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Dark Eldar

 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:52 pm 
Brood Brother
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I agree with the consistency issue on lists and just want to finalize the work and effort that went along with Jim's List and the current Dark eldar list. I will have to try playing Jim's list and see how much more powerfull it is. I played four games the past month with the original list and beat a very strong player with a knights army - everything went my way and the game was still very close. I won close calls against exodites and space marines taking lots of risks that payed off. Lastly won big against Iron warriors with everything going my way and i mean everything. I like the high risk reward style of the army along with the mobility to grab objectives. I will have to become more familiar with Jim's list and then compare. I see the list has the portable wraith gate - Venoms and some more leaders with inspiring, which will all add greater strength over the current list. Thanks for keeping the conversation going guys.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:08 am 
Brood Brother
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the coach wrote:
Tormentor Titan just needs to be better at 500 points and is often the BTS. Look what a plague tower gets you for 350 points. We should lower the cost or make it better. Possibly extra DC or Armor of 4 up instead of 5 up.

For this comparison, please check that you're looking at Plague Towers with Speed 15 cm, not Speed 20 cm.

For what it's worth, I've not played against NetEA Dark Eldar, but the Tormentor at 500pt is pretty much exactly how much I would expect it to cost compared to a Plague Tower at 350pt, given the benefits of Hit and Run and Fleet of Foot.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:30 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 6:42 am
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Location: Birchip, Australia
Would everyone be happy if we just tried to get Dark Eldar to strat 4? See how they go after that?

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:05 pm 
Brood Brother
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Lets start there and try it out

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:22 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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Ok, lockdown has melted my brain.

So all these tweaks are going of the EA list Norto?
I ask, because I've been playing Jim's DEV version with strat 4 for years. Totally forgot the EA version was 3.

Yes, let's try to get them to 4. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:11 am 

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Everyone else happy to try and get them to strat 4?

What would be the process for this @ERC?

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:56 am 
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Battle reports with the changes against approved lists, with a preference towards the well established ones (SM, IG, Ork, Chaos).



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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 4:20 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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Sorry i have been out of action , some progress is better than none. The original list allowed for dark eldar to fire fight out of barges and vehicles if that is no longer allowed lets try for point reduction on barges for sure.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:12 am 

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Id be keen to see them lose desolators for a cheaper price. Id be interested to hear Dave's view on the titan as he gets some games in against you using it.

Id still love to see the existing grotesques renamed to wracks and them added as the stronger variant like the UK have done.

Whats your thoughts on the existing flyers coach? I just don't see the razorwing slow firing tk shots useful when the vessels already have it.

This might be a crazy idea. But what if the titan was 2 titans like revenents for 650 to make it a better BTS? 3 dc each 1 tk shot each and 1 ea tk CC attack each? Maybe 2 shields? No ground aa though. I like the theme of no ground aa.

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:49 pm 
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We played a game on Monday with the DE at SR4. We tied turn 1, re-rolled and Coach won which lead to the death of my Salamanders. Had I won it likely would have meant the death of his Mandrakes, and given those went on to destroy a second group of Salamanders (which paved the way for an Incubi assault on my Exterminators) I think the SR bump definitely swung the game in the DE's favor.

The Titan feels all right to me, for the points. It doesn't last long in our games but I've been using Steel Legion or Minervans which don't lack for a ton of AT potential. For 500 points I'd expect it to die a little easier than a Reaver, and it's felt like it does. I thnk Marines or other low MW armies would have more trouble dealing with it.

The Wrack/Grotesque stuff would be fine, I think. It just boils down to adding a little more versatility to a support formation.

The Razorwing doesn't look attractive given the Vessel Pain. I think they diverged too far from the Phoenix to be useful.



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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:15 am 

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Ive been playing around with a version for playtest.

There is a few changes Ive put in it. some are subtle stat changes some are bigger like the aircraft. This is just a version Ive made up so we can keep the conversation going and try and nail down on a few things people would like to see. I haven't made any changes to the titan. Theres mixed opinions on it but it seems like it fits well as is with his glass hammer list style. Ive just written up the list to make it easier to see what changes are made. This is just a draft version for now and we can chat and decide which we like to go forward with and playtest.

Army list increased to Strat 4.
Haemonculi Coven
*Grotesques are renamed Wracks
*Larger Grotesque added with better armour as upgrade
*Increased from 4+ CC to 3+ CC
*Given Invulnerable Save
*Armour reduced to 5+ Reinforced
*Gain extra attack
*Widow maker from 30cm to 45cm
*Venoms added with two replacing one raider for 25 points
*Barge of pleasure loses Desolators and reduced to 100 points
*Razorwings and Voidraven Bombers replacing Raven Fighters and current Razorwings
*All aircraft moved to normal allies and 1/3

Dark Eldar - Kabal of Pains Way Playtest.pdf [228.19 KiB]
Downloaded 429 times

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Dark Eldar
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:15 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 6:42 am
Posts: 558
Location: Birchip, Australia
Helloooo. I'm hoping I can find someone to vassal sometime. Would love to get some games in with this.

I have 4 laptops in this room and cannot play a pixel pushing tabletop simulator on any of them.

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