Thanks, game report here:
viewtopic.php?f=84&t=33651Quick first thoughts.
Force structure and changes - is a bit limited with 1/3 option maybe. Also don't think aircraft will be used given integral AA of other units, size of formations now, and need for feet on ground to contest objectives.
Assume holofield is mistake, as if changing inv save to holofield they also need reinforced armour otherwise they only have a single 5+ save. Even 5+/5+ they die quickly. In game report above I assumed this was a mistake and treated them as 5+/5+ saves.
Close combat version is sub-par compared to other two, I'd give it back 4+/5+, though even then not sure I'd take them as CC is generally much less useful compared to shooting and firefight, and 3x 4+TK feels too unreliable for the situations when you can use them.
(RE comparison with Exodite list, Bright Stallion in that list seems overpowered (12x 45cm MW3+ for 375 points)).
Also as above, Wraithlords overpriced. Not something we have really thought a good choice even at 300 for 6 in Iyanden, let alone 250 for 4. At 200 for 4, +50 per per extra Wraithlord and spiritseer that would match other list though. Wraithlord Harbringer is redundant given other AA in list that you have to take, and very weak stats make it a poor choice on top of that.