This'll probably wind up being mostly Shieldbash and Necromunda as I go along. To kick it off, I figured I ought to share the True Atronian warband I finished painting up. These are the same game system as the other "Viking Muppets" Dave's painted up:
Everybody. The nice thing about small indie skirmish games is you can literally paint the entire catalog, if you're so inclined.
Leadership. Two priestess models, a medicine woman, and the angry avatar of their goddess, Atronia, whom they can summon to the battlefield. I like the "maiden, mother, crone" dichotomy the sculptor went for with these models.

Heavy infantry, spear levees, and a standard bearer. My first attempt at a styrene banner; it probably needed a little bending & flexing to look more natural, but it'll do until I decide to paint up another.
A mix of heavy defensive infantry, fanatics, berserkers and skirmishers. The warband leans defensive in its rules with a lot of units capable of counterattacking, parrying attacks, and/or skirmishing, which makes two defensively-slanted warbands for me for this game, now. The redheaded berserker was a simple conversion of one of the heavy infantry models, since there's two different skill profiles and I could technically take one of each. Why not?
A monstrous creature mount that serves as a fighting platform for the warband, some cavalry, and a pack of dog-like squirrel-landsharks. Love those little beasties. The cavalry models were conversions using mounted models from another faction and the Gromal's riders. I'm planning on doing a heavy infantry conversion, a musician possibly, and one final horse-bug with a pair of the smaller skirmishers (since they count as 1/2 a rider each) for drive-by shenanigans