We played a D-Day scenario today. Of course I forgot my D-SLR camera so here are the cell phone pics! The actual scenario rules used were from the Amphibious Assault scenario, 1750 points of Allies (Big Red 1, 1st Infantry Division assault company (confident veterans) vs 1000 points of German Festerlung (sic) Kompanie (confident veterans) with 40 fortification points. In this scenario there are no company morale checks, you fight until the Allies win or 12 turns have elapsed.
Allies begin with a preliminary bombardment of naval gun fire before the boats start to arrive. We also had naval gun fire support as part of our army list but it was quite ineffective. The first wave hits the beach!

The Allies fight there way to the cover of the sea wall under fire from dug in Grenadiers with MG42's and the crossfire of twin MG bunkers and twin 5cm gun bunkers.

Air Support from P-47's was also ineffective for the most as the artillery support was, concealed veteran troops make for difficult targets!

DD "Donald Duck" Sherman tanks swim ashore and engage the enemy while advancing to the sea wall.

The right flank MG bunker falls to the Allied assault:

The left flank MG bunker follows suit but this time falls prey an actual combat assault move!

Despite the flank bunkers defeat, stiff resistance continues pinning the Allies on the beach fighting for every inch:

More boat sections arrive for reinforcements:

The German resistance starts to thin out as the obstructions of barbed wire and mine fields are breached by the assault sections (rated as pioneers):

The last German infantry defenders are routed out by means of an assault:

1st ID advances come moves into control of the first objective.

With the obstacles now clear, the armor can advance and support the infantry assault.

German Stug G's finally arrive but too late as the Allies capture their second objective and win the game.

DOG 1 is OPEN!