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[ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish

 Post subject: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:37 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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ROGUE PLANET is now available on Wargame Vault for just $9.99! Happy Halloween! I'll see you planetside.


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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:00 am 
Brood Brother
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And bought!

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:05 pm 
Brood Brother
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Lead-Space wrote:
And bought!


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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:42 pm 
Brood Brother
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This might just be what I need!

I was working on adapting mantics fan made rules for warpath v1, so they would work for my sci fi setting and for 6mm, but if this is anything like mayhem then you may have just done all the hard work for me! (which is fine, as I'd rather be writing up the story line and leave the rules to professionals!)

I will have to wait till Ive been paid to even think about getting a copy, but from the cover alone I think I am sold! :)

By any chance is there any reviews or some such thing kicking around yet? just so I can have a tease before pay day?

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:11 am 
Brood Brother
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... but from the cover alone I think I am sold! :)


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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:54 pm 
Brood Brother
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Had some trouble with my printer, but got it fixed tonight and printed my copy off, given it a very quick glance over, and from what I took in it looks AWESOME! I have got it all bundled up to take too work so I will read it it cover to cover there (as it beats working!)

I have just enough 6mm minis put together, and if I can get some time on my days off, then I will finish painting up the last couple of bits of terrain I have half done and I will try for a small demo over the next week or so. Nothing massive, but a quick squad v Squad fighting over some trenches.

From what I took in the game itself seems to have the story telling flexibility of inquisitor (which I never played, but have read a lot about) but with the quality and more 'gaming type/competitive' rule set of necromunda. (only better! ;) )

I absolutely love your flexi army creation in both this and mayhem, I think its brilliant. I love being able to create profiles for troops I want to make, rather then having to buy miniatures to suit lists I feel forced to take!

I intend to run it in a sci-fantasy/horror set up so I do have a couple of questions regarding rules already, but I will wait until I have absorbed the whole book, 'cause they answer is probably already in there!

Thanks for another awesome game! ;D

Edit: Because I am dumb and copy/paste everything twice Because I am dumb and copy/paste everything twice because..... ::)

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:14 am 
Brood Brother
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I have got it all bundled up to take too work so I will read it it cover to cover there (as it beats working!)
Perfect! :D That's a great use of 'work time' if you ask me.

From what I took in the game itself seems to have the story telling flexibility of inquisitor (which I never played, but have read a lot about) but with the quality and more 'gaming type/competitive' rule set of necromunda. (only better! ;) )
That's actually a really good way to explain it!! Having that understanding after only a quick skim of the rules means that you will probably have no problems at all after a good thorough read.

I intend to run it in a sci-fantasy/horror set up so I do have a couple of questions regarding rules already, but I will wait until I have absorbed the whole book, 'cause they answer is probably already in there!

A sci-fantasy/horror mix should be pretty easy with the system. Make sure to post up your builds, stats, and fluff when you get into the project. I love to see what people are creating!

Thanks for another awesome game! ;D

My pleasure. :)

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:22 am 
Brood Brother
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Wow. Just wow.

I am in love with this rule set. There are so many things that would fit perfectly with this game, Futuristic horror and cyber. I'd like to try use it one day to play some games of the very early Judge dredd stories (the cursed earth saga, especially against the T-rex, Satanus!) Or maybe some battles of Gurren lagann (I have always wanted an excuse to make and paint some of the mecha!) But mostly I will be using this for my cyber horror, Humans Vs Vermins.

Took me a few days to get through the whole thing cause I could only read it in small chunks during the commute to work and being around 4am I'd have to reread bits as I was a tad sleepy!

Couple of questions though...

I don't 100% follow the rules for rolling of activations. I see that you get one die as standard but I could only see one way to add extra dice to the pool, which was to play a patrol game. I couldn't see any other way, what have I missed?

Even with the extra die it states that you only keep the result of one (near the start of the rules) So that means that every turn that you can only have between 1-6 activations? So when playing larger games (for instance more then 6 minis/units) there will always be some units that you cant use. Does that mean that it is beneficial to keep your warband/army smaller so you dont have so many 'wasted' points on the table.

Is there any plans to add/or is there a reason there is no psychology style rules. I like the stream line feel of the rules as they are, but wanted to play the 'horror' side I lack rules for both fear and terror. If there is no plans/or there is a reason they are not there, then I will probably look into adding a 'horror mod' to the game of my own design. Nothing too crazy, I just like the idea of human marines unable to shoot straight at the sight of a lesser daemon (fear) or finding the cultists summoning a greater daemon beyond their control and being frozen in spot just to be eaten by their own summons (Terror)

I have a couple of other ideas for a small (very small!) horror mod, but I will want to run a test game or two before I start messing too much as I will just confuse myself!

I have a couple of minis to finish painting up this weekend and I will try to fit in a game. If not this weekend, then def during my time off this week (this is the easier of my two week rota) I am very very tempted to make a very, very small 'necromunda' style table to play on (mostly because I want my hero to throw the mutants off a gangway and watch hit an enemy below! haha!) I will be a bit sparse on finished terrain (unless I really manage to make head way with it tomorrow) but I will grab some photos and try to write some kind of report up (or at the very least my army builds) feel free to share it out on the lead adventures forum ( I saw people were asking but I am not signed up on there)

Thanks again, and I'm sorry if I have just missed the answers to my questions!

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

My 6mm Sci-fi and skirmish TactComms Plog: Vermin!/Orks!/Micro-munda!

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:40 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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Wow. Just wow.

;D 8)

don't 100% follow the rules for rolling of activations. I see that you get one die as standard but I could only see one way to add extra dice to the pool, which was to play a patrol game. I couldn't see any other way, what have I missed?

Playing a non-patrol game, you get an extra die for:
1. Having fewer activation points that your opponent at the beginning of the previous turn
2. Each standard bearer or icon pawn in your retinue [page 21]

You also reduce your opponent's activation dice by 1 for each intimidator you have.

Even with the extra die it states that you only keep the result of one (near the start of the rules) So that means that every turn that you can only have between 1-6 activations? So when playing larger games (for instance more then 6 minis/units) there will always be some units that you cant use. Does that mean that it is beneficial to keep your warband/army smaller so you dont have so many 'wasted' points on the table.

Try not to think of turns in the traditional sense. It's more like filming an action movie where the camera is constantly changing what portion of the battlefield or what unit the focus is on. Rogue Planet scales the action down to smaller cinematic parts that combines and incorporates the best of:
1. alternating activations
2. interactive turns
into something that has the strengths of all of these with none of the inherent pitfalls.

There are many times that you may not move, shoot, or otherwise activate some models at all [and it may be in your best interest not to!]. On the other hand, don't forget that a leader can give a move order to up to 3 units that are in direct base contact with one another. So, here are a few example activation combinations that you could see with just 4 action points [there are many, many more]:

1. Leader gives a move order to 3 units that causes them to engage a heavy enemy unit. Activate a unit in the new melee with the heavy unit and attack. Another unit with a machine gun performs a driving fire attack at an unexposed unit driving it into the open and the leader uses the bound move to take cover. The final unit now fires on the newly exposed enemy.
2. Leader in a 1vs1 melee with a unit uses an action to throw the enemy unit into a wall. Leader uses next action to perform a charge and eliminates the unit. Leader uses next action [up to 3 for leaders!] to give a move order to three units to screen his now exposed position. Another unit in the force makes a ranged attack.
3. Fire with unit 1. Fire with unit 2. Take two move actions with unit 1.

Another piece of the activation puzzle is that depending on whether you or your opponent go first in the turn, there may be counteractions/interruptions available to you and there will almost certainly be move actions secondary to partial and complete failures. Turns move very quickly and are highly interactive at higher levels of play.

Is there any plans to add/or is there a reason there is no psychology style rules. I like the stream line feel of the rules as they are, but wanted to play the 'horror' side I lack rules for both fear and terror. If there is no plans/or there is a reason they are not there, then I will probably look into adding a 'horror mod' to the game of my own design. Nothing too crazy, I just like the idea of human marines unable to shoot straight at the sight of a lesser daemon (fear) or finding the cultists summoning a greater daemon beyond their control and being frozen in spot just to be eaten by their own summons (Terror)

Rogue Planet has been in development for quite a while so there are plenty of things that were edited out of this initial offering for a number of design reasons. Also, some of the terror and psychology elements were purposely saved for the fantasy offering that will also use the Rouge-Like game system. ;)

Thematic use of the defender and intimidator pawns could provide some of effects that your looking for. You could also do some situational negative modifiers based on the units and factions that you're creating. Just make sure to remember when you're tinkering that each -1 is pretty significant in the system.

I have a couple of other ideas for a small (very small!) horror mod, but I will want to run a test game or two before I start messing too much as I will just confuse myself!

After you get a couple of games under your belt, I say that you should definitely go for it! Just make sure that you share what you're doing. ;) I love seeing the hacks and creative mods that any game of mine spawns.

Also, if you plan on running a campaign or series of linked games, there's a lot of potential to tweak the nemesis trait/mechanic to model the increasing fear, horror, and madness of extended exposure to terrifying creatures. 8)
(mostly because I want my hero to throw the mutants off a gangway and watch hit an enemy below! haha!)
I can't think of a better reason!! :D

Thanks again, and I'm sorry if I have just missed the answers to my questions!

No need to apologize! I'm just looking forward to seeing your game and your mods now.

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:41 pm 
Brood Brother
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bombshell games wrote:
2. Each standard bearer or icon pawn in your retinue [page 21]

Wow. Some how I didn't even notice there was a standard bearer in the game! Reading fail.

bombshell games wrote:
1. Leader gives a move order to 3 units that causes them to engage a heavy enemy unit. Activate a unit in the new melee with the heavy unit and attack. Another unit with a machine gun performs a driving fire attack at an unexposed unit driving it into the open and the leader uses the bound move to take cover. The final unit now fires on the newly exposed enemy.
2. Leader in a 1vs1 melee with a unit uses an action to throw the enemy unit into a wall. Leader uses next action to perform a charge and eliminates the unit. Leader uses next action [up to 3 for leaders!] to give a move order to three units to screen his now exposed position. Another unit in the force makes a ranged attack.
3. Fire with unit 1. Fire with unit 2. Take two move actions with unit 1.

Thank you. That makes a lot more sense to me now. I think I was still thinking far too much in a Igougo mind set. I just couldnt picture how I would get my troops in to fire range with out some of them standing there like cybernetic solider plums!

bombshell games wrote:
some of the terror and psychology elements were purposely saved for the fantasy offering

Thats cool. I wont be going mad with extra rules, as I said before the stream lined rules set is fantastic, and I dont want to bog myself down. I was thinking of something simple on the lines of -1 to shoot at units with fear ( you try shooting straight at a lesser daemon of mother in laws and see if you dont shake!) , and maybe something more advanced just for terror (which would only be for the very terrifying daemons and titans)
Thank you for reminding me about madness! I have some good ideas for that, that I will work on once I get some games down!

bombshell games wrote:
Just make sure that you share what you're doing

I will share everything, I will probably open up a new thread in one of the game boards to show case any battle reports and mods so not to clog up your 'advertisement' thread! But I will link it here when I do, and again, fee free to share anything you need to the other forums that ask for it! (this is so I can clog up my own thread with tons of photos) I don't know how well received my games will be as I intend to stick with 6mm (which I think is still seen as not as good as 15mm for skirmish, but I like the lack of space it takes up and the speed to paint it up!) but the rule will be just the same.

Thanks for the answers! ;D

Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:07 pm 
Brood Brother
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One more semi related question- The fantasy based version of the game, will it follow the same basing guidelines as Rogue planet? I have tons of left over odds and bits from my fantasy armies, and I thought I might base them up to use in rogue planet for now. I'd normally base my fantasy in unit based but if it will follow the same basic guidelines then I'd prefer them on rounds.

(I have this left over goblin and his chums just crying out to have a really extravagant base! He wants to be saved from being chucked in to a square unit!)


Epic 40,000 (3rd Ed.) & 6mm Fantasy Blog, tutorials and resources

My 6mm Sci-fi and skirmish TactComms Plog: Vermin!/Orks!/Micro-munda!

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 Post subject: Re: [ROGUE PLANET] sci-fantasy skirmish
PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:41 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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The basing guidelines are the same. Just like Rogue Planet though, you can use any type of base. It's just that rounds work best.

(I have this left over goblin and his chums just crying out to have a really extravagant base! He wants to be saved from being chucked in to a square unit!)


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