen army I own (None GW ratmen)

I hope this is of some help, There are still plenty more bags of minis for me to open from MWG but both my misses and myself are incredibly impressed with the miniatures. A lot lot smaller then the 'heroic' 6mm scale stuff I'm used too (I'm dreading working out how to paint the dwarves!) but the details are simply incredible for such small minis and they are so well sculpted that they have no breakages due to sculpting faults!

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:39 pm 
Brood Brother
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Great comparison shots

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:48 pm 
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lylekelm wrote:
Great comparison shots

Thanks. I will try to add as many as I can over the coming weeks, and many more in the future.


Trees are one of my favorite things in gaming- No good fight is a good fight with out good wood.
I decided to go for making my own trees for now, rather then buying Chinese eBay trees, and my god, its not as easy as woodland scenics would have you believe. But after a few experiments, and inhaling a whole lot of hair products, I have finally perfected a semi decent way to keep the trees from falling to bits. These trees are now rock solid, bar a few bits I missed, but when finished, vanishing should catch the last bits!

The photos are a little colour dull as they were taken at night, and I currently only have one lamp to light my desk.


I'd like to finish the base but I do not know how to do it with out ruining it. I was intending to paint it up the exact same way as I would my bases, or as my other pieces of terrain, but I don't think it would look right underneath the trees. I raised the back tree up on rocks as I didn't like how flat the ground was (some thing to think about next time) and I don't think I would get away with basing them all on CDS as it will look to uniform.

I have many many more trees (I brought over 100 armatures) and would like to make many more, and hopefully improve them before I do. If I can finish this one, and make good use of the rest of the armatures, I intend to also invest a couple of hundred pine tree armatures, to use for my epic scenery.

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:08 am 
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Nice stuff !! I like the ruins !

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:20 pm 
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RexHavoc wrote:
One of two long houses in the set. This one is one of the two buildings that need a little work, there's a slight hole in the roof, but its minor compared to what I expected from a resin mini!

A bit late to the party here. You may want to see if that is a chimney instead of a casting error. I seem to remember it's in the right spot.

It all looks great though!


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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:08 pm 
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Very nice!
Thanks for what is basically a review of the Baccus minis! :)

Looking forward to see more!


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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:55 am 
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Awesome stuff so far, I'm glad you are happy with the order and thanks for the kind words about the minis!

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:09 pm 
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Spectrar Ghost wrote:
RexHavoc wrote:
One of two long houses in the set. This one is one of the two buildings that need a little work, there's a slight hole in the roof, but its minor compared to what I expected from a resin mini!

A bit late to the party here. You may want to see if that is a chimney instead of a casting error. I seem to remember it's in the right spot.

It all looks great though!

I think you are right about it being a chimney but there is still an air bubble there that will need taking care off, I may just fill the whole hole on this one and call it a day as I don't think I can fix they hole and still make it look like a deliberate hole! But its nothing major, a more experienced green-stuffer could probably fix it no problem, but I'm not so great at making green stuff do what I want it to do! ;)

MrGonzo wrote:
Very nice!
Thanks for what is basically a review of the Baccus minis! :)

Looking forward to see more!

I have a small box more of baccus fantasy minis that I'm yet to go through, but when I do I will also get photos up. I'l try to get it done sooner than later but I don't want to crowd my desk with two much as I'm already swamping myself in projects and if I keep on I will loose focus!

thedespot29 wrote:
Awesome stuff so far, I'm glad you are happy with the order and thanks for the kind words about the minis!

The minis are fantastic- my own ability to make them look decent is another question though! I haven't done much with them in the last couple of weeks, mostly as I have no idea how to paint them! The dwarves because they are so tiny and the wood elves as they will belong to Mrs Rex and I have no idea how to make them green & brown with out them being indistinguishable from my green Gobbos!

Goblin Town

I have begun working on what is (or at least meant to be!) a modular terrain piece that I can add too at a later date. Its meant to be a selection of saxon style buildings to represent the top level of a goblin encampment. The fences are 10cm long each and simple enough to be used for both my Gobbos and for my feral space orcs!

Set up in the basic formation it should allow room for a KoW horde by the gate/front section and for one Regiment or a couple of troops.


But I'm unsure if using this many buildings is setting it up to be over crowded? The watchtowers are the only piece that I defiantly need to remain as they are what I am building this piece around. I am also thinking of cutting the center board into four sections as they will be more modular that way, and also to cut down on warping I suspect the larger piece would suffer from.

A close up of the 'test' wall part. Sorry for the picture quality, I took a few shots and I just couldn't get this one to get in to focus- But it should give a sense of how the walls will look.

This has taken a lot of my free hobby time as its been time consuming to cut each fence post. But I did spend a day cutting and gluing a lot of left over cork and making a very basic hill/mountain base. I'm intending to spray it with a plastic coating in the next good weather we have so I can finish it off with grass. Its quite sturdy but being cork I want to plastic coat it as I'm worried that any Sharpe bases or anything dropped on it will chip it quite easily!
This one is made to be usable by both Fantasy and Epic gaming but I intend to make a couple of separate ones especially for fantasy at a later time.

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 Post subject: Re: 6mm fantasy!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:21 pm 
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Very cool Fort !!!!!! :spin

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