9-NOV-2015 - 4.2.1 the first update
G'day everyone,
After a bit of discussion and thought which you can see most discussed on pages #2 & #3 of this thread,
Fir Iolarion Eldar Titan Clan 4.2.1 is ready for release to the wolves.
the change log:
+ general typos and stream lining wording in ref sheet, eg "D" instead of disrupt, "L" instead of Lance etc.
+ Changed Revenant titans sonic lance to 2BP, D and 45cm
+ Guardians changed to 175 points and limited 0-1 per 1500pts
+ Increased the points of Inspiring to 100pts
+ Tremor Cannon changed to 0-1 option per titan formation, lost IC and D
+ D-Cannon changed to 0-1 option per titan formation
+ Fusion Lance changed to 0-1 option per titan formation
+ Star cannon changed to 25pts
+ Titan Bright lance changed to 50pts
+ Increased the points on the Titan Pulsar from 50 to 75
+ Single Revenant formations changed to 0-1 per 3,000pts
+ Added single weapon system upgrade (25pts) required per battle titan formation that has a pair of the same weapons. (Revenants exempt)
+ Revenant Pulse Laser increased to 25points each
+ Added Reaper cannon as a Scout Titan Weapon
Please see the attached file to this post.
25-OCT-2015 - initial release post
Hi everyone,
Firstly thanks for your patience in waiting for the update regarding the Fir Iolarion Eldar Titan list. I am aware that there are many who are eagerly waiting to see "where to next" with this revision. I have been working behind the scenes of late and consulting with Tiny-Tim, PFE100 and Mic Fair regarding the direction of the list and how that fits with the general direction of all the Eldar lists moving forward. I feel the list is now in a good position for game testing with further changes or adjustments from there being highly likely. I am looking forward to working with everyone to progress the list. I do want acknowledge all those who have worked on the list prior to myself and hope to continue that good work together as a community.
Structural changes1) Overhaul of the actual army list structure in particular selecting Warhosts, Revenant titans no longer making up core choices
2) Removed rangers and knights from the list
3) Restriction ratios for Warhosts / troupes changes to 1:3
4) Aircraft & spacecraft moved to a typical 1/3 allies structure players will be familiar with.
5) Layout and list aesthetics changed to suit / match Biel Tan 4.2
Stat changes1) General Eldar units have been brought into line with Biel-Tan v 4.2
2) Dropped lance off sonic lances
3) Changed fusion lance to 30cm and TKD6
4) Re-do on the D-cannon to match a beefed up version of cobra D cannon.
5) Swapped Sprit Stones and Exarch names
6) Added Starcannon and Titan Bright Lance as BTW options
7) Added Spirit Stones and "2 Scout Titan Weapons may be chosen" to Revenants
If anyone spots typo's to please let me know
I will start and link from this post, a battle report thread with my own first game & report with this list.
The file attached to this post will always be the most up to date and current version.