Warmaster to Field of Glory (FOG)
I have been playing warmaster for the last 3 years and the though the game is fun it lacks a little certainty in combat. Every roll to hit is 4+ regardless of what type of unit you are, so lowly goblins can beat witch elves, also it does not take into account the weapon units possess or how they interact with their opponents and what they are armed with plus their experience.
So a thought came on how to use the FOG combat mechanism (shooting and HTH) using warmaster units. Both systems use different mechanisms for shooting and combat however one thing they have in common is standard base width for all units (exception of cavalry and pike). Where FOG used 40mm widths for 15mm figures, warmaster also uses 40mm widths. FOG units are usually between 4-6, with 6-8 and 8-12 unit sizes available also. While warmaster uses 1 -3 unit size. There are also similarities between commanders in respect to command range.
The plan is to use the existing warmaster armies I play (Dark Elves and Empire) and convert them to FOG unit profiles. Use the FOG shooting and combat mechanism, modified for Fantasy aspect of units, along with command and support changes.
Current FOG Unit profiles are: Troop Type Armour Quality Capabilities unit size cost/stand.
I plan to use them plus add new profile Abilities. Below are the choices for each profile at the moment.
Troop types: Heavy Cavalry, Medium Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Infantry, Medium Infantry, Light Infantry, Artillery, Monster, Chariot, BattleWagons, Mob
Armour: Heavy Armour, Armoured, Light Armour, Unarmoured.
Quality: Elite, Superior, Average, Poor
Capabilites: handguns, crossbows, bow, lancer, pikeman, swordsman, spearman, artillery, javelins, heavy weapon, impact foot, impact mounted, blowpipes, throwing stars
Abilities(new): frenzy, terror, All Around, double shot, shock troops, scout
Review of FOG shooting and combat mechanism:
With a shortened profile, you will notice there is no attack dice or wounds. Each stand will get a set number of dice in combat to fight regardless. FOG uses troop quality and Unit status to determine effectiveness of a unit and a mechanism called Death roll to determine how many bases are lost after shooting or combat. Also in FOG there are two combat phases each turn the Impact Phase and the Melee Phase, plus in the Shooting phase both sides can shoot with all units.
In combat all units will look at a chart to cross referencing their capabilities against their opponents capability and armour to determine if they have Points of Advantage (POA). All units compare their POAs and whatever unit has more POAs will get a bonus in combat. This process works for shooting, in which case determine what weapon is shooting and what their targets armour is and other factors to determine a POA.
POA’s can be at the most +2 for unit, each positive POA provides a negative to your opponent. Eg if Unit A has + 3 POA vs Unit B has a +1 POA, the difference is a +2 for Unit A. Since Unit A has positive POA it will have a +2 POA and the Unit B will be -2 POA.
The standard roll to hit for shooting and combat is 4+ on a D6. The POAs adjust what you need to roll hit. +1 POA means you hit on 4+, +2 POA you hit on 3+, -1 POA you hit on 5+, -2 POA you hit on 5+. So in the above example Unit A with a +2 POA will hit on 3+, while Unit B will hit on a 5+. Shooting works the same but the worst shooting is 6 to hit and the best is 2 to hit
In FOG the number of dice for shooting or close combat is determined by the number of bases either shooting or close combat. Shooting dice are determined by the shooter unit size, capabilities and unit quality. In combat its number of bases, capabilities, unit quality. Also in the Impact Phase you get more dice to roll but limited in who can fight while in the melee phase you get more units that can fight.
Once all shooting or close combat is completed. We determine damage to units from shooting and close combat. There are two parts to this phase in FOG they are cohesion checks to determine if the units cohesion is reduced and the death roll to determine how many unit bases are destroyed.
The death roll is the first roll, it’s a simple roll to make. Determine how many hits you took in close combat and roll a D6. If you roll higher than the number you do not lose a stand if you roll equal or lower you lose a stand. If you have taken more than 6 hits you automatically lose 1 base, then subtract 6 from the hits you took to determine the reminder and then roll again to beat that second score. EG 8 hits, lose 1 base automatically, subtract 6 from 8 which is 2, roll again needing a score better than 2 to avoid losing another base. There are few modifiers for shooting and winning combat. Both units take death rolls if they take a hit.
All units start at cohesion level of Steady, they can they be degraded to Disrupted, Fragmented and Broken. Cohesion determines effectiveness of the unit.
Next is a Cohesion check to determine if your units cohesion has dropped. This check has many modifiers that are (+ and -). Determine your total modifier than roll two dice(2D6) and add or subtract the modifier to your roll. The roll must be equal or beat a 7. Anything lower means you lose a cohesion level or two. The cohesion check is also used to rally units (ie improve their cohesion). As units cohesion drop, it effects the number of dice they get in shooting and close combat, plus it can penalize certain units POA in close combat.
So combat is really designed to degrade unit cohesion and remove bases which makes the unit ineffective in combat/shooting. A Units quality determines how many bases it can lose before breaking. In essence a unit could pass its cohesion throughout the game but keep failing its death roll, losing bases and eventually broken. Or a unit could fail all its cohesion checks never lose a death roll and still break because its cohesion kept dropping, lowering the morale of the unit till it breaks.
Commanders in FOG can command units and brigades, they provide support in close combat, assist with cohesion checks and can rally units.
I have given a brief overview of the shooting and combat mechanisms used in FOG.
However you will notice I mentioned nothing of movement. I left movement as is for now, as some of the ideas in Warmaster are in FOG. There is also a last phase in FOG called Joint Action Phase that both sides participate in. Where units rally, continue breaking etc. This will also wait for now.
The end goal is to create a FOG Fantasy version, we will see how it goes.
So what do I propose to do? Well change mostly the shooting and combat mechanism, change support rules. Below are some other slight changes that I will use. If your familiar with Field of Glory (Ancients, Renaissance and/or Napoleon) this will all make sense. I will publish documents to this topic as I create them with version numbers. I will ask players to possibly convert other armies to new profiles.
List of things to explain, create, change (in no particular order):
1. Units provide support if they are within 20 cm of a unit and directly behind the unit they want to support or with at least half the bases directly behind the unit they want to support. Plus the unit providing support cant be in combat and no enemy between the supporting unit and the supported unit. (this changes the warmaster support mechanism). 2. Combat will still be to two rounds but divided between impact and melee. After two rounds the units will stay locked, no fall back, pushback, pursuit etc. 3. Commander profiles will be modified to account for their new roles. Plus commanders will no longer have to give orders for units to move. 4. Units can make at the most two moves, the second move must be done after the first and the second move cant be made if the unit is within 30cm of the enemy and must end its second move at least 30cm from the enemy. 5. Change unit profiles for Empire and Dark Elves, specifically increasing units sizes for infantry and cavalry. 6. Create POA charts and also dice charts to determine how many dice a unit rolls in shooting and combat.