Tactical Command

Stepping down from the NetERC
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Author:  Moscovian [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Stepping down from the NetERC

I'm announcing a vacant seat on the Epic Rules Committee... Mine.

My personal life has a number of additional facets that are keeping me away from spending time on the boards, and the sad fact is I should have been off the council last year. I used to post here daily, but for a long while I've been a slacker and my stepping down from the ERC is overdue.

The ERC members have certain responsibilities that I am simply not able to keep up with. I don't stay abreast of the list development, the rules discussions, or much of anything. I do have the Squat championship and -being thematically stubborn- I'd like to give them one last push to get them developed and approved. But I can do that without being on the ERC.

Tournaments? I haven't organized a tournament in two years, let alone fostered tournament organizing anywhere else.

The supplements movement has very much withered after Raiders and Siege published, and the point of my seat on the ERC was to make that happen. Clearly I failed in moving those along. I still want to make the Epic: Xenos supplement and would be happy to advise others on their projects, but I don't need to be on the ERC for that either.

This has been a huge time sink (no pun intended), both writing a novel and then the subsequent marketing that comes with it. Hopefully future success as a writer will allow me to quit my day job (ha!), but until then I'll be rather divided.

Anyone taking the seat: I'd be happy to help you out when/where I can. Just ask.

Author:  Markconz [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Thanks for all your input over the years Mosc, and good luck with whatever future ventures you embark on! :)
You've succeeded in helping to create a solid base of rules for people to play around with for many years to come I think.

Author:  vanvlak [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Markconz wrote:
Thanks for all your input over the years Mosc, and good luck with whatever future ventures you embark on! :)
You've succeeded in helping to create a solid base of rules for people to play around with for many years to come I think.

Ditto, you've been one of the pillars for years on end. Hope your writing career does get to be a full time one.

Author:  Ginger [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Ditto and good luck mate - keep in touch.

FWIW although your reasons are cogently presented, IMO the lack of progress in these areas is more symptomatic of the general state of E:A as a whole rather than a criticism of any one individual. Many thanks for all your past efforts.

Author:  Onyx [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Thanks Mosc.
All your efforts have given us a couple of outstanding supplements as well as the on-going army list development you've undertaken.
Good onya mate.

Author:  MephistonAG [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Shame to see you go Mosc, but breaking the shackles to become a full time author has to be worth a go!

Author:  mordoten [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Thanks for all the good work, good luck with your future endeavours!

Author:  Vaaish [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Sorry to see you go. You've done a lot for the community over the years and you're leaving big shoes to fill.

Author:  Lead-Space [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Best of luck to you sir! Thank you for your efforts. Let me know when your novel can be bought ;)

Author:  Moscovian [ Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Hey Lead-Space, thank you for the interest. Syncing Forward is already on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes...
Links on left.

Vaaish, I'm not dying! I'm just backing out of the ERC.

Author:  GlynG [ Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Thanks for all your hard work over the years! It's a shame not to have you around so much but I wish you all the best with your life and projects! Come back more if you get the mood / time in future.

Will you still help facilitate producing and sending out future epic supplements? Effort / interest in creating supplements is lower these days, but not dead. Ben's Mechanicus supplement is around 80% finished (he posted his WIP version) and he wants to finish it, but he hasn't had much people test it yet. Hopefully it'll happen in time. Personally I'm trying to focus on getting a wide raft of lists tested and approved that really should have been already (we're making progress - tyranids and titan legions got approved recently and others are close, with Squats on the to do list), then I plan to try and help.

I should check out your book. I'm a huge fan of time-travel fiction done well, such as the excellent Faction Paradox series. Tangentially If you like time travel fiction Mosc have a read of Newtons Sleep, one of these novels, the publisher put the ebook of it online for free which I just linked to). What's the best way for us to buy Syncing Forward from your perspective Mosc? Do you make more money selling it one of the sites than the others? I'm mostly buying it as a thanks, though hopefully I'll like it.

Author:  Moscovian [ Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Hey GlynG, the supplement assistance will continue. I'll be playing Epic, testing the Squats, and -hopefully- getting back to work on the Xenos supplement I envisioned five years ago (yes, it has been that long). If somebody has a supplement, I will make sure it gets printed, shipped, and supported.

Whoever takes my seat on the ERC will hopefully do a much better job than I did, and they can count on my support. When the seat was originally created, everyone just assumed I would want it because it involved promoting the supplement building and tournaments, two subjects I was heavily involved in at the time, but not for the last two years. The new ERC member can't possibly do less than me, so my stepping down is a good thing for all concerned.

Syncing Forward. Just pick it up anywhere. All I ask is that you review it if you buy it; I don't mind if your review is good, bad, or indifferent. I will warn all of you that it reads better with women than men. The guys getting back to me are saying, "Yeah, it was a little too slow with all the touchy-feely, emotional stuff. I was expecting explosions, sexbot androids, and exploding sexbot androids..." The ladies have all given it five stars. Not trying to discourage anyone from reading it, only pointing out it is not Warhammer 40K-ish in the least. No homoerotic descriptions of perfectly formed Space Marines and their glistening chests peeking through their cracked armor as they fire off bolter weapons.

Author:  Angel_of_Caliban [ Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Sorry to see you step down but understandable. Good luck with aurthoring and stuff.

Author:  Karegak [ Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Alright listen up you sorry lot in the storage box! Moscovian is stepping down from the NetERC so I suggest we give him a proper thanks. Attention!








Sorry mate, it seems 6mm lasguns and shootas don't make a lot of noise. I'd send a flight of Thunderbolts over your home but I'm afraid I lack the force projection capability (not enough refueling stations mainly). Best of luck in your future endeavours, be they hobby related or not.

Author:  Irisado [ Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stepping down from the NetERC

Thanks for all the time that you have put into EA. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours :).

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