I understand the desire to reduce the number of "special rules" at the top of a list, though your list also has 10 special rules that affect the Harlequins (other than the normal Eldar ones) which curiously is the same as the Grand Masque list - but they are different and well worth reviewing / trying out.
Well I tried to incorporate as much of the Grand Masque list as I though made sense, and there certainly are a lot of special rules... But I would argue the number of complex (hard to understand / explain) special rules isn't that high. I cut the Harlequin God for example, since while a really interesting idea, it would take a lot of time to explain and to use.
A bigger problem might be the great number of profiles for the Harlequins, but that's unavoidable if you want to cover everything.
What you seem to be proposing here is to make the Harlies more resilient to shooting as well as in assaults - something that was disliked by a number of people since the Harlies are still lightly armoured Eldar infantry; their dazzling speed and acrobatic prowess in assaults are the Harlequin hallmark. That said, your other suggestions do work towards this idea.
The Phantom Titan and the Revenants are lightly armoured. Harlequins on the other hand have absolutely no armour at all, just thin clothes. But they survive by bounding around with their flip-belts and the enemy only having a very rough idea of where they are at any given moment. In addition, I kind of like that the best way to get them when they have Holo-fields is by shooting a lot of small shots, with Titan Killer and Macro weapons having just as hard a time to kill them as anything else. And if it turns out to be too good one can always lower it to 4+ save instead... Tho I think that 3+ could work really well. Perhaps that the Harlequin LV could have 4+ Holo-save.
In an earlier iteration I gave -1 modifiers to Ignore Cover weapons and Barrage, but then I just thought it would be a lot more straightforward to simply copy the Eldar Holo-Field, as that's something almost every opponent can be expected to understand immediately.
[*]this should not affect enemy shooting at the Harlequin formation,
The way I look at it is that this would be the nastiest and most hard to kill formation of them all, so I think it could be worth testing. A less powerful version would be to have them count as being in cover (i.e. -1 to hit) all the time.
[*]with only 4 units in the basic formation this reduces the enemy formations that can be fought successfully (starting double outnumbererd means you have to kill a lot of stuff for no losses to get a reasonable chance of being ahead in the resolution)
A big problem in any list overweight on Harlequin formations I agree, but as mentioned earlier I don't think that's really the main way Harlequins should be used. In the Void Dragon's Corsair list, it would be all about setting up supporting fire in one way or another, or use two Harlequin formations at once with Commander. Two of the formations can also have Transport, which makes them twice as big. The only formation that's hard-locked to 4 stands is the Mimes, but that's kind of standard for Teleporting formations.
Also, having the infantry formations start at 4 stands makes it possible for them to be powerful without being extremely expensive or horribly hard to kill or break.
[*]the Shadowseer ought to be available to the other three formations IMO, though I do understand that you are presenting the player with the choice of four very different formations to choose from. [/list]
In this list I think it makes sense. The background for the four different formations is that they represent four different mythical plays (Saedaths) that the Harlequins set up, plays that have direct counterparts in battlefield formations. In other lists you could have different formations, perhaps representing different plays.
Well, that is an interesting take on the Corsairs + DE + Harlequins. I am a bit of a 'fluffyphobe', so don't know as much as you evidently do about the background of the other races. I have read up on the Harlies, and like the idea of adding the various units you provided - though GW did change the names of stuff least once making our lives a bit harder (grrr).
I'm probably the opposite of a fluffophobe tbh. Trying to get the rules to reflect the fluff in an elegant way can be very fun indeed.
Harlequins do have a problem in that they've changed quite a lot since Rogue Trader, and that they didn't have a real update for almost two decades. Your list is obviously very influenced by the old fluff, with Harlequins having Falcons and Wraithlords. I don't think that is necessarily wrong, and might be something that makes Harlequins more viable as their own force. But in the current fluff that kind of gear doesn't make much sense unfortunately (note that I'm absolutely not arguing that E:A should be locked to the latest GW fluff btw).
Well worth trying out your ideas, thanks, though there are a number of things that grate a little (some mentioned above)
That's completely understandable. Lots of new and very untested ideas.
[*]I am very unsure about giving the army effectively two rerolls should the player take both supreme commanders - basically it should be one who can be used across the entire army, 'fluff' notwithstanding.
Would definitely be easier, but definitely not as fluffy. And as special rules go, it's very easy to explain. Also, the basic rules actually explicitly allow several Supreme Commander re-rolls in the same army, it's just that very few armies use this (in fact, the only one I know of is the Traitor Titan Legion that I've designed, and even there it's kind of hard to actually do since you've got to take a Chaos Emperor Titan *and* a Chaos Warlord).
That being said, it's hardly the most important rule... But I do think the associated rule about Harlequins not being able to be BTS is quite important.
[*]I would be very carefull about changing the points cost of 'standard' Eldar formations and their content, especially where these are air units - suggest leaving the Vampires, nightwings and Phoenix bombers at their standard costs and numbers.
Well, maybe. It's hardly the most important part of the list so I don't have any strong opinion either way. The Nightwings are however notoriously expensive and seldom used, and the list has a hard time with AA, so I think it's worth trying them at 2 for 200 (or maybe 225). The Phoenix Bombers are different because the Void Dragons got their own take on them. Would need to be playtested obviously.
[*]Also unsure about the Mimes (which can teleport) being dependent upon the presence of a Storm Serpent and its Web gate.
It's simply a way of restricting them in the list. In another list there could be another type of restriction. It's also a way of reinforcing that they want a way back into the Webway again.
[*]Are the Void Dreamer and Void Weaver the same character and why he included with the SS rather than optional?
The same character for sure, that's just a typo. And he's included because I thought it would be something a bit different, and to give the Storm Serpent an Invulnerable Save and an extra FF Macro. The Harlequins are happy if the Storm Serpents survive. In general I think adding compulsory characters to formations is a great way of giving them a bit of personality.
[*]The costings and unit numbers of the Harlequin formations are both probably a tad low, especially when considering the abilities of the Solitaire (who should be tougher than all other Harlies). He is the equivalent of a Chaos Daemon Prince and better than a terminator squad (unit), hence my cost of 125 for the unit on its own.
NB, I presume he should have holo3+ ?
You could well be right, but you have to buy an awful amount of other stuff to be able to buy the Harlequins, and the formations are really tiny... Don't think their points are that far off, but that's obviously something that would need to be playtested.
[*]You have used 'sniper' as a weapon special rule used in assaults. From memory, I thought this had been disallowed for assaults and was only to be used in shooting (though I personally like the idea, hence my past suggestion of 'assassin' to achieve much the same end). As it is, using 'Sniper' in an assault can cause confusion over hit allocation.
Sniper is absolutely allowed in an engage, as long as the Sniper rule is on the weapon itself and not in the main Unit "Notes" part. E.g. the NetEA Tyranid Lictor has it on their Lictor Talons (shortened to "S", so not super obvious). And Sniper allocation is always a bit messy, but it's a way of giving a boost that's not powerful as MW, while giving a way of eliminating e.g. Supreme Commanders or Chaplains.
While I understand you have a lot on, could you try making a DE style army with a few Harlequin formations from the latest version (4.2.3) and give it a try as it is currently presented, and then try the same DE list with your formations and rules as a comparison.
So if I understand you correctly you want to have a Dark Eldar army with Harlequin support? A bit like the Void Dragons Corsair list, but with Dark Eldar as the main force? I could definitely take a look at it, but it could take week or two. I'll probably base it on the new Dark Eldar list.