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NetEA Tournament Pack

 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:58 pm 
Brood Brother
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Getting within aa range and arc of the target during an intercept well expose you to aa fire before commencing your own attack. Yes, intercepted orks possibly get to shoot first if you decide to move within 15cm. It will only hit on 6+ though and only really applicable to Tbolts (that go all in) and Doomwings. More dangerous vs Landas

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:02 pm 
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Dave wrote:
Abetillo wrote:
Ok, but where it says that it is different for the defending unit from its allies in the conditions to fire (''at any point'' vs ''only at the end'' like you put it? I would like to know to tell others in the future but i do not see it. It specifies it with ground units that it can be if they pass at any point of their approach move and aircraft at the end, but i find nothing about differences between aircraft formation allies of the defender and defending aircraft formations, only between ground units and aircraft.

See the original FAQ for 4.2.4 here, this allows any enemy aircraft to target interceptors "at the end of their approach move": https://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd ... 15#p446315

My mistake earlier on, here's what I should have said:

Any aircraft formation gets to fire its AA at any enemy aircraft formation that ends its approach move within range of that AA (this is from the FAQ above).

Any ground formation that is not broken and has not marched gets to fire its AA at any enemy aircraft formation that moved within ranged of that AA during its approach or disengagement move.

I had thought somewhere Neal had said that the target of an interception gets to fire at those interceptors if they moved within range of its AA during their approach move. I can't find it right now, can anyone else? If that's not the case it does seem like a powerful bump for Ork Fighta-bommers (who shoot all around) based on who we've been playing it in New England. Or maybe not, they're only range 15cm.

Yeah it has certainly been made quite complicated, the rules not all being consolidated together and placed in different sections (aircraft vs flak etc).

Dave in answer to your question I don’t think I have seen it played that defending aircraft work differently to intercepted aircraft when it comes to passing through vs ending move. As far as I know it’s played here that all flying aircraft only fire defensively when the attacker ends their move in the right spot. Whereas landed aircraft use the flak rules so any point in the approach move counts. I can’t rule it out though, I’m not sure if it ever came up.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:37 pm 
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I think it's boiling down to me mis-reading Neal's response wayback when. I'll read them over one more time, and then update the FAQ if needed.



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Squats 2019-10-17

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:02 am 
Brood Brother
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FWIW Dave (having not played for years), I have a similar recollection to yours from way back.
  1. In the simple case, defending ground units fire on attacking aircraft making a ground attack before the ground attack takes place. These ‘flak attacks’ are made if the enemy a/c have passed within arc and range even if they end up elsewhere.
  2. CAP Attacks work in the same way, the ‘target’ aircraft and any friendly ground units fire on the CAPping a/c before they attack the target. The difference being that the target a/c can only shoot if the enemy a/c end their movement in range.
  3. The more complex situation under discussion occurs where a subsequent ground attack (or interception) takes place and there are a/c on the table from earlier activations. IIRC Neal ruled that for these earlier a/c to fire on the latest arrivals, the enemy a/c had to end their move in arc and range of the ‘defensive’ a/c. Note there are still essentially two parts of the activation; the ‘defensive fire’ from all relevant units takes place before the attackers shoot.
  4. Finally the most complex situation occurs where players opt to ‘CAP a CAP’. Here each CAP is resolved separately considering the relevant defensive and attacking fire, with the surviving a/c taking part in subsequent actions.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 12:58 pm 
Brood Brother
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There is no capping a cap

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:50 pm 
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I fixed the Aircraft FAQ mentioned above, as well as a few more lingering typos. I'll be getting to the Skitarii this week as time allows.

I've also changed how everything is dated. I'm no longer using the date the file was last changed, but rather the date the file was last changed in the code repository. The old way meant that the dates changed when I started to work on the TP at a new machine or in a different directory (bad or, at least, dumb). The new way means that an army list's date only changes when there's actually a change to it (good).

Because of this, you'll notice a few of the lists are being back dated and no longer "2020-04-24" (e.g. Codex Astartes is now 2019-10-17 rather than 2020-04-24). The lists are exactly the same, no changes to the list happened after 2019, the 2020 date was just an artefact of me starting to work on the TP at a different machine. So now for the next pandemic there will be one less thing for me to worry about when working from home.



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Squats 2019-10-17

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:42 pm 
Brood Brother
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Dave wrote:
I've also changed how everything is dated. I'm no longer using the date the file was last changed, but rather the date the file was last changed in the code repository. The old way meant that the dates changed when I started to work on the TP at a new machine or in a different directory (bad or, at least, dumb). The new way means that an army list's date only changes when there's actually a change to it (good).

That's a fantastic change!

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:43 pm 
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Skitarii added. I also managed to shoe-horn the army list into one page. Let me know if you find typos.



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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:49 pm 
Brood Brother
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Dave wrote:
Skitarii added. I also managed to shoe-horn the army list into one page. Let me know if you find typos.

I've been eagerly looking forward to this, so thanks. O0

* Sagitarii Rapier upgrade should be +25 points.
* Titan weapons don't list costs for Ordinati Minorus.
* Chimedon carrying capacity should be one, not two.
* Hydra stats are missing (just like they were in the pdf).

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:21 pm 
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Fixed. I'm out of room for alternate prices for the weapons in their table, so I added it to the army list special rule. It's similar wording to the War Griffons duplicate weapon surcharge so I think it works there.

Also, the Imperial Fists got an update to fix a misspelling on Tarantula.



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Squats 2019-10-17

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:37 pm 
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Further notes on the Skitarii:

Chimedons cannot carry Rapiers or Praetorians. This is a list specific restriction due to the size of those units.
Secutors do not have the Leader ability.
Colossus Robots are AV not LV.
Colossus Autocannons have 6+ AA @ 30cm.
Ordinatus Majoris weapon mount is fixed forward. This doesn't seem to be indicated anywhere.
Ordinatus Minorus are only allowed to take Battle Titan weapons. This is not indicated on the TP list.

I don't like the clarity of the Demi-century wording. The unit is 2 secutors and 8 hypaspists. It has two upgrades: replace 5 hypaspists with 5 gun servitors and replace three hypaspists with 3 secutors. The free upgrade shouldn't be folded into the default unit.

Is there a reason for renaming weapons? Hypaspists have Mauler Bolt Cannons, not Heavy Bolters. Rapiers have Rapier Laser Destroyers which I think is a specific weapon to them so as not to confuse with Laser Destroyers.

Should the Lyasander Fighter also appear here since the Warmonger Titan can be taken?

I think that's all I've been able to find in the TP list.


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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 2:00 am 
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just pinging these updates for skitarii since the TP hasn't been updated to correct them yet.


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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:43 pm 
Brood Brother
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Dave wrote:
I fixed the Aircraft FAQ mentioned above

Did not see the change in the FAQ till now and noticed this line, so my question is. After all we wrote on the previous and this page and 2012's FAQ you linked i was under the impression that enemy aircraft AA only fires at what its in range and arc at the end of the approach move, but with this last change in the FAQ in 4.2 deleted that part and now all AA fires if anything goes through range and arc at any point of the approach move like with ground attack. Is it like that? From what you, Ginger, Kyrt and Nealhunt wrote it seems that the intention was to make it at the end only for AC AA.

It changed from

(from the aircraft formation, any friendly aircraft formations that are within
range at the end of the enemy’s approach move, and any friendly ground
units with an AA value that were in range during the enemy’s approach
move) are resolved against it. Before rolling any saving throws it may choose
to jink.
3. All anti-aircraft and flak attacks (from any enemy aircraft formations that are
within range at the end of the aircraft’s approach move
and any enemy
ground units with an AA value that were in range during the aircraft’s
approach move) are resolved against the aircraft formation. Before rolling any
saving throws it may choose to jink if it doesn’t have the Bomber manoeuvre


(from the aircraft formation, or friendly aircraft or ground units with an AA
value that were in range and arc at any point during the enemy’s approach
move) are resolved against it. Before rolling any saving throws it may choose
to jink.
3. All anti-aircraft and flak attacks (from enemy aircraft or ground units with an
AA value that were in range and arc during the aircraft’s approach move) are
resolved against the aircraft formation. Before rolling any saving throws it
may choose to jink if it doesn’t have the Bomber manoeuvre class.

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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:22 pm 
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Vaaish wrote:
Chimedons cannot carry Rapiers or Praetorians. This is a list specific restriction due to the size of those units.
Secutors do not have the Leader ability.
Colossus Robots are AV not LV.
Colossus Autocannons have 6+ AA @ 30cm.
Ordinatus Majoris weapon mount is fixed forward. This doesn't seem to be indicated anywhere.


Ordinatus Minorus are only allowed to take Battle Titan weapons. This is not indicated on the TP list.

It's in the tournament special rule along with the surcharges.

I don't like the clarity of the Demi-century wording. The unit is 2 secutors and 8 hypaspists. It has two upgrades: replace 5 hypaspists with 5 gun servitors and replace three hypaspists with 3 secutors. The free upgrade shouldn't be folded into the default unit.

It's how it's done in the other lists (Marine Bikes and Speeders, for example). Mainly to save room.

Is there a reason for renaming weapons? Hypaspists have Mauler Bolt Cannons, not Heavy Bolters. Rapiers have Rapier Laser Destroyers which I think is a specific weapon to them so as not to confuse with Laser Destroyers.

Just to keep the number of weapons down. If the stats are identical and the weapon is used by the force I don't usually bother with the special names.

Should the Lyasander Fighter also appear here since the Warmonger Titan can be taken?




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 Post subject: Re: NetEA Tournament Pack
PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:33 pm 
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Abetillo wrote:
Is it like that? From what you, Ginger, Kyrt and Nealhunt wrote it seems that the intention was to make it at the end only for AC AA.

Well Ginger thought he agreed with me, but said he hadn't played in awhile. And Kyrt said he never saw it played that way (ie didn't agree).

I went through Neal's post back then and just did so again, and I can't find any post that says AC on the board only get to use their AA attacks against enemy units that end in their arc. If you find something, send me a link. But otherwise, yes, the FAQ I just revised is correct. AC can use their AA against an enemy that was within range and arc at anypoint during its approach move.



NetEA Tournament Pack Website

Squats 2019-10-17

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