Thanks for the prompt reply.
- the pathfinder formation can currently be taken as 6 PFs OR 4 PFs + transports. Taking the all infantry option helps to avoid empty Devilfish;
But mounted PFs are discouraged from swapping in Tetras and Piranhas? I don't really see the reason to swap foot PFs for Tetras/Piranhas, either - you lose the mobility of the skimmer, and gain a vulnerability to AT fire. Am I missing something?
- I wont rule it out. But, no offense, I'd like to see a request or need for it in list design over modeling availability;
Fair enough. The plain stealth suits just seems a little bland.
- I know Crisis Suits are a big part of the Vior'la, and it is a part of the list design I'm conflicted with. To help define it from the third Sphere list, I want to try it without the separate formation, but I'm not against it returning if enough of the community is interested;
Consider me interested...
- the list build has three general inspirations. To commit to the Vior'la fluff of featuring pathfinders and fire warriors; to provide a more aggressive Mont'ka style of play, and to be different from the Third Sphere List which in this case manifests in heavy suits instead of hover tanks. The Core to Support ratio should keep this from playing too heavily just infantry and should require the list builder to bring formations from both sides for a well rounded list. My concerns with having heavy suits in the core was 1) for fluff reasons and 2) avoiding a build that allows for an all heavy suit build that basically becomes Tau Knights. I know there's pathfinder + heavy suit builds that need to be stress tested, but I'm hoping the imbalance wont be too great;
I wasn't really commenting on the heavy suits, I was more after the Crisis suits. They are lackluster in the 3rd Phase Expansion, and I was hoping to see them shine in this list - after all, battlesuit infantry is what makes Tau distinct from the dozens other mobile infantry lists available. But I take it this list is focused on firewarriors and pathfinders?
-the SC is part of the fire warrior formation which can be swapped from 8 fire warriors to 6 fire warriors and 3 devil fish. So there is a transport option, but its not required.
OK, didn't see it was a replacement for an existing stand.
It seems like a strange unit, though - it has the statline of a crisis suit, but can ride a Devilfish?
BTW, the Devilfish statline is missing in the 2.0 reference sheet.
The inclusion of the devil fish can also help to shield the skyrays. There's no sky ray formation for the reasons above, the list is try to step away from tank only formations. Riptides also off some AA, albeit in a small way.
It does mean that mounted firewarriors is strongly suggested by the list structure, since it is the only way to bring reasonably protected ground flak?
At the same time foot firewarriors is strongly suggested if one wants to bring crisis suits. Is that an accurate statement?
And of course, multiple pathfinder formations are strongly suggested to let the rest of the army shoot effectively. Agreed?
Regarding the Razorshark: Is it intentional that the turret is FA and the burst cannons fire all around? Shouldn't it be the other way 'round?
Best regards, and looking forward to hearing your thoughts.