UPDATE 07 October 2018: This project is now
LIVE - see
https://thehobby.zone/resources/ea-rules-revamp. Enjoy!]
I've been lurking for a while, and this is my first post. I bring good tidings for anyone who agrees with these sentiments from the "If you could change the rules..." thread:
Look, I think the main rule book can tweak to be clearer and less ambiguous..So small changes etc..
Oh I would first just rewrite the rulebook not to change rules, but to write them in formal description logic axioms.
I don't think there's much that should be changed. They definitely could use rewriting for clarity. Supposedly they were written by English native speaker but...
[regarding aircraft rules] lets make the section clear
One thing I’d like to see (in addition to most above) is rewriting/updating the rules to include what is clarified in the FAQ and such.
I have overhauled the rules to make them clearer. At the moment I call this the
EA Rules Revamp. Same rules, just easier to use (rationalised, less ambiguous, more user-friendly structure). Not only that but I also output to three versions from the same source: a
website version, an
Android app version and a
PDF version. See my screencast demo of the Android app below (slightly out of date now, work is ongoing).
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AkeN0R8v-Af4k7tvKy_2W9fPChI6LA (I'll probably break this link at some point in the coming weeks or months but it should work fine for you for now)
Such a demo can't really convey the improvements to the text, but you get the idea.
I'm thinking of sharing this soon via a domain that I'll set up for the purpose. I've been thinking of setting up a WordPress hobby blog anyway, so I could nest it within that and perhaps use the blog to notify/explain/discuss updates/issue reporting/etcetera. Or do you have any better ideas I should consider?
I don't know how Games Workshop will look upon it. Their IP policy gives some helpful guidelines but still leaves a lot of grey areas, and my understanding of IP/copyright rules is inadequate. I'm clear that my version is a totally unofficial fan effort to overhaul for usability (and to reference other community resources) and that no challenge to their IP is intended. So I hope they will be content to leave well alone, as they seem to with respect to the republishing of their original texts on the NetEA and EpicUK websites. I guess worst case GW will hit me with a cease and desist letter and I'll have to take it down, but I'd rather not get into that position :-(
I did consider approaching GW directly, but their IP policy basically says "don't bother us unless you have a licensing proposition" - and this isn't really something that fits into that. I have made a back-door enquiry through an old contact but nothing has come of it.
Thoughts? Do you care? What future do you see for such a project? As long as you found it reliable, would you use a more convenient but non-official rewrite by some random person you've never heard of?Eric