scarik wrote:
What they said. Playtesting showed that they were unbalanced one way or another as well as being too similar in some cases. As they are currently they are much more balanced and each one has a distinct role.
Ok fair enough. It's a shame because they were distinctly different (except I suppose the tremor cannon).
The heat lance worked more like it did in previous editions. The current playtest one is just the imperial melta cannon, rather than a long range pinpoint lance.
Is there a reason you gave it 0-1? The titan legion list can, if I'm reading it correctly, have a warlord titan with 4 of them. Is there a reason that the eldar can't have more than one melta cannon?
One thing I miss with the tremor cannon (and tried to emulate in my own list) was the fact it was a straight line and hit everything under it. Rather than trying to make it compete with a pulsar, perhaps it's worth looking at it as an army disruption tool?
The way I look at the titan weapons seem like this:
D cannon - short range - most powerful anti titan weapon, as they ignore shields/fields
pulsar - long range - tactical option, good against lots of things but not great
heat lance - medium range - TK weapon, pin point but less powerful the further away you go
Tremor cannon - long range - army disruption weapon, not super deadly, but impacts the enemy army more than other weapons
Perhaps the challenge for me is that the eldar have generally been made distinct due to their rules exceptions rather than just brute imperial force. IE the d -cannon does damage directly to DC rather than playing by the shield rules, or the tremor cannon hits multiple formations rather than just the one you targeted.
so something like:
d cannon - 45cm 3BP, MW, D, Distort*
*Distort - the unit under the central hole of the template automatically loses 1 Damage Capacity (this is applied directly the the DC rather than going through armour, shields etc) in addition to normal attacks
Tremour - 75cm MW3+ D, IC, tremor**
**Tremor - every formation crossed by the shot's line of fire receives a blast marker.
I've also been toying with a monofilament barrage weapon for the phantom as well, which I'm going to print and add to my own. A more anti infantry weapon than the others.
What are your thoughts on adding Skathach wraithknights to the list, or normal eldar infantry as support?