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Topic review: I can't get no sleep - my painting blog

 Post subject: Topic review: I can't get no sleep - my painting blog
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:34 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:42 pm
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Location: West Yorkshire, UK
Having had a lot of time off recently I had some time to think through what I wanted from my various armies. First thing I decided that I wanted the same forces for Epic/W40K/BFG. This meant cutting down to SM/IG/Orks/Eldar/Chaos (and AMTL for EA). Furthermore I wanted to have the same Chapters/Regt/Clan/Craftworld/Legion. So I got rid of my W40K Tau, Epic Nids and Epic Crimson Fists.

Second thing I decided was that I wanted to be able to field at least 3K of each of the EA Rulebook armies, all based consistently. Without any regular local Epic opponents I wanted to be able to run intro games to attract new players.

I had my Epic Valhallans (6k excl allies, nicely painted by Tuffskull) based for tundra terrain. These matched my intended W40K Valhallans. But I had little tundra terrain and was nt sure what opposing forces I wished to do on tundra terrain.

However I did have quite a bit of desert terrain and some part painted figures for SM/IG that would be suitable for desert terrain. And I had some part painted Orks. So that was the easy part decided.



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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:15 pm 

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The next part was working out some sample army lists that suited my exisiting figure collection, and also working out what variant lists I could use the army for as well as the Rulebook lists. And restricting my unit choices to only those which could also be used for these variant lists:

1) Blood Angels - Codex Astartes / Blood Angels
2) Armageddon SL IG - Steel Legion / Minervan Tank Legion
3) Evil Sunz - Ghazgkhul Thraka / Speed Freeks

and for my other armies:
4) Goffs - Ghazgkhul Thraka / OGBM
5) Biel-Tann - Swordind list / COTYK
6) Iron Warriors - Black Legion / Iron Warriors
7) AMTL - Legio Destructor?

I started off painting my orks. Some photos of what have painted already:

1st batch of Evil Sunz:

2nd batch of Evil Sunz:

Some Goff WIP:

Since then I have finished the above Goff WIP figures, and for Evil Sunz finished some more Warbikes, Skorchas, Battlewagons, Flakwagons, Gunwagons and Big Mek Supa Zzap Guns. On the painting table at the moment are some more Goffs- 2 more Great Gargants, 3 Gargants, 2 more Stompas, some Battlewagons & Gunwagons. I'll take some army shots when that lot is finished....

Once that lot is finished the main things outstanding for Epic orks will be some infantry (which I have been putting off as I hate painting 6mm infantry) and some Fighta Bombers. So the end is almost in sight! Afterwards I intend to quickly finish off my Armageddon SL and some Blood Angels.



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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:47 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:42 pm
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Location: West Yorkshire, UK

I have nt posted in the blog for last month but I have been steadily working through my Epic Orks. Finally I got around to taking a photo of the stuff I varnished a couple of weeks back. This batch added another Big mek Supa Zzap Gun, 6 more Gunwagonz, 10 more Flakwagonz, 4 more Battlewagonz, 9 more Skorchas:


That took my Evil Sunz up to just under 3,000 points (using Ghazgkhul Thraka army list). Not painted fancy but hopefully to decent gaming standard. The main things outstanding for my Evil Sunz were infantry, some warbuggies and some fighta bommers.

Currently on my painting table I have almost finished for my Goffs: another Gargant, a Great Gargant, 2 more Stompas, 10 Gunwagonz, 5 Big Mek Supa Zzap Gunz, 4 Battlewagonz, plus 6 Fighta Bommers (for my Evil Sunz). Plus I have a 3rd Great Gargant and 2 more Gargants at least half finished.



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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:01 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Red Onez obviously go fast !!!! ;D

Legion 4 "Cry Havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War !" ... "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:51 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:42 pm
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Thanks L4.

My Evil Sunz will eventually be fielded as Speed Freekz. So I have only chosen units that I can take under either Ghazgkhul Thraka or Speed Freekz army lists. So loads of Kults of Speed, Blitz Brigades, mechanised Warbands and Fighta Bommerz. I have tried to go for more wheeled Gunwagonz and have done some slight conversions for variety.

My Goffs are going to be more walker based with Gargants, Stompas, Dreadz and footslogging infantry. It helps to have some different colours to paint so I don't get bored with painting red.



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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:24 pm 

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Did nt get much painting done over the weekend- I needed a couple of days break. I did get the last batch varnished- I did some Goffs for a bit of change from Evil Sunz. So far 4 Battlewagonz, 10 Gunwagonz, 9 Flakwagonz, 7 Big Mek Supa Zzap Guns:



Switching back to Evil Sunz I have started 2 more Gunfortresses, 14 more Warbikes.



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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painiting blog
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:28 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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A lot of nice targets for the IG
well done

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 Post subject: Re: I can't get no sleep - my painting blog
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:47 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:42 pm
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Location: West Yorkshire, UK
Thanks Ulric- IG is my main army since EA came out. After these are finished I will need to spend month of April tarting up my IG Armoured Company plus some desert terrain for them both to fight across.

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