Thanks, all.
elsmore wrote:
Your Eldar was one of the armies that inspired me to get back into Epic.
Wow. Whenever someone tells me something like that I'm always really proud, flattered and weirdly humbled all at the same time.
I have two more photos to post this evening. First are these Wraithlords, which even now I still tend to think of as 'Dreadnoughts':
(Click for larger image.)These were painted in two batches, four this week and five the week before last (making them the first models I'd painted at all since 2011).
I quite like this version of the Wraithlord model. It isn't the most detailed version, but its simplicity makes it easy to paint and unlike most metal versions it isn't pointing its weapon straight down at the ground, which I've always thought looked a bit odd.
Not sure what to do next for this army; possibly some Aspect Warriors. I have formations of Howling Banshees and Warp Spiders in a box awaiting painting. That would then leave me with Shining Spears as the only aspect I don't have in the army. I don't have any models and the only ones I've seen on eBay went for more than I'm willing to pay for them, so I'll probably end up converting some. I have plenty of spare Guardian jetbikes so I might as well. I'm not sure what to use for Power Lances, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. Most SS conversions I've seen (and the official versions) add wings to the jetbikes but the 40k models only have the same small wings that the Guardian jetbikes have so I'm not certain they're essential. The other thing I'm not sure about is the headdresses. Some have them and some don't. I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be just for the Exarch or a common thing among the regular Aspect Warriors as well.
These next models aren't actually new. They were the last thing I painted for my Chaos army back in 2010 before I ground to a halt but for some reason I never took a picture at the time. So here are my Screamers of Tzeentch (which I'll count as Daemonic Beasts in the list):
(Click for larger image.)Under the old version of the list, these would have brought the army to over 10,000 points, at which stage I had been planning to stop and call the army done. However, with the most recent changes to the Black Legion army list, not only is this army nearer 9,000 points in total, but it is no longer legal as it now has more WEs and aircraft than is allowed. There are also a few things I'd like to add to it anyway, so I guess the army isn't finished after all. First thing to add will be some Havoc character stands so that I can take the new Havoc formation rather than just the add-on for retinues.