StevekCole wrote:
Overall. I though the list was far more balanced than its previous incarnations so hats off. It’s definitely playable now. The issues are a lack of activations (which they should have as a titan legion) perhaps compounded by (in comparison to epic UK AMTL) the ability to do A LOT of damage via shooting. They’re much more of an assault army but if your opponent is smart they just feed the big titans chaff to slow them up while whittling away at the weakness. You then lack the firepower to rebalance the activation disadvantage at long range. This meant that even when I was getting onto the blitz I wasn’t able to stop units getting back to contest it. All in all, it seemed a fun list, far better balanced but in need of a little more punch (maybe at range) to make it competitive. Will definitely try again. I actually wonder about just going or a really hardcore triple phantom + revenant(s) build in future. Definitely, preferred the all war engine, all 1+ variation. I'd like to be able to make the warlock SC - just gives a bit more build flex.
Agreed the list is a lot more balanced than previously, so kudos to the Army champion for that. (Steve saw himself as the underdog in our two games which couldn't be more different to the last time we tried this list out.)
In terms of Internal balance I think at the moment all WE definitely seems the way to go. With so few activations each one needs to be contributing, and as Steve said, with a lack of long range fire each unit needs a large 'threat range' which the non-WE's currently lack.
So I think strong builds might look like:
Phantom or Warlock
4 x Revenants(or maybe Wraithknights)
3 x Phantom
2 x Revenants
In terms of revisions, I think the earlier suggestion on smaller units of fighters/bombers is a good one. The DE provides a good basis for working out the points for these (I think Razorwings might even be identical to Nightwings?)
The War Walkers in our 2 games really provided nothing. I think they're weaker in this list even that Biel Tan(Where there pretty rare) as they don't have artillery to guard, there's less activations to protect them, pull the enemy elsewhere etc. I think they could do with a point reduction to maybe 175pts.
With a few units costing 350pts in this list it'd also make list building easier if players wanted to include them.
I'd say they could probably do with being cheaper in Biel Tan but that's a discussion for another time